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1 week ago
99 Truth On Comments:
Did Della halal pork Ms Neill?
Interesting about the maggots in the pork there. I hear Landeryou's halal chicken (pork) is full of them so he tries to charge extra.
Thank you Mr Slanderyou.
I did ask Andrew on his Vexnews website if the maggots in his sausage were also halal. But my question was removed. Don't know why.
Vexnews supported then accused rapist Theo, and now supports John Della Bosca's fling. In fact, Vexnews supported the Cronulla Sharks gang rape festivities in Christchuch.
Landeryou's moral values and judgement are buggered. He has learned little or nothing from life, and continues his life as a crook, libeller and stalker...
There is now a very strong case for compulsory castration of all Australian male politicians.
When they are not rooting the electorate, they are rooting various floozies, PAs, staff and unwary passers-by.
But something weird is going on. It is usually the Libs that are chockers, and Labor have their hands in the till. Now it looks like many male pollies want the high life 'with the LOT'.
I am shocked to report that our analysis of the Landeryou Halal Chicken samples have revealed them to be:
1. Pigs anuses with
2. Anthrax vectors, ie the maggots
As usual, it is in the small print that the true horror of this fraud is shown. Other ingredients included:
A. 13% Human Bile.
B. 0.46% human e-coli products.
C. 0.0913% Porcine excrement products.
Our agency is extremely concerned about these dangerous developments.
It looks as through Mrs Alice Idris is heading for America's highest civilian award - The Presidential Medal of Freedom!
Am I alone in remembering she is a close neighbour of Landeryou? This means she faces many and varied physical dangers - fire from Landeryou's industrial Fryers, gassing, thuggish standover tactics and stalking if Landeryou finds out who she is'
She might end up being Docklands first political refugee.
You are a real life HERO Alice!
Hey Theo,
You know what I'm thinking don't you?
Alice sounds like a good sort. She is probably unemployed and a nutcase. We could f*ck some sense into her!
I'm in between shags at the moment. Belinda keeps on kicking me in the nuts, and what's her name isn't taking calls.
It is absolutely mad that constituents think we should represent them 24/7 or behave like freakin' angels!
I can't wait to introduce myself to Alice Idris who sounds like an amazing r**t! Women with attitude really turn me on!
We're just circling around slowly, waiting for a feeding frenzy!
"Landeryou's moral values and judgement are buggered."
Landeryou himself will be buggered when he comes here to Barwon Jail.
He will be bashed and buggered by me and my Hot Rodding men.
I ate some of Andy's sausages last night. The maggots gave them extra crunch.
The Poxnews hate blog wasn't updated yesterday. Fat Boy must have been too busy removing all the "you must be joking" comments in response to his vile and defamtory attack on Kate Neill.
If he only had 467 readers in July, I reckon he'll been down to 67 after that effort. It was utterly contemptible.
Landeryou called Neil a skank.
What a detestable coward he is.
Landeryou supports parliamentary sex pest Theophanous, Rugby League pack rapists and says the Della matter is all the woman's fault. He has issues.
Vexnews today reminded me of a cemetery on a rainy day. Deserted. Just a few skeletons turning in their graves. Landeryou nowhere to be seen. Perfect!
I opened a pack of Halal Chicken today for a snack. It seems that Landeryou has been adulterating the product by substitution. There are now heaps of live maggots and very few pig anuses. He must have convinced the ADF to purchase his entire supply for the psychological warfare idea of dropping the pigs anuses on the Taliban. But now we're being short-changed here.
Landeryou is probably growing the maggots in the Fat Cave, but folk hero and near neighbour Mrs Alice Idris has reported any snorting. Maybe the pigs are gagged.
Channel Nine is busily pushing the tv ads of the discredited crooks at the Australian Medical Institute. The latest ads talk about premature erections. What the hell are they?
When I see a vile AMI TV Ad, I think about a premature emptying of my wallet. These guys are crooks. What is the government doing about them?
The ASB watchdog has been dead for years. It's sorta like 'Breakfast at Fido's'. The ASB pulls a lever, and the dead dog's tail wags.
What a useless bunch of twats!
Predictability on a blog is death.
Landeryou is at it yet again on Vexnews with his endless, fake and libellous "Who Am I" comments. Here's the latest:
I have no social graces.
