He's failed in politics, failed in business, failed as a husband, failed as a decent human being and now even managed to fail as a blogger. The only thing El Gordo has succeeded at is failure.
Too right, Tech Head. There is something very wrong with Google.
I just put "evil vicious lazy fat drunken transvestite failure telling evil vicious lies" into their search engine and it DIDN'T direct me anywhere near Vexnews.
I can't believe it. I love Cait Catt and always love to read her and about her.
The only reason I can see for the decline in readership of Vexnews, if it is accurate, is the fact that there is no Cait to tell us when the raunchiest stories appear.
Where are you Cait? Where are you Rita? Where are you Catter8? Where are you Henderson? Where are you Pauline Hanson's daughter? Or at least you say you are Pauline's daughter.
Many more people will read Vexnews when you come back and tell us how good Vexnews is and give us an inkling about the content.
As you tell us Cait ASIO reads Vexnews. I met a man from Adelaide who's head of an organisation called the Adelaide Institute. He's in some trouble with the law. He said that ASIO read all of the Adelaide Institute's news sites on the web. I asked him about Vexnews and he told me he knew for a fact that ASIO as well as the CIA read Vexnews.
No wonder Landeryou hates Chris Pyne so much - they are so alike. Loud-mouthed, empty-headed, wacky and devoid of sense.
The difference is, I suppose, that Pyne is Manager of Opposition Business in Canberra, and Landeryou is a failed individual and former businessman facing several possible old fraud charges and more recent criminal activity including stalking, ignoring AVOs, and continually libelling successful Australians.
Melbourne has become an absolute disaster zone. Overcrowded. No infrastructure - just more taxes.
Australian politicians must be among the world's worst.
Labor and the Libs are both right-wing nowadays, which means that ordinary folk have been abandoned for the crooked big end of town - Landeryou's end, that is.
Nick Reece topples Stephen Newnham. Hooray! But is Nick clean? He will need to avoid the undemocratic excesses of his predessessor. Brumby ticked off several dirty tricks during the Kororoit election.
Nick, keep the Premier at arms length too. JB's ideas of democracy and those defined in the Encyclopedia Brittanica are probably two different things. There are a lot of lazy ministers who don't deserve re-election.
Nothing on Vexnews recently about that terrible twat, and former Colac carpet cleaner, Terry Mulder.
Landeryou imagined him as a potential Liberal leader, in place of the increasingly confident and assured Ted Bailleau. Many were the Choo Choos on Vexnews for the GTM Express.
What an absolute dolt Landeryou was, and is. His support of Mulder was, of course, malevolent towards the Libs but nonetheless wacky and inconsequential. Mulder couldn't have conducted a good chook raffle in a Colac pub, let alone running modern Victoria.
Mulder himself has continuously and unambiguously declared his total support for Ted.
Nothing too on Vexnews recently about Les Twentyman, OAM and former Victorian of the Year. Landeryou sank Les's canditature for Kororoit last year with undemocratic, misleading and deceitful blogs
Lucky for Landeryou that the VEC is a toothless watchdog that exposes its gums rather than giving people like him a really deep bite!
The failure that is Vexnews raises a crucial issue yet again: how does the fat criminal fund his life of idleness? He clearly doesn't make a cent from his failed blogging sideline.
As Vexnews readership crumbles and falls and Landeryou despaires, me and my Hot-Rodding men are preparing to welcome the fat crim to Barwon Jail. We have all stopped wearing trousers.
"MURDERED businessman Michael McGurk left behind him a tangled web of financial woes when he was gunned down in the driveway of his upmarket Sydney home last week.
"Company searches reveal Mr McGurk had been a director of 50 companies in the decade leading up to his murder - and 28 of those companies had either collapsed or been deregistered..."
I apologise to all here on this blog for having visited Vexnews (sometimes several times a day) to check on his blogs, fake comments, etc. This probably accounts for at least 40 of the 454.
The comment below has just appeared on Vexnews. It is awaiting moderation, probably because of its attach on Socialist Left member Peter Batchelor. Read on:
Congratulations Vexnews for your defence of Victoria and Australia’s greatest ALP state secretary.
Steve Newnham has done a superb job. Why would anyone want to get rid of him?
It is pure jealousy. Why replace a proven performer with runs on the board? Any replacement would only be second rate. Remember how the ALP lost money under a succession of Socialist Left state secretaries. Peter Batchelor (Nunawading Pete) almost sent the Victorian ALP insolvent. Steve Newnham’s financial record is second to none. He has built on the sound financial base created by John Lenders, a superb state Treasurer, and made the party’s financial base a very strong one.
Fighting the Liberals needs money and sound administration. Steve Newnham has been able and will continue to provide both.
An absolute shitstorm of censorship on Vexnews tonight. Landeryou is even censoring posters' names. Weird. Enjoy:
Posted by Labor crooks | September 9, 2009, 15:43
Why have I been left out of the Premier’s faction?
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:51
Have I told you about the magnitude of the pay cut I am going to suffer? That isn’t social justice of the kind I’ve been devising policy about.
Pay rise for State Secretary NOW!
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:52
Posted by Anonymous | September 9, 2009, 16:01
Isn’t is funny how when a comment impugns the character of a dear friend like Feeney or factional buddy like Reece you jump into protect them, but allow others to have their names trashed.
Posted by chief censor | September 9, 2009, 16:20
Why is my comment deleted? Who is VexNews protecting?
