Will he or won't he claim the $950 Tax Bonus for Working Australians?
Key word is "working"; but then again, he must be drawing an income from somewhere?
$950 is a nice round number. Only 10x what Vexnews is worth.
The Health Benefits of Indoor Rock Climbing for All Ages
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1 week ago
80 Truth On Comments:
Vexnews is the best and greatest Ozzie news site.
I rely on it for all my news.
Who else ran the news that former Minister Peter Howson died? Only Vexnews. Who told us about the EPA boss on Channel 10 tonight? Only Vexnews.
Vexnews is great. All our Catts fully support you Cait.
Don't forget Henderson. With Cait he is the greatest source of news on this blog.
Remember that Cait told you first that Slanderyou won the UNESCO award for bile. Congratulations Slanderyou. That's one award I don't begrudge you winning.
I'm on a pension and I work. I'm acknowledged a one of the most voluminous contributors to this blog. I deserve the $950 bonus for working Australians. My writings are of superior quality. Rita will back me up on this.
Come on Mr Rudd. I want my $950 bonus.
A mistype. I typed Rita (me) and not Cait. It should read Cait will back me up.
You type too quick Rita. that's why you make typos. Slanderyou and Liberty Larry will eat you for that. Take more care in future.
Shut up dead Rita. And Cait you should read Poxnews a little more carefully. Poxnews referred to the EPA Stasi, and it really is the EPA Stasi. You referred to it by the initials Socialist Left Commo Minister Jennings wants you to refer to it as. The contributor to Poxnews who attacked Herr Comrade Fuhrer EPA Stasi boss Bourke ought to be congratulated, not defamed.
Cait of what relevance is the death of Peter Howson to today? He was very old, and while I don't want to speak ill of him as he was a nice man and did good work for the Eye and Ear Hospital he left politics in 1972 when he was defeated and never held a political position after that. This is not really the great news you say it is. Only Poxnews could make news of an item like that.
Patriots of Team Slanderyou, do not fear!
Fat Andrew Landeryou cannot claim the $950 bonus without lodging a tax return -- and who could ever imagine him doing that.
I'd hate to get stuck with Cait Catt at a party if she relies on Poxnews "for all" her news.
Afterwards I would notice she has BO and a five o'clock shadow. Going the grope, I would find a rather small d#ck.
Yup, Cait is Landeryou in drag!
Oh Yuck! Way to much info from previous poster.
Drag Queen Landeryou! Hmnn. It kinda makes sense.
It could be a whole lot worse. You could meet up with Rita Randles at a party - and end up being charged with Necrophilia.
On the other hand, the dead never have a headache and never finish first. They never say "Is it in yet?"
I suspect Catter8 is a Ladyboy too!
I've heard that Landeryou screws dead chooks. Surely there is a law against this?
Shake a tail feather Landy!
I can just imagine what would happen if the ATO asked Landeryou why he hasn't lodged a tax return in years. "The landlord stole my papers! The dog ate them!"
[The Age] Carol Thatcher, the daughter of former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, has been dumped by the BBC after referring to a tennis player in the Australian Open as a "golliwog".
This story isn't on Poxnews. What gives?
Carol sounds as mad a rascist as Landeryou.
So I understand it, a bankrupt can still earn an income but must pay income tax?
The interesting thing about the present World Crash is that it was earlier reflected in microcosm by the MUSU and IQC bankruptsies. There were wholesale frauds, a subprime student housing scam, asset-stripping, overblown executive salaries, and all kinds of corporate criminality. Millions disappeared and are still missing.
Patriots here are already familiar with details of the above. Eventually the DPP will get around to Landeryou and put him away. Too little, too late.
1:49:00 AM,
Jeez, I paid tax three times on my Super - then lost a third of it thanks to the criminal corporate crooks lending to people who could never repay. When you have corporate crooks and government going through your Super you are going to have real problems.
Kevin 07 has forgotten the people who have actually been impacted by the world finance disaster. Belt-tightening after a lifetime of employment and taxpaying stinks.
Receipients of the Australian government bailout largesse should account for how they spent the windfalls. Those windfalls should be conditional on immediate spending and not available for any other use.
Wildlife officers were called to the corner of Russell Street and Little Collins Street last night after reports of a beached whale.
Investigations revealed that it was Andrew Landeryou, unconscious in a drunken stupor.
Did the wildlife officers try to revive the Landerwhale by throwing buckets of KFC over it?
Presumably passed out Landeryou had pissed himself. A vast lump of blubber surrounded by water. No wonder people thought there was a whale blocking the Little Collins/Russell Street intersection.
I had no idea Landeryou was a big Black Sabbath fan, but take a look at the very top of this thread.
His sock puppet Cait Catt proclaims "Vexnews is the best and greatest Ozzie news site."
Vexnews is all about Ozzie Osbourne!
That explains why it has nothing of any relevance or anything that is true about politics.