I have all the popularity of a fart in an elevator at Knox Council.
I am so Ultra Right Wing I fly in ever decreasing circles.
I am a Blinkered Global Warming Denier.
I have a really short temper.
I don’t need to traverse Aston – I live in it.
My pants are up by my nipples and my ankles are always on show.
I am very unpopular in Knox for failing to deliver promised rate relief but am marginally more popular than the red-headed Sheila on Council.
I have spent many a night with Master Geppetto discussing banking.I am a candidate for Aston.
Posted by Who Am I | September 5, 2009, 21:01
The Age says: "TAXPAYERS forked out more than $170,000 to twice revamp Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's website".
Landeryou would have done the upgrades for 33 KFC Family feasts!
Anyone who has worked in local, state or the federal government, knows that the IT connection is economic poison. Internet savvy Schoolkids could do this stuff for tuckshop prices.
Pollies and bureaucrats, stop squandering hard-earned taxpayer dollars on a very simple technology you just don't understand. The IT backroom boys are milking you for all you are worth!
We are neighbours of Mrs Alice Idris, but live below Mr Landeryou's luxury apartment. We have noticed recently strange trumpetings followed by a sudden rush where we can see sagging and bulging in the ceiling. We are convinced Mr Landeryou is breeding Indian Elephants in his apartment. On other occasions, we have heard what sounds like Miss Universe entrants on high heels running across our ceiling. Obviously, this is the herd of pigs he keeps up there running about on their trotters.
Stella and I are beside ourselves panicking. Will our ceiling fall in? Will this zoo topple into our home?
Who would buy our home?
Who does this remind you of
McGurk died owing millions
September 6, 2009
SLAIN loan shark and standover man Michael McGurk was involved in supplying prostitutes to high-profile people, including leading sports figures, and in the last weeks of his life was negotiating a property deal with associates of nightclub identity John Ibrahim. In the year before he was shot dead outside his Cremorne home, the 45-year-old wheeler-dealer was becoming increasingly desperate about his financial situation.
This time last year Mr McGurk was two months behind in his repayments to BankWest for the $2.4million mortgage on his Cremorne house.
The house, which was in his wife Kimberley’s name, had been bought in 2000 for $1.65million. But when bank officials called Mr McGurk’s accountant to find out what was awry, they were astonished. The accountant Mr McGurk had nominated on his mortgage documentation did not exist.
The bank rang the Australian Taxation Office only to discover the details Mr McGurk had given were fraudulent. The tax files and pay slips he had provided to obtain the loan had been forged.
I think I read somewhere that Landeryou was going to sell Brahman beef burgers to Hindus.
There is a story in the Sunday Herald Sun today about a romance in Barwon Jail, about Carl Williams and some silly hairdresser girl.
It won't be anything to compare with our romance, will it Andrew?
I saw that story too Brutus.
I was interested to see that it said Williams has lost 20 kilos in the five years he has been behind bars.
Landeryou weighs about 420 kilos. He should weigh around 80.
If he loses weight at the same rate as Carl Williams Landeryou will need 85 years behind bars to get down to a healthy size.
This sentence is reasonable given the nature of Landeryou's crimes and the menace he poses to the community.
maybe carl williams lost all that weight because he stopped eating Andy's pork anus halal sausages.
The Age reported that "In Islam, there are only men and women, there are no transsexuals, and this is an Islamic country so that makes life very difficult for us," says the 28-year-old who has been cross-dressing since she was a child.
Like many transsexuals in Malaysia, a conservative and mostly Muslim country, the clash between ID card and appearance means Tasha is shunned by employers, and forced to make her living as a sex worker.
Perhaps Andy could pass on one of his pork halal sausages
Where are you Cait Catt? Did you eat too much non-Kosher chicken that was a pork substitution?
I love you Cait. Please come back.
Fathers' Day in the Landeryou clan must have been interesting since Big Bent Bill was bankrupted thanks to Fat Boy's incompetence and criminality.
Re Dead Parrot's post above "Like many transsexuals in Malaysia, a conservative and mostly Muslim country, the clash between ID card and appearance means Tasha is shunned by employers..."
That might be why the notoriously indolent El Gordo adopts female false identities, to try to avoid work.
