Kelvin Thomson, the rather boring and ineffectual member for Wills, has resigned owing to a reference he wrote for notorious fugitive Tony Mokbel.
An interesting side issue to the story is that the 'reference' only came to light owing to an"...anonymous tip-off to his (Kevin Rudd's) office led to the discovery of the reference for Mr Mokbel."
So who was Mr, Ms or Mrs Anonymous?
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1 week ago
12 Truth On Comments:
Wonder if Andy will somehow try and take credit for it?
Kelvin on TV tonight spoke like an honest man. He made a mistake not checking the man who wanted a reference, and is paying a very heavy price for it. Kelvin is a good local member.
whisper is he was porking mokbel's sister in law
who seriously would sign a 'blind' reference
Kelvin Thomson is just plain unlucky. True, Mokbel is a criminal, but did he know that? Landeryou claimed he was conned by a member of the Socialist Left into signing the reference. A warning to all MPs to be on their guard. Constituents often ask them to sign references. They need to be very careful in future.
Why is it that Landeryou and his sock puppets Freedom Freddy and Cait Catt have been totally silent again on this topic? Too close to home? Too much of an embarrassment?
Andrew is more interested in Sophie Mirabella than he is in Kelvin Thomson. This piece has just appeared on the Landeryou blog:
Saturday, 10 March 2007
TRUE WORDS: Sophie's Doggedness Acknowledged
The Friends of Indi (proudly sponsored by BAT) have written in to the local paper and have celebrated the doggedness of the nation's favourite Member of Parliament, Mrs Mirabella who has recently bounced back from sneering smear attacks upon her famously good reputation:
Road is done, now for the rail
CONGRATULATIONS to the Border’s Federal MPs on achieving something that has eluded their predecessors and previous governments for more than three decades. (OC: The People chant the Sophie's name from every section of what locals call the Mirabella Bypassed)
The benefits of the Albury-Wodonga road project will be felt for many years to come. (OC: Merely a small piece of the enormous jigsaw legacy that Sophie has left for her people)
Sophie Mirabella is to be commended for her dogged persistence in getting this project up and running. (OC: Sophie's doggedness is undisputed by all yappers and growlers of the gallery)
If only the Victorian Government could now get on with the job of the Wodonga rail bypass, in the same way the Federal Government has done.
What about it, Mr Bracks? (OC: Yeah Brackster, Sophie can't do everything for you)
(Name Duly Checked and Matched To The Electoral Roll of the Commonwealth of Australia: CERTIFIED BY THE OC)
Posted by Andrew Landeryou at 5:38
Landeryou said the source was from the Socialist Left faction of the Victorian ALP, and that patriots (doublespeak for Labor Unity faction members or adherents) should never trust what he calls the Leftistas.
Have not heard from Cait about this. I wonder why? It has nothing to do with "her" Bali sunburn, I'm sure.
We have not heard from Delia Delegate (Lyle isn't it?) either.
Alexander Downer said on Insiders this morning (repeated on ABC2 if you have a HD set or a set top box as it's digital at 6.30 am tomorrow morning) that he always thought Kelvin Thomson to be a grub.
From the Liberal side of the aisle I'm not taking sides in this. Some of ours have probably given references they shouldn't have too.
Kelvin is a member of the Labor Unity faction, the same faction as Andrew Landeryou supports, albeit from outside the ALP. Also Kelvin is the estranged husband of Marsha Thomson, the Labor Unity faction boss before Fiona Richardson, and now the MLA for Footscray. We know who all the faction bosses are, even if they tell the media they never talk about internal ALP politics outside the party. We should be doing the same thing but some of ours are speaking too loudly too.
George Seitz once taught at the TAFE College there in Marsha's electorate for a short time before he entered parliament, which is quite a compliment that an educational institute which has copped a lot of flak recently has an affiliation with one of the longer serving Labor MPs.
To get back to the real point I want to make. Just who has Tony Mokbel been talking to or trying to influence? I hope he hasn't been talking to any of ours.
Underworld gossip is that Tony Mokbel made two payments on a Parlimentarian's mortgage.
Underworld gossip is that Tony Mokbel made two payments on a Parlimentarian's mortgage.
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