Andrew Landeryou loves to refer to the faceless people (imaginary if you will) that inhabit the ALP like virulent cadres.
He is at it again, this time referring to "Members of the OC" who are supposedly at the National Conference.
While you enjoy your hard earned weekend, here are some questions to consider:
1. if the ALP is infiltrated with Landeryou's lackeys, how should the ALP name and shame these people?
2. do they infact exist; are they real? Landeryou has a habit of inventing fake people, like Freedom Freddy.
3. is Andy just a joke?
Have a good weekend!
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1 week ago
24 Truth On Comments:
Unlike Slanderyou Andrew Landeryou uses his real name for the name of his blog. Andrew is a real person. It is hypocritical of Slanderyou to make these false claims.
With you all the way Cait. Landeryou is a real person. Slanderyou is not game to reveal who he or she is. That right Diane Anderson?
Thanks catter8. Landeryou has done it again. His blog is first with the latest news from the ALP National Conference. Good work Andrew. Good sources OC Investigations Unit. Read on:
NATIONAL CON: Every Hack In Civilisation Descends on Sin City
Members of the OC Investigations Unit are the first with the latest from the hallowed halls of the ALP's national conference.
■ Kevin Rudd spoke well but for too long, with an hour long Castro style oration;
■ Presentationally the conference looks great for television but is quite disorganised behind the scenes compared with state conferences. Long queues are the order of the day with some hoping National Secretary Tim Gartrell can run a better campaign than his conference secretariat;
■ Sydney people are obsessed with real estate and money, even at ALP gatherings, with some vulgar displays at last night's fundraiser. HSBC confirms this today with some research showing that Sydney's wealthier people are more selfish than the rich from other cities. There will be much tut-tutting from Victorian based delegates at all of this. In the People's Republic of Victoria, we remain pure and unadultered by vulgar commerce, except The Aged newspaper which continues to take advertisements from strip-joints associated with organised crime.
■ We have previously reported that Kelvin Thomson would be opposing changes to the uranium mining policy. Now not so apparently, he is obeying the Leader.
■ Many are wondering why Senator Conroy, possibly the least herbal member of the ALP since Rex Connor, opposes uranium mining. He apparently had a relative affected by radiation from England's Sellafield nuclear plant so has always opposed nuclear power. Also gives him something to talk about with his chum, beseiged Left-winger Anthony Albanese. Albo needs a bit of cheering up too, with his powerbase facing a Chernobyl style meltdown. He couldn't be less impressed at the prospective arrival of power-player Doug Cameron in Canberra. Cameron will represent a very clear challenge to Albanese's claim to support from the AMWU which he frequently uses to get his way.
Game on.
So Cait and Catter8 aren't Landeryou?
Kidding right?
My theory is Landeryou is a fictional character. No one in real life could be that incompetent!
100% agree with Anon Friday, April 27, 2007 8:18:00 PM
I wish cait catt and catter8 used their real names
cait catt and catter8 are just hypocrites!
Cait Catt and Catter 8 are probably not Landeryou.
8.18 gives the correct explanation.
Landeryou is quite smart.
I'm not too sure about Landeryou being smart. If he is Cait Catt and catter8 he is not smart.
Most of the comments on this blog are about the two catts.
Why give ammunition to a blog that exists only to parody you and destroy your good name?
i know one thing
Andy isn't a joke
Jokes are supposed to be funny and Andy ceased to be funny a long time ago - although he arguable never was
What about Freedom Freddy?
Freedom Freddy
Cait Catt
Delia Delegate
Only one that doesn't rhyme is catter8
Where is Cait Catt? It's early on Saturday morning and the catt seems to be on the prowl.
Or is it Andy on the prowl? I better keep my front door locked.
The list of Landeryou's aliases is quite long: Freedom Freddy, Joe Klien, Cait, Catter8, Delia Delagate, Harry Roak
I am not an alias. I am not on the prowl. I am not dating Delia Delegate. I am not a member of the ALP. Why do I cop nothing but abuse on this blog. Only catter8 stands up for me.
