Andrew Landeryou and his new failing blog, Vexnews, has been comprehensively ignored by Jeremy Sear's new blog.
Tim Blair earlier pointed to the new blog.
Some 5 hours later, Andrew Landeryou wrote about the blog stating "Accused racist, Melbourne Grammar boy, not very busy barrister and Greens party executivard (sic) Jeremy ‘Smear’ Sear has compared his foes - including our beloved and apparently powerful publisher Andrew Landeryou - with Nazis".
Only problem, Landeryou was not mentioned in this context, except in the context of "...pulling"!
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1 week ago
63 Truth On Comments:
Cait Catt
Henderson Ross
Rita Randles
We all have absolutely nothing to say about this grand blog!
Jeremy Sears is an idiot.
How dare anyone call Andrew Landeryou a nazi. He has always stood up for the little guy against persecution. I am Henderson Ross.
Well said Henderson
As a jihadist and an Age reader, I find it surprising that the Left would criticize the infidel Landeryou.
That has to be haram.
Landeryou is back on the Les Twentyman hate campaign.
His latest attack is for Les daring to point out that ethnic branchstacking is rife in the western suburbs and that sleazy local MPs like Stinky Telmo Languiller and Biscuit Tin George Seitz pressure local immigrants into signing up for the ALP.
Even the ALP knows this goes on, with internal investigations calling for charges to be laid against Seitz.
We all know that George used his Greek Cypriot stack to defeat Hakki Suleyman's Turkish stack in the Kororoit Preselection.
Landeryou is a deadset flog.,25197,20572344-2702,00.html
The well known asset-stripper, corporate fraudster, libeller, stalker and hate blogger Landeryou is an ignorant bigot who needs a comprehensive biffing.
His sickening attacks on Les Twentyman, and his undemocratic interference and deceptions in the Kororoit election will be long remembered.
Landeryou is not a democrat, he is an ALP Stasi and vile libeller.
Andrew "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? I do" Landeryou has has his hand in a lot of tills.
Now he has turned that same hand to a series of the grossest libels ever seen on the internet. Stalking is a crime, image stealing is theft, and telling lies and making up stories is revolting.
Libeller and character assassin Landeryou still hasn't provided any proof whatever that the vile comments on SmearNews that Les Twentyman has been involved in pederasty remains SILENT about his disgusting and criminally libellous claims.
What a vile crook and coward!
The UFU claims that paid firefighters were excluded from the Victorian death firegounds is laughable. If such a thing took place, it probably preserved MFB and metro area paid CFA members from getting their backsides badly burned. I respect the paid firefighters who are highly professional provided they are in their metro or suburban environments.
These were raging wildfires out in the bush. Metro appliances, especially including pumpers, are next to useless in the bush. So are firefighters familiar with rubbish bin fires and house fires. The wild wind conditions we saw Saturday two weeks ago are rarely encountered by metro members.
Wildfire conditions are not taught by MFB training staff. It would have been mad to commit MFB units to this firestorm. Likewise CFA metro units, with a few exceptions.
In 1998, CFA metro Geelong West Tanker was destroyed by fire and all 5 crew killed at Linton.
The whinging paid members should privately thank god they were not called...
As usual, Landeryou has missed the boat on real unionista stories.
Vexnews, what's that? Sounds like another Landeryou failure.
All astute bloggers know Slanderyou has 50 times more readers than Vexnews. Which is why mad Landeryou using annoying assumed identities spends more time on this blog trying to get attention than on his own pathetic blog.
The fat failure is desperate for readership. He has no friends and even his family won't talk to him.
I read Vexnews once. It was awful!
Some of the regional centres of Victoria possess handfuls of paid CFA firefighters. My experience over more than 20 years suggest that volunteers alone faced the all the various wildfires. We did so with our own elected volunteer officers and incident controllers usually from volunteer ranks. Regional backup from senior CFA paid staff, where required, was always of a very high standard.