Posted by paid board appointments | September 9, 2009, 16:22
[deleted] is the biggest[deleted] [deleted] head. He has been [deleted] the member for [deleted] for ages. I hope the [deleted] [deleted][deleted] and so do his [deleted] mates
Posted by Deleted | September 9, 2009, 23:23
That lesbot [deleted] will be replacing [deleted] when he leaves for head office. His wife [deleted] will leave him unless he soon leaves with her on their European vacation. While he’s away, [deleted], [deleted] and [deleted] will be purged from head office, with the new assistant secretary [deleted] lining up any hot chicks in West Melbourne to [deleted] all day long when he’s not looking at as maps and playing with facebook and his [deleted].
Will [deleted] receive an overseas appointment when he leaves [deleted]? What will become of [deleted]’s parliamentary career? Many think she’s finished. Can [deleted] save her? Or is he too busy in Brisbane these days?
[Deleted] should have been state secretary but wasn’t in the correct sub-faction of the right fraction of the popular alignment of the people’s front of Northcote.
And he was too close to [deleted].
And [deleted] is too close to that tasty little morsel [deleted].
Please don’t [delete] all this…
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 23:30
Landeryou says of recently dumped ALP State Secretary Stephen Newnham: “(Newnham) has built a feared and formidable head office that leaves its opponents quivering with anxiety about what (he) will do next…He’s collected more scalps than an Apache chief.”
Too bad the Apaches didn't do scalping, you dumb prick! Stephen Newnham is a blind pussy who fully deserved a huge boot up the arse. He is a creepy little dirty tricks afficianado and anti-democracy desk warrior.
Jeez, I just love pressing Landeryou's many buttons. Just mention Les Twentyman, OAM and former Victorian of the Year favourably on this blog and, sure enough, Landy will libel the great man next day on Vexnews! Landeryou is continually breaking his AVO conditions. It's time to haul his fat ass back before the Beak at Sunshine Court:
I hear that Kosmos was threatening to do an SAS raid on my luxury condo in the Edgewater estate. he’s even worse than Newman.
Posted by Les Twentywoman | September 10, 2009, 13:05
We still want to know Stephen: where did the $50,000 cash you passed on to Landeryou via his old partner in online spivvery Ed Dale come from? Who authorized it? The courts will want to know, Newnham!
What happend to El Gordo's supposedly Canberra-based alter ego? Mick or Nick someone. Remember the one that used to drink at the Manuka Starbucks - six months after it closed! Stopped writing very soon after that fact was pointed out.
Landeryou has been after some half-wit he calls J-Rat for sme time. More tonight in Vexnews's comments:
Speaking of shemales, is J-Rat still going on those trips to Asia?
Posted by Anonski | September 12, 2009, 0:34
What an abominable shit Landeryou is libelling everyone in sight. His weird mate Senator Conroy should be rubbing cyber-crims like Landeryou out instead of censoring the net.
But, for some nutty reason, the ALP seems to want loose-cannon Landeryou out there and in your face, libelling, stalking and misleading voters.
Well, it's not a bad deal for the ALP. They have no obvious connection with Andrew's toxic blog. It costs the ALP nothing. Landeryou does the libels. All he asks is the occasional fat cheque from ALP HQ.
But now Theo and Newnham have bitten the dust, where are the juicy dollars going to be coming from?
Mr Landeryou gave craven promises of good behaviour here, but it seems he has not kept his word. There seem to be endless examples of his continuing and deliberate avoidance of the AVO which he agreed to last year!
Me and my Hot Rodding men fear that after a week of enjoying our "greetings" at Barwon Landeryou will suffer a massive prolapse and all his major internal organs and intestines (large and small) will explode through his devastated sphincter on a tide of blood onto the floor of his cell and after 20 minutes or so of contemplating them he will be dead of shock. This would be a pity. We want to keep the good times coming.
I hear the people involved in this story are Sasha Uzunov and his mum. Can patriots confirm?
Woman had sex with biological son September 12, 2009 - 4:33PM
A woman accused of having sex with her biological son after finding him on the internet has been charged.
Police say 55-year-old Aimee Louise Baghlehdee of West Preston is facing one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct after two counts were dropped earlier this week.
Authorities haven't said when or where she and the man met, but said she gave him up for adoption more than 25 years earlier. She surrendered to police in April.
Sword is free on bond. Her lawyer, Kenneth Burch, tells The Melbourne Times that his client "maintains her presumption of innocence."
He said the accusations have been very difficult for her.
You people believe in fairytales. You believe that we can bring half of the world over to Australia from the most intolarant, violent countries full of religious hatred, give them all money and Australia will be just fine after that. How do you call it? A fair go? We will see in not so very distant future where all this brings you. There will be only one difference though - YOU wont have anywhere to run and hide.
I struggle to to survive on a pittance of a pension, while these people get all the help in the world . I have paid taxes for 50 years ,the true Aussie deserves a better deal.
Landeryou is drunk and asleep, but Vexnews is reeling in the Libs over his wacky Wannon preselection blog.
How come the Libs, Unionists and others are such internet dilletantes. They guilelessly add comments to a blog that masquerades as a genuine blog - but is in fact a criminal front for for a major bent ALP politician's son. They don't realise Landeryou monitors their ISP addresses, and send out a dangerous malware cookie.
In a normally functioning society, people like Landeryou - an internet libeller, stalker, fraud, censor and political dirty tricks purveyor - would be hounded off the internet.
His is a negative contribution. He is a lying liar who lies!
Very, very occasionally Landeryou makes a tiny smidgeon of sense - unlike his latest fake commenter Abe "Grandpa" Simpson who makes no sense whatever.
