In the not so recent past, we reported how Andy had to advertise for friends, and especially for an intern!
Now, Andy has some interesting friends.
The Impact of Delayed AC Repairs on Your Energy Bills
When your air conditioner starts acting up, postponing repairs can seem
tempting. Whether it’s due to a busy schedule or the hope that the problem
will fix...
14 hours ago
63 Truth On Comments:
I will gladly be Andy's friend!
Whatever did happen to Joe Klein?
KFC for two?
Cait Catt is one of Andrew's friends.
And catter8
What about me? I am a friend too.
Jack Jones is another friend.
What about Byron in Wahroonga?
Suzanne Carbone is not a friend.
Northern Territory striving for Landeryou-free status
Colonel shuts up NT shop
NT News, Oct. 22, 2008.
THE NT's labour shortage is so acute that not even international fast-food chains can find enough workers.
KFC had to close its restaurant in Palmerston early one day last week because not enough staff turned up for work. The story is the same in other fast-food restaurants.
Some have been forced to close on Saturdays because they can't find staff.
Chamber of Commerce chief executive officer Chris Young said the Territory was short of everyone, from doctors to labourers. He said the economic downturn in southern states could have an effect on labour shortages in the Territory -- but not by much.
Mr Young said the NT would not be able to attract enough workers to settle in the Territory until property was more affordable.
KFC has 60 job vacancies in Darwin and Palmerston alone.
There are believed to be a further 35 jobs going begging at the chain in Alice Springs.
Landeryou and all his pals who have posted here could help alleviate the KFC crisis in Darwin.
Oh, I forgot. They are all one and the same person. Sort of like Sasha Uzunov's one man media army.
Andrew and I are already friends.
I would love to be a friend to Andrew who seems so lost and lonely. I could introduce him to the Lord of Hosts!
The NT can't stop the spread of cane toads but they've stopped something slimier, a toxic threat called... Landeryou!
Oh, how the poor mothers of the MUSU organised criminals must have wept. Their fine sons were corrupt beyond imagination...
The REAL Cait Catt
WTF ?!?
If Landeryou paid back the four million bucks, it would help form the basis for something. Not friendship perhaps, but a sort of amicable hatred!
FCUK You, Landeryou!
I am too nice to be Friends with Andrew Landeryou.
What were we saying yesterday about Landeryou hitting the turps?
He was drunk at 6:00 PM last night and he is still drunk now going by Cait's comment:
"Oh, how the poor mothers of the MUSU organised criminals must have wept. Their fine sons were corrupt beyond imagination..."
In vino veritas indeed! Landeryou has as good as admitted his MUSU fraud!
The "great hero" of the workers shows his true colours - a greedy self-serving and lazy character who employs dodgy spivs and wants an office at his doorstep…bugger everyone…it’s all about Andy. The Liberals really have some stalwarts among them don’t they.
Andy used to be a rising star.
Now he is a collapsed darwf star!
Notorious asset-stripper Landeryou goes very quiet here when mention is made of the MUSU and Lew frauds. The cats must have his tongue.
Supreme Court unimpressed with the Landeryou blog:
"Master Evans said the internet weblog entry "conveys a very misleading impression of what took place in this court this morning".
The Age May 26, 2005
At least we know where SOME of Sol Lew's money went!
"The Sunday Age has also discovered that Mr Landeryou donated $10,000 to the ALP in the lead-up to the Bracks Government's 2002 landslide victory through the failed internet company that is the focus of a bitter stoush with leading Melbourne businessman Solomon Lew.
The donation was made by IQ Corporation Pty Ltd, then controlled by Mr Landeryou, before its collapse in late-2003. It was listed in the Victorian ALP's 2001-02 annual returns, lodged with the Australian Electoral Commission.
Acting ALP state secretary Stephen Newnham declined to comment on whether the party should return the money to the company's liquidator, given that the donation came from a soon-to-be bankrupt company with a $3 million debt to one of the state's richest men.