DSE crews were very efficient, but they were always happy to let CFA units undertake all the labour-intensive tasks.
I saw some MFB units on firegrounds in recent years, but they were usually held in reserve. These are wonderful and gifted firfighters in Melboure, but next to useless in the bush.
UFU Union secretary Peter Marshall is a notorious dissembler of false information. He has been causing dissension in firefighting circles for many years. He supports the closed, closeted, privileged, paid firefighters.
My wife told me that "You volunteers are stupid. You risk your lives, spend our money going to meetings and racing to the fire stations unpaid, while the paid people get rich".
She won me over. But the central question is about training. Volunteers in the bush get it. MFB metro units don't. Peter Marshall should be demanding outer Melbourse MFB units get wildfire training so they can go into wildfire areas, in appropraie appliances, when circumstances demand.
What's all this firefighting got to do with the insane Landeryou? The fat freak and his personality disorder have never been near a fire. While he will use any cause to promote himself and steal more money, the actual topic is irrelevant. He is a crook. He would steal from donation tins if he could get through the doors of the RSL.
Landeryou drunk and unconscious again. Thankfully leaving this fine Blog alone for the evening. Small blessings.
CFA tankers possess between 1500 - 4000 litres of water. They usually have chainsaws, possess fire retardant suitable for the bush, and have crews comprising members sometimes with hundreds of years of combined experience of wildfires.
MFB simply does not.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 4:03:00 AM
The connection is that Landeryou claims to be the geat union unraveller.
But he has missed this union story fundamental to the horrific Victorian bushfires.
You are a dullard for not seeing the connection.
Is Landeryou in jail yet?
The repulsive crook is still unconscious and rolling on the floor in his own vomit.
Another friendless Friday night.
The hungover Landeryou has the shakes this morning and can't type. What a big night spent on his own again, with quite a few flagons downed and the vomit still on the floor of the Fat Cave. Building management of the luxury city building were horrified by the stench. Landeryou is currently downing 3 X KFC Family Feasts, and will be back in action in no time. Expect the sockpuppets to put in appearance later today.
He might have been arrested... I hope so.
"How dare anyone call Andrew Landeryou a nazi. He has always stood up for the little guy against persecution. I am Henderson Ross"
Henderson, Andrew has always stolen from the little guy more successfully than the big guy. Solly Lew got most of his money back by confiscating Landeryou's swish Parkville mansion. The members of MUSU which he bankrupted, through the Optima and Marbain scams, will never receive their money back.
Landeryou still unconscious?
Even his split personalities are hurting after last night's binge.
Andrew Landeryou has never been conscious of the damage and harm his actions cause others. His "sense of entitlement" and "privilege" mean that he thinks he can cheat, bully, intimidate and slander anyone who gets in his way. The thug should be jailed.
Ah, I still remember him hiding behind the potplant after he was sacked as MUSU President by a referendum where 89% of over 6000 students voted. The pyschotic Landeryou won't give up the keys to the Union Building, so security was called, took them off him and booted him out. I think he become even more deranged after that.
Wow, Landeryou was a crook all the way back in 1991. A habitual criminal.
He should be jailed for what he did to the Melbourne University Student Union. The theft of $1 million from the Union via the fraudulent no-bid leasing deal through his Marbain company, where he promptly sent the funds offshore to Hong Kong, then Cyprus. Followed by the scandalous Optima deal where he had the Union underwrite $46 million in student accommodation to profit himself. This final act of treason by a sacked and insane former President bankrupt the Union and left it in the hands of administrators. Landeryou should be in jail.
The fat freak and his multiple personalities very quiet today. Wiped off the vomit and went stalking again?
I have been out of action today, writing up a conference paper on cattery hygiene to be presented in Ulaanbaator very soon.
Just a couple of comments. Most commentators are not worthy of a reply.
Friday 12.49 is not me, but I don't necessarily disagree with him/her.
Saturday 1.30 claims Landeryou is an ALP Stasi.