Abe is a new serial public pest who posts in blocks, a dead giveaway that Landeryou is the real poster. Abe also talks shit, which is the only language that Landeryou understands and uses himself.
I was able to do a phrenological study of Landeryou's skull recently. I formed the view that he is an obvious criminal type. I had to send for an extra-large set of calipers to measure his very 'big head'. He has:
* large jaws
* a low sloping forehead
* high cheekbones
* flattened or upturned nose
* handle-shaped ears
* hawk-like nose and fleshy lips
* hard shifty eyes
These are all signs of criminality that my scientific methods have endlessly demonstrated and proved.
It would be very prudent for the government of Victoria to incarcerate Mr Landeryou as soon as possible, and for a very long time.
Landeryou has escaped justice thus far thanks to the inactivity of VicPol, OPP and the machinations of his mates in the ALP state and federal governments.
Landy, you owe Australia and Victoria a lot of jail time...
It seems to me they must be getting their advice from Landeryou given this fuckup!!!!!!!!!
THE man who will next year take control of the Victorian Labor Party's multimillion-dollar finances was forced into bankruptcy over unpaid tax bills in 2004 and had to resign as a Macedon Shire councillor as a result.
Right faction leader Noah Carroll is soon to be appointed the party's assistant state secretary. He will become the ALP's state secretary after the election in November next year, putting him in charge of an organisation with income of more than $7 million.
Vexnews is not shit. Shit actually performs a useful natural function. Vexnews is something else altogether.
After an animal has digested eaten material, the remains of that material are expelled from its body as waste. Though it is lower in energy than the food it came from, feces may still contain a large amount of energy, often 50% of that of the original food.[2] This means that of all food eaten, a significant amount of energy remains for the decomposers of ecosystems. Many organisms feed on feces, from bacteria to fungi to insects such as dung beetles, which can sense odors from long distances.[3] Some may specialize in feces, while others may eat other foods as well. Feces serve not only as a basic food, but also a supplement to the usual diet of some animals. This is known as coprophagia, and occurs in various animal species such as young elephants eating their mother's feces to gain essential gut flora, or by other animals such as monkeys.
Feces are also important as a signal. Kestrels, for instance, are able to detect the feces of their prey (which reflect ultraviolet), allowing them to identify areas where there are large numbers of voles.
Seeds may also be found in feces. Animals which eat fruit are known as frugivores. The advantage in having fruit for a plant is that animals will eat the fruit and unknowingly disperse the seed in doing so. This mode of seed dispersal is highly successful, as seeds dispersed around the base of a plant are unlikely to succeed and are often subject to heavy predation. Provided the seed can withstand the pathway through the digestive system, it is not only likely to be far away from the parent plant, but is even provided with its own fertilizer.
Organisms which subsist on dead organic matter or detritus are known as detritivores, and play an important role in ecosystems by recycling organic matter back into a simpler form which plants and other autotrophs may once again absorb. This cycling of matter is known as the biogeochemical cycle. To maintain nutrients in soil it is therefore important that feces return to the area from which they came, which is not always the case in human society where food may be transported from rural areas to urban populations and then feces disposed of into a river or sea.
If you're not regularly heading over and reading Vexnews' brilliantly compiled, link-filled-goodness posts already, then maybe you should take a step back and do some self reflection and introspection to make sure your life is headed the direction it needs to be and that you're on a path that is fulfilling to you and your fellow man.
Naughty Noah exposed in the Sunday Aged by Landeryou favourite Bachelar!
It is in The Age today, not the favourite newspaper of Vexnews, that Noah Carroll, who is supposed to be Newnham's replacement as State Secretary, is a former bankrupt and was forced to resign from the Macedon Ranges Clowncil after his became bankrupt to comply with the Local Government laws in this state.
Where does the ALP get these characters from? Vexnews delights in praising them.
Instead of posting here under the fake name of Abe "Grandpa" Simpson, Landeryou, the childish self-proclaimed editor-in-chief of Vexnews, should be busily updating his appalling, low-level blog. Vexnews is a waste of time, Landeryou is a waste of space, and Abe "Grandpa" Simpson is just a oily turd.
There should be a law against wasting the time of genuine Patriots!
The giant feral pig Landeryou, to be fair, has updated Vexnews on the Sabbath - but it is just rubbish about the Wannon preselection. Who cares what the Libs are doing? They are going to elected next time because the arrogant Brumby government has lost touch with voters and keeps on having basic political pratfalls. I've never voted Liberal, but it's looking as if there is no real alternative.
The Age says "The Al-Samood article reveals Taliban propagandists are lazy journalists: a paragraph with basic facts about Oruzgan appears to have been lifted off Wikipedia".
Landeryou is not above lifting copyright stories and copyright images for his noxious, lame 'news' blog Vexnews which deals with all that is common, ordinary, banal and unimaginative in this life.
I'm watching ABC-TV's 'Order in the House' where politicians talk as if they had nothing to do with the world financial crash. That crash was just something that crept up on us all. The politicians, and their mad laissez-faire settings were the sole cause of the crash!
A mate is about to lose his licence for drink driving. He falls into the category of mandatory sentencing in Victoria and will lose his licence for six months for being .077. His job depends on a licence, so he will lose that too. Drink driving is dumb, but sending first offenders to the wall is unforgiveable overkill. Queensland and West Australia have drive for work licences, but Victoria wants to utterly destroy those unfortunate enough to be caught.