Thanks Doting Dad. Fathers Day with Bill and El Gordo must be interesting. El Gordo might even forge his brother-in-law's signature on a card. Don't forget that it's Mat with only one T!
Can we please stop all the dreadfully hypocritical class-oriented posturing by all you dutifully ignorant bourgeois dupes out there who would certainly have no compunction against allowing your darling precious little bundles of sunshine to become the repository for every possible variety of deadly psychotropic poison if a nice man in a white coat and stethoscope were to legally prescribe it for certain psychic disorders the little guniea-pig was exhibiting? The market for peddling such despicible brain-damaging toxins as Adderall (amphetamine), Prozac, Ritalin, etc. to children increases exponentially each year (in addition to the marvelously healthy profits they generate), yet somehow its "extremely disturbing" that the local yokels down the street prefer to use something a little more close at hand (and even perhaps somewhat safer) to mellow out their overly-rambunctious hellions with. Further, the article, despite its overtly propagandistic headline, is really about a program for troubled adolescents, many of whom happen to come from wealthy families - but since few of Mr. Landeryou's customers actually read the articles, the political effect of the headline is asssured.
This is why I don't support using tax dollars to fund higher education. You're all a bunch of hedonists. I'm sure your parents would be proud of you all. Actually, they're probably misfits like all of you in this blog. So, I don't really care about them.
"Grampa" stop wasting our time here with your weird, meaningless posts. You make slightly more sense than Landeryou, who is a crim, but not much more. I couldn't understand your longer post which included psychotropic poisons, guinea-pigs and prozac.
Go and take a cold shower, a cup of Milo and call your emergency psychiatric team. They can help, Gramps. They really can!
Nice to hear from you again Landy via your new persona of Abe "Grampa" Simpson.
You are an atrocious dunderhead!
You talk shit!
Since the Faine interview in which Landeryou was abruptly bought back into the real world and during which he was required to wear men's clothing, the voices in Andrew's head have toned down their shouting. Delia, Cait, Jenny 'I wanna be Hansen's daughter' etc are now momentarily silent waiting to see which way Landeryou's unstable and bizarre psyche takes it. Andrew could re-enter the real world, take on a male identity and perhaps even seek employment. He would have to face the consequences of his past actions and criminal behaviours and deal with the fact that no-one would employ him. It's all a possibility.
Of course, I'm an optimist and Landeryou will probably just retreat back into transvestitism, fraud, unemployment and slander.
Dr Phil, I hate to contradict a medical man, but Fat Andrew Landeryou never left "transvestitism, fraud, unemployment and slander", let alone unprecedented gluttony and gross intemperance.
Every other Labor Right criminal has got a guernsey.
How long before we learn of the links between Landeryou and Michael McGurk?
We've all been both alive and not alive. I can't remember anything about when I was not alive but I'm pretty sure I prefer being alive.
Go back to sleep, Landy!
There are some Muslim terrorist prisoners in here who want to halal pork Landeryou. They will have to make do with my sloppy seconds!
Is eviscerated obese man halal, Brutus?
We would have thought Landeryou was unclean even more he was covered with blood and shit and semen.
If the Muslims won't have him then there will be more for us hot-rodding men!
Pain, Landeryou! Get ready for pain! Extreme and constant pain!
Curious irony. Andy today wrote some nonsense about the National Tertiary Education Union. The irony is that the last union that Andy was a member of he sent it into liquidation.
My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks.
As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us that "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super."
On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle.
"Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground."
She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one."
To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I out rank you. Tray-up, Bitch."
What's that, Ancients of Mu Mu? You say that Landershonk actually updated his site today?
That's unusual!
Yes, Vexnews - the internet's 'Slough of Despond' blog has sort of been sort of undated. The "militant left-wing" National Tertiary Education Union is getting a slight pasting, so too is blog-meister Stephen Mayne and Justice Minister Rob Hulls.
It's all so tiresome and predictable.
Andrew ia now obviously seriously mad if his latest fake commenting creation Abe "Grampa" Simpson is any guide.
And the nutty sod is again busy censoring comments he doesn't like.
I'm only a persecuted Jewish girl and a ghost, but I have figured out that Vexnews censors comments by relying on Wordpress keywords. Weirdly, the word 'Vexnews' is one of those keywords...