It is all in some sort of code that only Sabbath freaks can understand.
the post above is very very funny
Interesting. If landeryou claims it, he has earned an income, under 100K. If he doesn't is it either because he has earned over 100K or hasn't disclosed his income. Which is it Andy?
It is a bonus for WORKING and not THIEVING Australians
By law, fatso would have been required to get his tax up to date when he went bankrupt.
It would be interesting to see what he has done since then about paying tax.
Fatso must also pay every cent he receives above $41,250.30 to his creditors
"Vexnews is the best and greatest Ozzie news site."
I look forward to seeing what Poxnews has to say about Kentucky Fried Bat.
Poxnews has some fascinating comments about the split in the Labor Right faction in Victoria, also known incorrectly as Labor Unity. Landeryou sides with one group, that of Newnham and Conroy, as his posting on Poxnews today shows. Cait Cait has been very silent about this on this blog, preferring to tell lies about Slanderyou winning an alleged Unicef award for bile. Below is what Landeryou said today on Poxnews.
MASTER-STROKE: Noah Carroll slays foes in the name of Labor Unity
By VEXNEWS ⋅ February 5, 2009
laborunitydotcom Labor Unity rising star and faction secretary Noah Carroll has in one swift, brutal move resolved any remaining conflict over the oddly much-prized brand name of their moderate faction. He incorporated Labor Unity as a legal entity.
The Australian’s Rick Wallace, well connected with the NUW led sub-group, was supplied copies of the incorporation documents by them in what observers see as an anguished cry from the wilderness.
The documents are not of course secret and can be easily obtained online.
VEXNEWS understands that NUW group activists discovered the incorporation only when they were themselves were attempting to register an organisation with that name a few days ago and were yesterday attempting to register domain names for factional missives. Hopefully we can be spared the dubious delights of sub-factional websites. Is VEXNEWS not enough fun for all patriots? Please remember, we love all, serve all.
Some were concerned this morning that the attack via the NUW’s favoured organ was a sign they were no longer interested in pursuing the peace talks championed by their appointed negotiator, patriot Senator David Feeney.
“Labor Unity was incorporated a couple of weeks ago on January 21, it’s hardly news. They’re just being delicate about being outmaneuvered. Again. Perhaps you should call them the Boo Hoo faction,” one aggressive sub-factional warrior opined this morning to VEXNEWS.
“They are perpetually two weeks behind everyone,” one operative explained.
“They fail to understand that purporting to sack Shorten blew up in their face. Many people drew the line at that. Can they be surprised that Labor Unity will take measures to protect itself from those who can’t flick the switch to conciliation. The only part of charm offensive they’re good at it is being offensive.”
“They’ve shot their foot clean off going after Newnham. Now they take aim with the other going after Carroll. When will these people learn?”
“A Macedonian style naming dispute is the last thing they should be embarking on. They need to stop being stuck on stupid. They say they want a deal but keep briefing the press.”
Wallace’s story curiously cited “legal sources” as asserting that the act of incorporation would make it difficult to exclude prospective members from joining.
Those legal sources are incorrect, as many who tried and failed to obtain membership of the esteemed Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron - an incorporated body - could testify.
One such rejected applicant - notorious businessman Solomon Lew with his fondness for pleasure cruisers staffed by hot Israeli “masseuses” who ensure all runs on the Bay have a happy ending - spent years huffing and puffing demanding membership for him and his boat.
Sadly the Squadron’s membership application process meant they could exclude whoever they wanted to exclude. It wasn’t on religious grounds, as much to Sol’s distress people of all faiths were welcome just not him. It was his worship of the corrupt money god that led the Committee to look unkindly upon his persistent applications. They only accept people of “good character” which represented a bit of a problem for the notorious Lew the Looter.
So it is laughable to suggest incorporation creates “reverse Trojan horses”, although from what we hear the incorporation was meant purely defensively not as an instrument for anything other than “saving people from themselves”, a reference to the blood-thirsty approach taken by some of those associated with the NUW led by Tim Holding called “the Network”.
Will Labor Unity be exacting in its approach to membership as the RMYS? We very much doubt it.
We understand the incorporation move was calculated to prevent the NUW group - which its own activists say have a very small percentage of actual Labor Unity “Broad Group” members - from claiming they embody and exclusively own a group they had only recently been re-affiliated with.
Some players in this sub-factional war so that it isn’t fair for VEXNEWS to discuss these matters in our normally fair and balanced way, criticising and praising both sides when it is deserved. But if it’s not legitimate for us to make this commentary, leading one normally nice parliamentarian to describe us with a politically incorrect word that rhymes with ‘grunt’, is it legitimate for his own allies to brief a national newspaper solely for the purpose of whining?
Those and many other questions face those who looked like conquering the world before Christmas, jammed a victory flag of celebration at the top of the mountain they’d climbed and are now free-falling in an avalanche of despair and defeat.