Mandatory sentencing is an obvious interference by the executive arm to the judicial arm. That was once a 'no go' area, but politicians can't resist doing drink drivers 'slowly' because it is popular even if completely unjust. My mate had hardly eaten for a fortnight, and his mother is dying in hospital. Now he will lose his job, and nothing can be advanced in his favour.
I was able to do a phrenological study of Landeryou's skull recently. I formed the view that he is an obvious criminal type. I had to send for an extra-large set of calipers to measure his very 'big head'. He has:
* large jaws
* a low sloping forehead
* high cheekbones
* flattened or upturned nose
* handle-shaped ears
* hawk-like nose and fleshy lips
* hard shifty eyes
These are all signs of criminality that my scientific methods have endlessly demonstrated and proved.
It would be very prudent for the government of Victoria to incarcerate Mr Landeryou as soon as possible, and for a very long time.
An absolute shitstorm of censorship on Vexnews tonight. Landeryou is even censoring posters' names. Weird. Enjoy:
Posted by Labor crooks | September 9, 2009, 15:43
Why have I been left out of the Premier’s faction?
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:51
Have I told you about the magnitude of the pay cut I am going to suffer? That isn’t social justice of the kind I’ve been devising policy about.
Pay rise for State Secretary NOW!
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:52
Posted by Anonymous | September 9, 2009, 16:01
Isn’t is funny how when a comment impugns the character of a dear friend like Feeney or factional buddy like Reece you jump into protect them, but allow others to have their names trashed.
Posted by chief censor | September 9, 2009, 16:20
Why is my comment deleted? Who is VexNews protecting?
Posted by paid board appointments | September 9, 2009, 16:22
[deleted] is the biggest[deleted] [deleted] head. He has been [deleted] the member for [deleted] for ages. I hope the [deleted] [deleted][deleted] and so do his [deleted] mates
Posted by Deleted | September 9, 2009, 23:23
That lesbot [deleted] will be replacing [deleted] when he leaves for head office. His wife [deleted] will leave him unless he soon leaves with her on their European vacation. While he’s away, [deleted], [deleted] and [deleted] will be purged from head office, with the new assistant secretary [deleted] lining up any hot chicks in West Melbourne to [deleted] all day long when he’s not looking at as maps and playing with facebook and his [deleted].
Will [deleted] receive an overseas appointment when he leaves [deleted]? What will become of [deleted]’s parliamentary career? Many think she’s finished. Can [deleted] save her? Or is he too busy in Brisbane these days?
[Deleted] should have been state secretary but wasn’t in the correct sub-faction of the right fraction of the popular alignment of the people’s front of Northcote.
And he was too close to [deleted].
And [deleted] is too close to that tasty little morsel [deleted].
Please don’t [delete] all this…
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 23:30
I don't know whether it's just mе oг іf eѵeгybodу else еxpеrіеncing prоblems wіth youг website. It looks like some of the written text οn your content arе running off thе scгeen. Can sοmеone else pleaѕe prοvidе feedbaсk anԁ let me know if this is happenіng to them aѕ well?
This may be a problem wіth my wеb bгоwser bеcаuѕe I've had this happen previously. Appreciate it
93 Truth On Comments:
Amazing! Landeryou's weight gets bigger and bigger while his readership gets smaller and smaller.
He's failed in politics, failed in business, failed as a husband, failed as a decent human being and now even managed to fail as a blogger. The only thing El Gordo has succeeded at is failure.
It is all over Landeryou. Turn yourself in to the police and confess everything.
Me and my Hot Rodding men are waiting here at Barwon to give you a welcome you will never forget.
So Andy has slimed half of Melbourne for just over 400 readers!!!
Apparently tour companies are saying that climbers are taking toilet rolls up with them and "sh**ting on Uluru.
Maybe they should be directed to Vexnews.
454 search engine misdirections in a month? Google had better be working on the problem.
Too right, Tech Head. There is something very wrong with Google.
I just put "evil vicious lazy fat drunken transvestite failure telling evil vicious lies" into their search engine and it DIDN'T direct me anywhere near Vexnews.
WTF Andy? All that effort for a couple of search bots that accidentally hit on your blog at random!!!!!!
Brutus is right, Andrew. Time to pack it in. Don't forget your toothbrush when you front up at the police station.
Looks like its time to get a job Andy.
I can't believe it. I love Cait Catt and always love to read her and about her.
The only reason I can see for the decline in readership of Vexnews, if it is accurate, is the fact that there is no Cait to tell us when the raunchiest stories appear.
Where are you Cait? Where are you Rita? Where are you Catter8? Where are you Henderson? Where are you Pauline Hanson's daughter? Or at least you say you are Pauline's daughter.
Many more people will read Vexnews when you come back and tell us how good Vexnews is and give us an inkling about the content.
As you tell us Cait ASIO reads Vexnews. I met a man from Adelaide who's head of an organisation called the Adelaide Institute. He's in some trouble with the law. He said that ASIO read all of the Adelaide Institute's news sites on the web. I asked him about Vexnews and he told me he knew for a fact that ASIO as well as the CIA read Vexnews.
There you have it from the horse's mouth.
No wonder Landeryou hates Chris Pyne so much - they are so alike. Loud-mouthed, empty-headed, wacky and devoid of sense.
The difference is, I suppose, that Pyne is Manager of Opposition Business in Canberra, and Landeryou is a failed individual and former businessman facing several possible old fraud charges and more recent criminal activity including stalking, ignoring AVOs, and continually libelling successful Australians.
But, at the end of the day, they both talk shit!
Pyne on ABC-TV's Lateline tonight acted like a typical lamebrained Howard remnant.
Looking at the Libs in Canberra today, it is Hobson's choice.