I just can't work out why a blog like Vexnews censors comments. It just doesn't make sense. "Let Freedom Ring"? At least the OC was far more interesting, dramatic and ascerbic before Landeryou started censoring comments.
At least the fat prick hasn't libelled Les Twentyman, OAM and former 'Victorian of the Year', for quite a while.
Luckily the mad cyber-libeller, stalker, and crim has been diverted by irrelevant student union back-stabbing and smalltime State politics issues.
Come to think of it, I haven't been libelled on The OC or Vexnews for ages. I must check if that Aprehended Violence Order is still up and running.
Adam Shand, the real journo that Landeryou tried to shaft recently, is going from strength to strength on A Current Affair. He is becoming the backbone of the show.
Unfortunately ACA is commercial television's version of Vexnews - an excruciating concoction of beatups, real estate advertising for Channel Nine, and chasing dumb crooks and councils. Adam must privately be cussing his luck.
Ben Fordham must be undergoing therapy. It'll take a while Ben! Hang in there, Buddy!
H E Y!
Give bloody Ben a go!
He is at least as good as Landeryou! In fact, a lot better. He actually goes out and interviews people on the spot. Landeryou hacks his interviewees to death after reading their books and biographies in the comfort of his RED VELVET COUCH.
I see that a female journalist in Sudan was jailed overnight Australian time for wearing trousers.
Interesting that frock-wearing faux journalist Andrew "The Fat Man" Landeryou stays out of prison despite theft, fraud, forgery, staking, criminal defamation, breaches of the corporate, taxation and electoral codes, making threats of violence and intimidation.
"He bought me a nice dinner", "he spent a lot of money on me early on", "he showed me he had an extravagant lifestyle". Women using sex to get what they want? Bah! They'll be wanting the vote next.
Record traffic for The Mayne Report
August 2009 was our biggest month yet for The Mayne Report. We had 137,261 page views and 87,679 unique visitors which equates to nearly 3000 visits a day. This is a big jump over our 2009 average of just over 50,000 visits per month at 1,648 per day.
August 7 was our biggest day with 17,151 page views and 9,496 visits. This can be directly attributed to this Fairfax article which was the seventh instalment of a series for Fairfax websites about how retail investors should play capital raisings.
Moreover, the Mayne Report video blog attracted 30,893 visitors in August. There was a spike of over 7,000 visitors on Friday, August 7 which relates to the Fairfax article on SPP plays, but it has grown to almost 1000 viewers a day.
Since we began recording stats for our videos beginning March 17, 2009, we have had 58,115 Absolute Unique Visitors and 233,481 pageviews. Our biggest day was May 19, 2009 with nearly 9,000 visitors, which can be attributed to this Fairfax article How to make $75,000 in three months.
As dodgey as they are, ACA and Tonight Today usually name accusers and let its victims speak for themselves in the interests of fairness.
Pitiful El Gordo doesn't even try to be balanced. By allowing those who talk not to be named and not letting those named talk shows that Buddha Boy has no spine.
Hey, nothing on Vexnews for a while about Solly Lew. How's that "Pillock of Society" Bent Bill's bankruptcy progressing?
Why does Landeryou obsess about Steven Mayne?
Mayne is family man with an accomplished wife and three children. Landeryou went through an evil mockery of the marriage ceremony with a man dressed as a woman in an effort to hide his own bizarre sexual orientations from his hard right political colleagues.
Mayne is a successful journalist who has been a chief of staff of the Sydney Daily Telegraph and a columnist in the Financial Review. Landeryou pretends to be a journalist but is regarded instead as a vicious deranged bum.
Mayne is a successful online entrepreneur who created one of the country's most successful internet brands and onsold it for a seven figure sum. Landeryou failed at online gambling spivvery and was bankrupted owing a seven figure sum after attempting to defraud a major backer.
Are we are so obsessed with ourselves that we're suffering from analysis paralysis?
I hear that Jim Byrnes, the former "bankruptcy advisor" to Alan Bond who has been implicated in the McGurk affair is also an associate of Landeryou's.
Landeryou is attacking Glenn Milne again on Vexnews. What for? Fraud? Plagiarism? Public drunkenness?
No, Landeryou is attacking Milne for allegedly wearing A FAKE TAN!