He is not. Gavin Jennings is. He's the Socialist Left Minister for the EPA Stasi and the EPA Stasi head honcho Mick Bourke.
I have criticised the EPA before and so have even people who are opposed to me and my position. That Stasi operation accepts dob ins from anyone then sends out an infringement notice on the basis of a dob in that is in many cases vindective or fraudulent.
Jennings staffers even wrote items on Poll Bludger defending the fraudulent dobbers. Disgusting.
I've been ejoying the HubDub site.
Vexnews has six friends - one of whom is the dead voodoo woman Rita Randles. It gets sadder, though.
Rita Randles, one of Landeryou's fave mischief makers on this blog, has only ONE friend - Vexnews!!!
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
Theo, your dream about becoming a great olympic pole vaulter using me was nutty. When you woke up you found you couldn't even leap over a matchbox.
Surely it is a defence when a person's appendage is as tiny as me? If you introduced me as a defence witness, the court would crack up. You haven't tried humour yet! See you in March unless the Viagra shipment arrives...
This is strange. Landeryou's screwy fake personalities like Henderson Ross keep reappearing here with exaggerated claims about Vexnews being Australia's second most popular news portal, etc., etc.
I just found an analysis site that shows Vexnews has 'Few Users'.
Don't tell me Henderson Ross (Landeryou) has been telling fibs again. says Vexnews gave these keywords for its analysis:
"Keywords: News, Politics, Media, Australia, Labor, Liberal, Greens, Victoria, NSW, WA, SA, TAS, QLD, Canberra. Left, Right Freedom, Patriot, Scandle, Sex, National, News,"
What the hell is a 'Scandle' and what interest could Landeryou possibly have in 'Sex'?
I have considerable net worth on HubDub.
Beat that Slanderyou.
How did you ever get to be on HubDub Rita. I tried but they refused.They told me they only accept real persons and they won't accept cats.
I'm going to get Diane Anderson to complain to her Congressman.
Andrew won't be very happy with you catter.
He exposes Diane Anderson every time she gets up to no good.
He told Jeff Kennett he was stupid to make Diane his campaign manager for Lord Mayor of Melbourne and Jeff listened.
Then Jeff pulled out. Disgusting. He would have made a great Lord Mayor.
We are in the midst of a drought.
That ain't rain you're hearing Landeryou.
It's Catherine Ng, our beloved Lord Mayor and many others pissing in your ear. Phil Cleary managed a few extra drops because he thinks of you so highly. Dean Mighell wanted to leave another kind of visitor's message. But enough is enough. Your blog is already full of shit.
Cait Catt (Landeryou) 2:19:00 AM
Jeff Kennett should have 'pulled out' a lot earlier before be completely fucked Victoria.
A decade later, we're still picking through the rubble of Jeff's Victoria. No wonder I feel so depressed.
The Labor goverments since then have been pretty useless too.
It's on Evan Thornley's site this morning that Julie Bishop's father says she got the flick because she's a woman.
No. Not the case at all. Why do the defenders of stupid women say this?
Remember Carmen Lawrence. WAs worst Premier. The lady responsible for the rigged Royal Commission that acted disgracefully in relation to Brian Burke. The woman who acted disgracefully into Penny Easton, who committed suicide. The woman who urged other women to invest in Western Women, a company that was run by the fraudster Robyn Greenburg, many of whom were ruined as a result.
Carmen Lawrence is bad news. Not because she's a woman, but because she's evil.
Bring back Brian Burke.
Just as well Julie Bishop isn't Jewish. This is an angle on Robyn Greenburg, defended by the despicable Carmen Lawrence, that appeared in the US Jewish Year Book. 1994:
Robyn Greenburg, convicted of fraud
following the demise of a women's investment and finance group in Western Australia, was sentenced to 17 years in prison. Some saw the harsh sentence as inspired by anti-Semitism, others by sexism.
Landeryou Crime List
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
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