The abuse you receive is appalling. But keep writing Cait. Someone has to stand up for Andrew on this blog. I sometimes wonder if the object of this blog is to parody the great man who won the Walkley Blog Award or to parody Cait.
Thanks catter8. You are my only friend who writes for this blog. Greatly appreciated.
Did you read the latest on the best news blog on the net? The Landeryou blog that is. The Age is in big trouble. Read on:
Our friends in The Age newsroom are gravely concerned that the changes in format to the newspaper will reduce the space for news and therefore reduce the number of editorial staff.
One has told the OC that a new round of voluntary redundancies and a program of not filling vacancies in the editorial ranks is "inevitable." Industrial action is also "inevitable" according to our source.
"A 16% reduction in size will inevitably mean a 16% reduction in editorial staff. Despite what you say and Ramadge thinks, we're not stupid around here. We know what Sydney are up to."
Casual photographers - some of whom had been with The Age for many years - have already been terminated last week, without notice. Production staff in Sydney have been slashed. Rumours abound of the outsourcing of all the production of The Age and its comrade journal in Sydney to a company like PageMasters who are expanding aggressively recognising that the economics of newspapers is changing and that they are being forced into making cutbacks that would have been unthinkable, even just five years ago.
It is also understood that the "Age Investigations Unit" is being reviewed as being inappropriate to the new era of restraint at the left-wing newspaper. Many suspect Ramadge is involved in proposing such deep cuts, insisting that those doing "investigations" Baker, McKenzie and Bachelard (sounds like a law firm) are unaccountable and hopeless.
The Age, regardless of its left-wing politics, was once seen as the cosy, cushy place to be in journalism. Salaries tended to be higher, expenses tended to be largely unscrutinised and the workload was much less than at rivals because there were many more staff.
It's all changing. The Age is slowly sinking as its classifieds revenue is being lost to online competitors.
Game on.
Not good for us newspaper lovers. Still, its really a rotten rag the way it says such awful things and some of its commo journos make me sick.
The likes of Carbone, Money, Wood and Austin come to mind as very left of centre journos who would be better suited to Green Left Weekly.
According to the reader count, 9411 people can't be wring about this blog!
That's nearly 10,000 people!
Fantastic result Slanderyou.
That's at least 9410 more than Landeryou get's according to the ABRITE website.
Hmmm, Cait Catt and Catter8 both keep funny hours, always seems the post within a minute or two after the other and share the same blog site. Maybe Cait's Andy's right sock puppet and Catter8's his left.
Landeryou wasn't first with the latest news from the ALP National Conference. He was 3 hours behind AAP, two hours behind the News Ltd and Fairfax websites, ABC Radio and the morning bulletins on Seven, Nine and Ten.
Landeryou is a parody of himself.
Definitely more readers of Slanderyou than Landeryou. I can't be bothered with the Landeryou site anymore. Too dull and increasingy weird and paranoid as Andy loses the plot completely. Not surprised at the huge drop in readership. There are too many other political blogs in Oz of all political hues that are actually good (unlike Landeryou). Landeryou is now too caught up in persecuting his 'enemies' (ie. anyone who ever stood up to his thuggish tactics) and inventing an increasingly bizarre cast of characters (Cait Catt, Catter8, Freddie Freedom, Delia delegate etc) to 'speak on his behalf'. Weird and laughable. Andy is a sad, lonely creep.
Definitely more readers of Slanderyou than Landeryou. I can't be bothered with the Landeryou site anymore. Too dull and increasingy weird and paranoid as Andy loses the plot completely. Not surprised at the huge drop in readership. There are too many other political blogs in Oz of all political hues that are actually good (unlike Landeryou). Landeryou is now too caught up in persecuting his 'enemies' (ie. anyone who ever stood up to his thuggish tactics) and inventing an increasingly bizarre cast of characters (Cait Catt, Catter8, Freddie Freedom, Delia delegate etc) to 'speak on his behalf'. Weird and laughable. Andy is a sad, lonely creep.
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