Vewnews is the Mad Hatter's Tea Party!
Hmmm, Steven Mayne and Glenn Milne on consecutive days. Guess Vexnews will write "reports" (smears) about Dianne Anderson 2moro and Solly Lew on Thursday. El Gordo's universe is very small, repetitive and increasingly dull.
"Vewnews is the Mad Hatter's Tea Party," a patriot claims above.
Not quite. Vewnews is the Mad FATTER'S Tea Party!
No one is any fatter than Fat Andrew Landeryou -- or madder, for that matter.
As another inhabitant of Wonderland said, "Off with his head! Off with his head!"
Me and my hot rodding men will probe Landeryou's rectal regions with such force and frequency that his head may well pop off.
Mad Pastor Danny is going to Canberra to exorcise the federal parliament. Why doesn't he just stay here in Melbourne and drive out the demon from the Fat Cave?
Buddha Boy's Blog of Slime slips to 5,341st most popular Australian site, according to - that's down more than 2000 rankings in the past year.
Compare that to ranked 11th, the SMH in 16th place, The Age ranked 24th place, 25th or even Crikey in 623rd place.
El Gordo - failed in politics, failed in business, failed in marriage and failed in blogging.
Credit where credit is due, 8:19!
Fat failure Landeryou has been extraordinarily successful at becoming an object of derision and contempt.
Vexnews has been a dismal failure but there are plenty of people here in Barwon Jail ready to give Andrew the attention that he craves.
I will pay close attention to Landeryou.
So will we, in a number of different orifices simultaneously.
"A WOMAN in eastern China was allegedly beaten to death by five employees of a Wal-Mart store who accused her of shoplifting, police and media reports say."
Landeryou is a thief. He'd better watch out.
"Mad Pastor Danny" once said that it was God's will that Andrew Landeryou won the inaugural Walkley Blog Award.
Perhaps the Mad Pastor put a jinx on Andrew, who hasn't won the award since and blames Slanderyou for his subsequent losses.
Cheap bulk wine and KFC are tools of perdition and Landeryou is damned and will burn in hell!
I'm still unable to leave a comment on NAZI MEGASITE VEXNEWS. What has Landeryou to fear from little ol' me? Why does a blog, even if run by a crim, need to censor comments?
And why does Landeryou hate women so much? Kim Kitchen can't have been that bad!
Landeryou, now a flabby cross-dresser (although always in very poor taste) is planning a holiday in Arabia, where he could be flogged for a large number of varied offences. Is he becoming repentant?
Glenn Milne, Simon Crean, Judith Troeth, 'Greens party pig' Colleen Hartland MLC and Victorian Liberal upper house leader David Davis are all getting what madman Landeryou thinks are their just deserts on libellous Vexnews.
Landeryou is the Kyle Sandilands of internet hate blogging. They are both total twats!
Landeryou's brain, shrunken and nutlike as it is, is not connected to his typing fingers.
The Age reports: There is "very little evidence" to link blackjack and poker with problem gambling, Premier John Brumby says.
The Age revealed today the State Government has been forced to review a deal to give Crown Casino 150 extra gaming tables.
The agreement, which allows the largest expansion of the casino in a decade, was made without assessment of the impact on problem gambling or benefit to taxpayers.
Premier, the Casino is 'The House of Satan'. I visited there once with friends, there to see a Chinese gambler quickly work his way through a large pile of #500 chips...
It is absolutely disgusting that a government is associated with gambling addiction or any form of gambling.
Gambling revenue is poison.
Brumby's government will need to build much bigger anti-suicide barriers on the West Gate Bridge. I was ashamed, passing over the bridge last Saturday, to see the barrier at all.
Negligent Australian politicians of all persuasions brought us the Global financial crash. They are also, says The Age today, busily rorting their parliamentary entitlements. They and their bloated public servants are always thinking up new taxes to cover their incompetence. They are causing severe financial and economic chaos in the community.
Wake these whackers up! Remove all indemnities. Make them answerable in court for their wacky ideas!
I was going to say 'Then sh**t them all' but that is not allowed in 'democratic Australia' today.
So am I allowed to suggest burying them all under a concrete pour - some, unfortunetely, can talk 50 feet underwater!