Turnbull, Hockey, Abbott, Pyne - what a jaw-dropping bunch of complete Duds!
None of them could run a good teddy bears' picnic!
Libs' whips and tacticians are tackling Julia Gillard. She will shuck these oafs off easily!
The Brumby government is a shambles, too.
Melbourne has become an absolute disaster zone. Overcrowded. No infrastructure - just more taxes.
Australian politicians must be among the world's worst.
Labor and the Libs are both right-wing nowadays, which means that ordinary folk have been abandoned for the crooked big end of town - Landeryou's end, that is.
Nick Reece topples Stephen Newnham. Hooray! But is Nick clean? He will need to avoid the undemocratic excesses of his predessessor. Brumby ticked off several dirty tricks during the Kororoit election.
Nick, keep the Premier at arms length too. JB's ideas of democracy and those defined in the Encyclopedia Brittanica are probably two different things. There are a lot of lazy ministers who don't deserve re-election.
Nothing on Vexnews recently about that terrible twat, and former Colac carpet cleaner, Terry Mulder.
Landeryou imagined him as a potential Liberal leader, in place of the increasingly confident and assured Ted Bailleau. Many were the Choo Choos on Vexnews for the GTM Express.
What an absolute dolt Landeryou was, and is. His support of Mulder was, of course, malevolent towards the Libs but nonetheless wacky and inconsequential. Mulder couldn't have conducted a good chook raffle in a Colac pub, let alone running modern Victoria.
Mulder himself has continuously and unambiguously declared his total support for Ted.
Nothing too on Vexnews recently about Les Twentyman, OAM and former Victorian of the Year. Landeryou sank Les's canditature for Kororoit last year with undemocratic, misleading and deceitful blogs
Lucky for Landeryou that the VEC is a toothless watchdog that exposes its gums rather than giving people like him a really deep bite!
These numbers confirm that Vexnews is beyond a joke. A tragic farce.
The failure that is Vexnews raises a crucial issue yet again: how does the fat criminal fund his life of idleness? He clearly doesn't make a cent from his failed blogging sideline.
Where is his trustee in bankruptcy?
Where is Solly Lew?
As Vexnews readership crumbles and falls and Landeryou despaires, me and my Hot-Rodding men are preparing to welcome the fat crim to Barwon Jail. We have all stopped wearing trousers.
Who does this remind patriots of?
"MURDERED businessman Michael McGurk left behind him a tangled web of financial woes when he was gunned down in the driveway of his upmarket Sydney home last week.
"Company searches reveal Mr McGurk had been a director of 50 companies in the decade leading up to his murder - and 28 of those companies had either collapsed or been deregistered..."
The similarities between Fat Cunt and McGurk are endless particularly their fondness for corrupt Labor Party figures
Hey Andy, I'm surprised you got 454 to even bother with your grubby blog.
Ha Ha, Andy
How many of the 454 were the fat man himself, his various false personas and/or lawyers chasing him? 454?
I apologise to all here on this blog for having visited Vexnews (sometimes several times a day) to check on his blogs, fake comments, etc. This probably accounts for at least 40 of the 454.
Sorry, everyone!
The comment below has just appeared on Vexnews. It is awaiting moderation, probably because of its attach on Socialist Left member Peter Batchelor. Read on:
Congratulations Vexnews for your defence of Victoria and Australia’s greatest ALP state secretary.
Steve Newnham has done a superb job. Why would anyone want to get rid of him?
It is pure jealousy. Why replace a proven performer with runs on the board? Any replacement would only be second rate. Remember how the ALP lost money under a succession of Socialist Left state secretaries. Peter Batchelor (Nunawading Pete) almost sent the Victorian ALP insolvent. Steve Newnham’s financial record is second to none. He has built on the sound financial base created by John Lenders, a superb state Treasurer, and made the party’s financial base a very strong one.
Fighting the Liberals needs money and sound administration. Steve Newnham has been able and will continue to provide both.
The fact that Landerfat persists with Poxnews even though it has no readers shows just how utterly empty and futile the fat faiure's life must be.
Sophie Mirabella is talking a lot of sense on ABC-TV at the moment.
Landeryou is wasting his time with Vexnews.
Gallop on QandA obviously overdosed on anti-depression tabs. The man is a fuckwit.
John Marsden on QandA has been proven to be a racist. Good on him.
This website is juvenile.
Is this blog frequented by website hackers?
Let the children be children
Fast food is the food of freedom, remember that.
Women are the victims of their own vice. What happened to Zena.?
But then again Paula Rizutto, the author of this blog, is not Zena
An absolute shitstorm of censorship on Vexnews tonight. Landeryou is even censoring posters' names. Weird. Enjoy:
Posted by Labor crooks | September 9, 2009, 15:43
Why have I been left out of the Premier’s faction?
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:51
Have I told you about the magnitude of the pay cut I am going to suffer? That isn’t social justice of the kind I’ve been devising policy about.
Pay rise for State Secretary NOW!
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:52
Posted by Anonymous | September 9, 2009, 16:01
Isn’t is funny how when a comment impugns the character of a dear friend like Feeney or factional buddy like Reece you jump into protect them, but allow others to have their names trashed.
Posted by chief censor | September 9, 2009, 16:20
Why is my comment deleted?
Who is VexNews protecting?