May 1, 2005
Watch out Andy! reports: "A 26-year-old man has died in hospital after being shot as he stood by his car outside a KFC..."
A close relative of runaway businessman Andrew Landeryou has told a court that he believed Mr Landeryou, without his permission, made him a director of two companies and that his signature on a letter to corporate regulators was forged.
Mathew Mason, who is married to Mr Landeryou's sister, said he discovered he was on the companies' boards only when he received a demand from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission to pay corporate fees.
Mr Mason yesterday told the Victorian Supreme Court that when he asked Mr Landeryou why he had been nominated as a director "he said he would fix it".
The Age - April 28, 2005
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.
Les Twentyman's family wasn't the first to be frightened by serial stalker and public pest Landeryou:
"Businessman Andrew Landeryou and two former presidents of the failed Melbourne University Student Union have been temporarily barred from going within 50 metres of the union's liquidator after a series of incidents that culminated in a scuffle at the university on Friday...
"Mr McVeigh told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that since Mr Landeryou returned to Australia in late April, intimidation tactics had "escalated". "I do not know if I am at physical risk," he told magistrate Anne Goldsbrough, adding that he was more concerned for the safety of his wife and his staff...
"Mr McVeigh said security guards patrolled his home 24 hours a day. Photos of his house, cars, dog and backyard had been put on a website operated by Mr Landeryou. He told of a threat he said Mr Landeryou made during an adjournment of the liquidator's examination into the collapse of the student union. Mr Landeryou allegedly said he would "do you slowly".
The Age - June 8, 2005
Landeryou certainly has heaps of Chutzpah.
(Chutzpah: 1892, from Yiddish khutspe "impudence, gall" from Heb. hutspah. The classic definition is that given by Leo Rosten: "that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan".
Landeryou is very SPOOKY! If you had him over for lunch, you'd be constantly patting your wallet to check it was still there. And you would count the cutlery after he left. (Some of the MUSU crims were also into identity theft - so check your mail too).
I object to another Cait Catt stealing my identity.
I am a supporter of the great man. Not an opponent like my obnoxious namesake.
Any more of this and I'll stop posting to Slanderyou until he improves his attitude.
Andy is talking about student politics again! Now that is Hensonish. Wish David Marr would write a book about Andy
Andrew Landeryou is a political paedophile. He won't leave the children alone.
Patriot #2 has a very pertinent question. Where is Joe Klein? Did he suffer poor little Ronnie's fate? Did Landeryou eat him too?
Didn't Joe K end up in Parliament?
Former IQ partner Ed Dale claims to have sold relatively unknown websites for A$5 million in July 2005.
"In my home country of Australia, after years of hard work, I sold my first Internet Company for $3.5 million dollars. I then built up my own small group of 38 niche market web sites, which I sold for $5 million... in a single sale.
Since then, I have gone on to buy and sell over $14 million of
Internet Real Estate in just the last 2 years."
Just shows the brains were in the IQ outfit weren't El Gordo's.
So... does fat boy think Les Twentyman will give him a few mil for the site? He'd better think again. All he'll get is orders from WIPO, the internet police, to get off the property he is illegally cybersquatting on.
I think ACCC might be interested in Mr. Dale's claims.
$3.5 million, $5 million , $14 million in just buying and selling internet sites?
It might be interesting for Slanderyou to ask for some more details from Mr. Dominiche.
Click the link above and you will visit a site that says Ed Dale is a "crook". That might explain why he was business partners with Landeryou.
The Ed Dale 'Dominiche' site - promises millions by buying and selling websites - and is an obvious scam. It's in the Tony Robbins' genre - watch DVD's in your own home and become an instant success.
Figure this out for yourself. Ed Dale claims to have earned $14 million by profiting from internet 'real estate'. But his course of DVDs costs only $2397! Why would a multimillionaire be helping to cut his own throat by creating competition by selling 'courses' to them.