"Why does Landeryou hate women so much? Kim Kitchen can't have been that bad!"
Dimberley was a man, a man dressed as a woman.
That was still so bad for Landeryou that first he cheated on him/her with Ronnie the dog and then he deserted him/her, fleeing off overseas and leaving him/her to face the wrath of the bailiffs.
Landeryou hates women and the only transvestite he is prepared to countenance hanging around is his own fat self.
Patriots can imagine what the scene in the Fat Cave will be like today (one hesitates to say this morning) when Landeryou finally picks himself up off whatever part of the floor he passed out on last night and summonses his factotum drooling loon Sergeant Sashsa to give him his enemas, bring him breakfast and lay out his frock, then reads the article below in the papers.
"Ah!" he will say. "Better fat than sorry, hey Sergeant? Ho, ho! That is a funny one. I will use it in my Poxnews blog today.
"Better fat than sorry! Double my KFC order today, Sergeant! Yes, you can carry it! Don't you care about my health, you selfish cretin?"
He will continue. "To further protect my well being I shall need to quench my thirst with a cocktail today.
"Buy a 40 litre catering cask, Sergeant, not a 20 litre, of the cheapest but most potent port you can find, and buy 40 litres of KFC gravy.
"Mix them together in the bath and add a bucket of stuffed olives and find me a straw."
This is the article that so distressed Landeryou:
Mum Ursula MacLeod died after radical weight loss surgery
By Greg Stolz
The Courier-Mail
September 09, 2009
A DAUGHTER broke down before the Health Practitioners Tribunal as she told of her mother's agonising death after radical obesity surgery.
In tearful testimony at the tribunal, Leesa MacLeod alleged her mother, Ursula, was refused relief for "excruciating" pain in the days before she died in a Gold Coast private hospital.
She allegedly suffered complications including renal failure, pneumonia, septicemia, golden staph and gangrene, and her skin was "oozing mucus", after the operation performed by controversial Gold Coast obesity surgeon Dr Russell Broadbent.
The Medical Board of Queensland is prosecuting the now-retired Dr Broadbent over the deaths of two women, Ursula MacLeod and Margaret Pearce, and alleged injuries to other patients.
Mrs MacLeod, 57, died in October 2003, three months after bilio-pancreative diversion – obesity surgery involving the removal of large parts of the stomach to prevent the absorption of fats.
What a surprise to wake up to this headline this morning "Solo schoolgirl hits bulk carrier". For a second I thought she must of hit landeryou.
Gutless turd Landeryou would shriek and wet his pants if a schoolgirl hit him, then blub away for days. Heaven knows what he will be like after his first few encounters with Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and the rest of the Barwon boys.
The latest blogs on Vexnews are so bizarre that they are attracting almost no comments. Simon Crean bumping off a Qantas passenger's seat. Glenn Milne wearing a fake tan...
Andy reminds me of Dennis Rodman when he put on dresses
Is landeryou's interest in sausages a reflection of penis envy?
Dr Phil do you have a diagnosis?
It would also help if you could explain Dr Phil why Landeryou's favourite drink is a 50/50 mix of cheap but potent port and KFC gravy -- with a stuffed olive added.
My sausage is one mighty mass of meat, ready to violently violate Buddha Boy's bum.
We have more premium sausage here in Barwon than Jonathan's butchers shop on Smith Street.
Our cells are known as "the meatpacking district".
I hear that as well as the process servers and the debt collectors Landeryou is now being hunted by cryptozoologists.
Channel Nine is busily pushing the tv ads of the discredited crooks at the Australian Medical Institute. The latest ads talk about premature erections. What the hell are they?
When I see a vile AMI TV Ad, I think about a premature emptying of my wallet. These guys are crooks. What is the government doing about them?
The ASB watchdog has been dead for years. It's sorta like 'Breakfast at Fido's'. The ASB pulls a lever, and the dead dog's tail wags.
What a useless bunch of twats!
"Landeryou's moral values and judgement are buggered."
Landeryou himself will be buggered when he comes here to Barwon Jail.
He will be bashed and buggered by me and my Hot Rodding men.
Thank you Mr Slanderyou.
I did ask Andrew on his Vexnews website if the maggots in his sausage were also halal. But my question was removed. Don't know why.
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