Posted by paid board appointments | September 9, 2009, 16:22
[deleted] is the biggest[deleted] [deleted] head. He has been [deleted] the member for [deleted] for ages. I hope the [deleted] [deleted][deleted] and so do his [deleted] mates
Posted by Deleted | September 9, 2009, 23:23
That lesbot [deleted] will be replacing [deleted] when he leaves for head office. His wife [deleted] will leave him unless he soon leaves with her on their European vacation. While he’s away, [deleted], [deleted] and [deleted] will be purged from head office, with the new assistant secretary [deleted] lining up any hot chicks in West Melbourne to [deleted] all day long when he’s not looking at as maps and playing with facebook and his [deleted].
Will [deleted] receive an overseas appointment when he leaves [deleted]? What will become of [deleted]’s parliamentary career? Many think she’s finished. Can [deleted] save her? Or is he too busy in Brisbane these days?
[Deleted] should have been state secretary but wasn’t in the correct sub-faction of the right fraction of the popular alignment of the people’s front of Northcote.
And he was too close to [deleted].
And [deleted] is too close to that tasty little morsel [deleted].
Please don’t [delete] all this…
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 23:30
If Landeryou was fair dinkum he would D E L E T E VEXNEWS!
And he should also delete his latest boring persona and fake comenter - Abe "Grandpa" Simpson - a real whacko and nutcase!
Lots of folk giving fat Landy a raspberry on Vexnews:
Just lost both your sources, Andy. Newnham and Theophanous. Bad luck.
Posted by anon | September 10, 2009, 18:52
Landeryou says of recently dumped ALP State Secretary Stephen Newnham: “(Newnham) has built a feared and formidable head office that leaves its opponents quivering with anxiety about what (he) will do next…He’s collected more scalps than an Apache chief.”
Too bad the Apaches didn't do scalping, you dumb prick! Stephen Newnham is a blind pussy who fully deserved a huge boot up the arse. He is a creepy little dirty tricks afficianado and anti-democracy desk warrior.
Jeez, I just love pressing Landeryou's many buttons. Just mention Les Twentyman, OAM and former Victorian of the Year favourably on this blog and, sure enough, Landy will libel the great man next day on Vexnews! Landeryou is continually breaking his AVO conditions. It's time to haul his fat ass back before the Beak at Sunshine Court:
I hear that Kosmos was threatening to do an SAS raid on my luxury condo in the Edgewater estate.
he’s even worse than Newman.
Posted by Les Twentywoman | September 10, 2009, 13:05
So many 'deletions' on Vexnews.
What happened to free speech? What happened to 'Let Freedom Ring'?
Vexnews is becoming the Auschwitz of the internet.
We still want to know Stephen: where did the $50,000 cash you passed on to Landeryou via his old partner in online spivvery Ed Dale come from? Who authorized it? The courts will want to know, Newnham!
What happend to El Gordo's supposedly Canberra-based alter ego? Mick or Nick someone. Remember the one that used to drink at the Manuka Starbucks - six months after it closed!
Stopped writing very soon after that fact was pointed out.
Landeryou has been after some half-wit he calls J-Rat for sme time. More tonight in Vexnews's comments:
Speaking of shemales, is J-Rat still going on those trips to Asia?
Posted by Anonski | September 12, 2009, 0:34
What an abominable shit Landeryou is libelling everyone in sight. His weird mate Senator Conroy should be rubbing cyber-crims like Landeryou out instead of censoring the net.
But, for some nutty reason, the ALP seems to want loose-cannon Landeryou out there and in your face, libelling, stalking and misleading voters.
Well, it's not a bad deal for the ALP. They have no obvious connection with Andrew's toxic blog. It costs the ALP nothing. Landeryou does the libels. All he asks is the occasional fat cheque from ALP HQ.
But now Theo and Newnham have bitten the dust, where are the juicy dollars going to be coming from?
That's a no brainer!
Oh, Landy. If only you were half the man Les Twentyman is.
You have yet to do your first charitable act. Les has done thousands you pathetic creep!
On the one hand a life devoted to humanity. On the other, your's is a life of greed, crookedness, libelling and stalking.
Turn yourself into Barwon Gaol you rotten crud!
Mr Landeryou gave craven promises of good behaviour here, but it seems he has not kept his word. There seem to be endless examples of his continuing and deliberate avoidance of the AVO which he agreed to last year!
Me and my Hot Rodding men fear that after a week of enjoying our "greetings" at Barwon Landeryou will suffer a massive prolapse and all his major internal organs and intestines (large and small) will explode through his devastated sphincter on a tide of blood onto the floor of his cell and after 20 minutes or so of contemplating them he will be dead of shock. This would be a pity. We want to keep the good times coming.
I hear the people involved in this story are Sasha Uzunov and his mum. Can patriots confirm?
Woman had sex with biological son
September 12, 2009 - 4:33PM
A woman accused of having sex with her biological son after finding him on the internet has been charged.
Police say 55-year-old Aimee Louise Baghlehdee of West Preston is facing one count of third-degree criminal sexual conduct after two counts were dropped earlier this week.
Authorities haven't said when or where she and the man met, but said she gave him up for adoption more than 25 years earlier. She surrendered to police in April.
Sword is free on bond. Her lawyer, Kenneth Burch, tells The Melbourne Times that his client "maintains her presumption of innocence."
He said the accusations have been very difficult for her.
You people believe in fairytales. You believe that we can bring half of the world over to Australia from the most intolarant, violent countries full of religious hatred, give them all money and Australia will be just fine after that. How do you call it? A fair go? We will see in not so very distant future where all this brings you. There will be only one difference though - YOU wont have anywhere to run and hide.
I struggle to to survive on a pittance of a pension, while these people get all the help in the world . I have paid taxes for 50 years ,the true Aussie deserves a better deal.