Site flipping (buying, improving and selling websites) IS a growing phenomenon, but with profits nowhere near what Ed Dale claims. In fact, simply by googling, you could get the info Ed is charging thousands for. Checkout Ed's mad claims:
Commandment No. 9 - Thou Shalt Beware of Scams and Fraud. Like any marketplace, buying and selling websites is filled with people who are looking to make a quick buck.
Ed Dale would only need to sell 5,840 courses to make another $14 million!
He will get an occasional sucker (maybe Landeryou has already signed up) and Sasha Uzunov would probably want a course for his one man media army.
By any chance, is Mr Dale a bankrupt - or did he escape because of the murky ownership and administration of IQ Corp?
Maybe creditor Sol Lew would like a slice of the Dominiche action!
I'm halfway through my Ed Dale course. And I've already made $150 by selling Vewnews to Andrew when he was pissed on Monday night. He said "I've seen this blog somewhere before. I believe it has some real potential. I can easily turn it into a Walkely Award winning site".
Thanks to Ed Dale's divine course I am learning lots of new things. I plan to sell Vexnews to Andy again if an opportunity presents! Yippee! I'm on my way to my first million!
Ed Dale had 15% of the IQ $8 million before it went bung.
The interference by a bankrupt crook in Melbourne Council, State Government, Union and Student Union affairs is utterly loathesome, offensive and reprehensible. What the f*ck are regulators, watchdogs and other useless government departments doing about this disgraceful menace.
He bought some Labor government leeway with the ten grand in 2005. Maybe the current loafing state government don't want to shaft generous contributors. Criminality spreads.
Have patriots noticed that this thread alone since it was opened has received 2 1/2 times the number of comments on ALL of poxnews. No wonder Landeryou is drunk most of the time.
A simple reason why both content and comments are down on Vexnews - apart from the fact that there are no readers - is because Landeryou's fingers have become hideously fat. They are too fat to negotiate the keyboard.
Andy lose some weight.
Lehmann Bros. went the same way as IQ Corp.
Watching Andy walking is rather hypnotic. It's like watching a lava lamp.
But I wouldn't have either one in my home - even if Andy could fit.
I had a lava lamp once - it was orange. It broke.
I had a blue one. probably still have it somewhere. will have to dig it out
might be fun to fire it up again
It's been a very quiet day on Vexnews. Why am I not surprised!
Andy's usually quiet on a Thursday. Think that's the day he puts in his dole form.
As an independent, free thinking person, I don't understand the criticisms with Vexnews. It seems to me as an independent, free thinking person that it covers stories and news items the leftard press cannot or will not. Give Vexnews a try. You know you'll enjoy it. I do.
Great minds Anon. I was going to write the very same thing!
"your child will turn into a demon IF YOU HAVE SUCH EVIL THOUGHTS".
should be accurately applied to Mr Slanderyou or is that Ms
Very quiet on Mr Slanderyou's blog of Sleaze. Have the leftards slept in again?
Ouch! Stinging criticism from a man who hasn't worked for - what? - five years.
I used to work for IQ back in the day. Seeing that smirking face of that conman Ed Dale has brought back a wave of memories of that crooked joint.
May Dale, Landeryou and Kitching all have a head on collision. Cunts, the lot of them.
Les Twentyman's family wasn't the first to be frightened by serial stalker and public pest Landeryou:
"Businessman Andrew Landeryou and two former presidents of the failed Melbourne University Student Union have been temporarily barred from going within 50 metres of the union's liquidator after a series of incidents that culminated in a scuffle at the university on Friday...
"Mr McVeigh told the Melbourne Magistrates Court that since Mr Landeryou returned to Australia in late April, intimidation tactics had "escalated". "I do not know if I am at physical risk," he told magistrate Anne Goldsbrough, adding that he was more concerned for the safety of his wife and his staff...
"Mr McVeigh said security guards patrolled his home 24 hours a day. Photos of his house, cars, dog and backyard had been put on a website operated by Mr Landeryou. He told of a threat he said Mr Landeryou made during an adjournment of the liquidator's examination into the collapse of the student union. Mr Landeryou allegedly said he would "do you slowly".
The Age - June 8, 2005
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