Think about our children
Fuck off Abe "Grandpa" Landeryou, you loathesome cretin!
Landeryou is drunk and asleep, but Vexnews is reeling in the Libs over his wacky Wannon preselection blog.
How come the Libs, Unionists and others are such internet dilletantes. They guilelessly add comments to a blog that masquerades as a genuine blog - but is in fact a criminal front for for a major bent ALP politician's son. They don't realise Landeryou monitors their ISP addresses, and send out a dangerous malware cookie.
In a normally functioning society, people like Landeryou - an internet libeller, stalker, fraud, censor and political dirty tricks purveyor - would be hounded off the internet.
His is a negative contribution. He is a lying liar who lies!
Very, very occasionally Landeryou makes a tiny smidgeon of sense - unlike his latest fake commenter Abe "Grandpa" Simpson who makes no sense whatever.
Abe is a new serial public pest who posts in blocks, a dead giveaway that Landeryou is the real poster. Abe also talks shit, which is the only language that Landeryou understands and uses himself.
Tiresome, yes. Edifying, no.
I was able to do a phrenological study of Landeryou's skull recently. I formed the view that he is an obvious criminal type. I had to send for an extra-large set of calipers to measure his very 'big head'. He has:
* large jaws
* a low sloping forehead
* high cheekbones
* flattened or upturned nose
* handle-shaped ears
* hawk-like nose and fleshy lips
* hard shifty eyes
These are all signs of criminality that my scientific methods have endlessly demonstrated and proved.
It would be very prudent for the government of Victoria to incarcerate Mr Landeryou as soon as possible, and for a very long time.
Landeryou is also a dangerous Madman!
Landeryou is nuttier than a squirrel's larder.
Landeryou has escaped justice thus far thanks to the inactivity of VicPol, OPP and the machinations of his mates in the ALP state and federal governments.
Landy, you owe Australia and Victoria a lot of jail time...
This headline in The Sunday Age today terrified me -
Former bankrupt set for ALP post
It seems to me they must be getting their advice from Landeryou given this fuckup!!!!!!!!!
THE man who will next year take control of the Victorian Labor Party's multimillion-dollar finances was forced into bankruptcy over unpaid tax bills in 2004 and had to resign as a Macedon Shire councillor as a result.
Right faction leader Noah Carroll is soon to be appointed the party's assistant state secretary. He will become the ALP's state secretary after the election in November next year, putting him in charge of an organisation with income of more than $7 million.
Vexnews is not shit. Shit actually performs a useful natural function. Vexnews is something else altogether.
After an animal has digested eaten material, the remains of that material are expelled from its body as waste. Though it is lower in energy than the food it came from, feces may still contain a large amount of energy, often 50% of that of the original food.[2] This means that of all food eaten, a significant amount of energy remains for the decomposers of ecosystems. Many organisms feed on feces, from bacteria to fungi to insects such as dung beetles, which can sense odors from long distances.[3] Some may specialize in feces, while others may eat other foods as well. Feces serve not only as a basic food, but also a supplement to the usual diet of some animals. This is known as coprophagia, and occurs in various animal species such as young elephants eating their mother's feces to gain essential gut flora, or by other animals such as monkeys.
Feces are also important as a signal. Kestrels, for instance, are able to detect the feces of their prey (which reflect ultraviolet), allowing them to identify areas where there are large numbers of voles.
Seeds may also be found in feces. Animals which eat fruit are known as frugivores. The advantage in having fruit for a plant is that animals will eat the fruit and unknowingly disperse the seed in doing so. This mode of seed dispersal is highly successful, as seeds dispersed around the base of a plant are unlikely to succeed and are often subject to heavy predation. Provided the seed can withstand the pathway through the digestive system, it is not only likely to be far away from the parent plant, but is even provided with its own fertilizer.
Organisms which subsist on dead organic matter or detritus are known as detritivores, and play an important role in ecosystems by recycling organic matter back into a simpler form which plants and other autotrophs may once again absorb. This cycling of matter is known as the biogeochemical cycle. To maintain nutrients in soil it is therefore important that feces return to the area from which they came, which is not always the case in human society where food may be transported from rural areas to urban populations and then feces disposed of into a river or sea.
While Slanderyou sleeps, all the action is in Wannon.
The lovely ladies of Wannon will be baking their lovely lammingtons as we speak.
And a beast will be crackling over the spit.
Can't run a preselection on an empty stomach
This is a regular reader of the blog of filth.
VCAT has allowed Gurinder Jeet Singh back on the road, agreeing he can keep driving taxis around Melbourne until his future is decided.
The Victorian Taxi Directorate took action against Mr Singh after he was involved in a fist-fight with a fellow cabbie over a fare.
A knife carrying Sikh driving taxies and involved in violence.
Lazy lardarse Landeryou has completely missed the Noah Carroll story in the Sunday Age.
Real news bloggers don't take weekends off.
Abe "Grandpa" Landeryou is driving the stats on this blog up heaps. Ta, Abe!
Granbpa gets on my tits.
I'm looking forward to bashing and buggering him and breaking his hands so the fucker can't type.
In some ways the arrival of Abe "Grandpa" Landeryou is to be welcomed.
Fat fraudster and failure Landeryou is now just simply pretending to be a deranged and deluded sad old man.
Four out of five is pretty good -(it is 80%) as Landeryou in real life is deranged, deluded, sad and male.
Fat Boy spends almost all his time in the real world as a woman. That is why he is now pretending to be a man here.
Stumbled across Vexnews. Fellow readers, it is probably the best written news website we've ever had. A thing of beauty.
Vexnews has links, news stories and YouTube videos from anywhere and everywhere on the internet.
I could never in a million years come up with half the wonderful facts, news, links et al that are on Vexnews.
If you're not regularly heading over and reading Vexnews' brilliantly compiled, link-filled-goodness posts already, then maybe you should take a step back and do some self reflection and introspection to make sure your life is headed the direction it needs to be and that you're on a path that is fulfilling to you and your fellow man.
It is in The Age today, not the favourite newspaper of Vexnews, that Noah Carroll, who is supposed to be Newnham's replacement as State Secretary, is a former bankrupt and was forced to resign from the Macedon Ranges Clowncil after his became bankrupt to comply with the Local Government laws in this state.
Where does the ALP get these characters from? Vexnews delights in praising them.
Instead of posting here under the fake name of Abe "Grandpa" Simpson, Landeryou, the childish self-proclaimed editor-in-chief of Vexnews, should be busily updating his appalling, low-level blog. Vexnews is a waste of time, Landeryou is a waste of space, and Abe "Grandpa" Simpson is just a oily turd.
There should be a law against wasting the time of genuine Patriots!
The giant feral pig Landeryou, to be fair, has updated Vexnews on the Sabbath - but it is just rubbish about the Wannon preselection. Who cares what the Libs are doing? They are going to elected next time because the arrogant Brumby government has lost touch with voters and keeps on having basic political pratfalls. I've never voted Liberal, but it's looking as if there is no real alternative.
The Age says "The Al-Samood article reveals Taliban propagandists are lazy journalists: a paragraph with basic facts about Oruzgan appears to have been lifted off Wikipedia".
Landeryou is not above lifting copyright stories and copyright images for his noxious, lame 'news' blog Vexnews which deals with all that is common, ordinary, banal and unimaginative in this life.
I'm watching ABC-TV's 'Order in the House' where politicians talk as if they had nothing to do with the world financial crash. That crash was just something that crept up on us all. The politicians, and their mad laissez-faire settings were the sole cause of the crash!
A mate is about to lose his licence for drink driving. He falls into the category of mandatory sentencing in Victoria and will lose his licence for six months for being .077. His job depends on a licence, so he will lose that too. Drink driving is dumb, but sending first offenders to the wall is unforgiveable overkill. Queensland and West Australia have drive for work licences, but Victoria wants to utterly destroy those unfortunate enough to be caught.
Mandatory sentencing is an obvious interference by the executive arm to the judicial arm. That was once a 'no go' area, but politicians can't resist doing drink drivers 'slowly' because it is popular even if completely unjust. My mate had hardly eaten for a fortnight, and his mother is dying in hospital. Now he will lose his job, and nothing can be advanced in his favour.
I was able to do a phrenological study of Landeryou's skull recently. I formed the view that he is an obvious criminal type. I had to send for an extra-large set of calipers to measure his very 'big head'. He has:
* large jaws
* a low sloping forehead
* high cheekbones
* flattened or upturned nose
* handle-shaped ears
* hawk-like nose and fleshy lips
* hard shifty eyes
These are all signs of criminality that my scientific methods have endlessly demonstrated and proved.
It would be very prudent for the government of Victoria to incarcerate Mr Landeryou as soon as possible, and for a very long time.
Oh, Landy. If only you were half the man Les Twentyman is.
You have yet to do your first charitable act. Les has done thousands you pathetic creep!
On the one hand a life devoted to humanity. On the other, your's is a life of greed, crookedness, libelling and stalking.
Turn yourself into Barwon Gaol you rotten crud!
An absolute shitstorm of censorship on Vexnews tonight. Landeryou is even censoring posters' names. Weird. Enjoy:
Posted by Labor crooks | September 9, 2009, 15:43
Why have I been left out of the Premier’s faction?
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:51
Have I told you about the magnitude of the pay cut I am going to suffer? That isn’t social justice of the kind I’ve been devising policy about.
Pay rise for State Secretary NOW!
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 15:52
Posted by Anonymous | September 9, 2009, 16:01
Isn’t is funny how when a comment impugns the character of a dear friend like Feeney or factional buddy like Reece you jump into protect them, but allow others to have their names trashed.
Posted by chief censor | September 9, 2009, 16:20
Why is my comment deleted?
Who is VexNews protecting?
Posted by paid board appointments | September 9, 2009, 16:22
[deleted] is the biggest[deleted] [deleted] head. He has been [deleted] the member for [deleted] for ages. I hope the [deleted] [deleted][deleted] and so do his [deleted] mates
Posted by Deleted | September 9, 2009, 23:23
That lesbot [deleted] will be replacing [deleted] when he leaves for head office. His wife [deleted] will leave him unless he soon leaves with her on their European vacation. While he’s away, [deleted], [deleted] and [deleted] will be purged from head office, with the new assistant secretary [deleted] lining up any hot chicks in West Melbourne to [deleted] all day long when he’s not looking at as maps and playing with facebook and his [deleted].
Will [deleted] receive an overseas appointment when he leaves [deleted]? What will become of [deleted]’s parliamentary career? Many think she’s finished. Can [deleted] save her? Or is he too busy in Brisbane these days?
[Deleted] should have been state secretary but wasn’t in the correct sub-faction of the right fraction of the popular alignment of the people’s front of Northcote.
And he was too close to [deleted].
And [deleted] is too close to that tasty little morsel [deleted].
Please don’t [delete] all this…
Posted by [deleted - impersonation] | September 9, 2009, 23:30
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