VEXNEWS finds no pleasure in this. Those defeated include many fine patriots who are loyal friends, good sources and profess sound views that are an important part of keeping their party moderate, relevant and true to its supporters. But they’ll bristle at being called defeated. They’ll protest about being referred to as the NUW sub-group, Feeneyites, Somyurekians, SDA people or whatever. They are Labor Unity, they insist. Their opponents are splittists. From rampaging warriors with blood-dripping axes in 2008, they have been reinvented as the Sensitive New Age Guys of 2009. There’s an insult, slight or grievance around every corner, for some. They need to be build a bridge and get over it.
For those desperate for another way, we kindly offer our mediation services, although the SDA’s new friends at the CFMEU might be able to arrange Mick Gatto to step in if our more genteel approach is unsuccessful.
Jokes aside, on a positive note, it is very clear to us that even the once very aggressive combatants on both sides would prefer a peace deal above all else. What is straining both sides is not the what but the how. Should it include the NUW for example? Is Feeney willing to take a leadership role again of the kind he once endured? Will people die in a ditch to protect MP’s who are never going to be ministers or were once ministers and will not be drafted again? How will consensus work?
But while Feeney talks peace, the NUW’s Thow and SDA’s Donovan hold once-secret talks with the crooks from the CFMEU.
While Shorten talks peace, there are some in his ranks who are getting their jollies contemplating which MP they might skewer and put on the coals at their nearest kebab shop.
If both sides really want reconciliation they’ll need to put last year out of their mind and take people at face value, however they construct a deal.
If they really want peace, they’ll have to fight for it. And sacrifice for it.
NB: In a previous article, we incorrectly designated Ben Hardman as an NUW person. That is not a correct characterisation of the MP, who even sub-factional foes regard as a very nice bloke. We have corrected the original article and apologise for any confusion.
Is Andy a Snark?
You may have read Snark Attack!, David Denby's recent book about a new level of meanness by writers on the web. His premise is that people are snarking others in the media. What’s a snark? It’s a nasty attack on someone who disagrees with you. It’s a little too personal, too. The concern is that this nastiness is destroying the quality of discourse in the media. He’s probably right. It may be new to the web. It’s not new to business.
Imagine you work for a manager who has a volatile temper and a basic intolerance of others. If you’re wondering how this guy got into management, get in line. I’m still mystified because I worked for him and never could figure it out. One of the guys I worked with said, "He must have pictures of someone in management doing something wrong." That would make sense. He probably had a whole slide show of pictures because that’s how bad a manager he was. This "charmer" led our weekly sales meetings. One meeting in particular stands out. The boss starts a discussion and it’s clear that there’s a big difference of opinions between the boss and one of the salesmen. The discussion quickly turns into an argument. Let the snarking begin.
The boss yells at the salesman, "If you don’t do it the way I say and get that piece of business, I’ll cut your balls off." I’m the only female in the room. I come from a family of all daughters where my parents never cursed. Imagine my surprise at this kind of nastiness. I had been in business for several years and worked with all kinds of guys so I had some preparation for the world of male dominated business and how men think. This was different. Even more shocking was that the salesman said nothing.
After the meeting, I went up to the guy who was the manager attacked in the meeting. I asked him, "How could you let him talk to you that way?" He said, "He didn’t mean it." I disagreed. "Of course he did." Snarks do mean everything they say. They just think people will avoid returning fire and arguing with them. The snarks think they can get away with it. Some do. If someone snarks you, you’ve got to respond. Not the way they do. There’s a more effective way.
First, don’t yell. If a snarker gets louder, you’ve got to respond in a softer voice. That way they sound really out of control. Then your only response is, "If you can’t talk in a civil tone, I don’t have to listen." If someone is purely nasty, you can respond, "There’s no need to get personal. We can simply stick to the issues."
Snarks do nothing productive for business. Unfortunately, snarkiness is not new in the business world. What may be new for you is that you now have a strategy to put a stop to it. You better implement your strategy -- if you want the snarking to stop.
I had a boss who often flew into a rage. We could tell when an outburst was coming. His neck went red. But it was already too late.
He was dangerous because he smashed things too. His record was two mobile phones thrown at the wall of his office in one day. He once threw a small table that missed a female staff member by centimetres! And this was in the Victorian public service. The guy was good at managing upwardly and complaints got nowhere...
I'm not sure it was 'snarking'. It was certainly bullying, accompanied of course by nepotism and patronage. A poisonous mix.
Landeryou is a bully too, who libels people every day from the safety of his hidden identity. Not in the phone book, not on the electoral roll. Wise really. He's going to get his ears boxed soon.
Don't forget the horde of fake commenters he hides behind too!
For his libels, he hides behind his bankruptcy.
Just in from Poxnews. Another unhappy blog reader:
Perhaps next time you are going to write SHIT you may want to put your name on it instead of being a coward and hiding.
Posted by cheryl bernard | February 5, 2009, 18:59
More defamatory swill from Poxnews:
"It is interesting to see that criminal convictions for lying under oath are no obstacle to a senior editorial role at the Star News Group".
And this from a guy who gets amnesia the moment he steps into a courtroom.
Funny thing is that he doesn't seem very forgetful when he is libelling Les Twentyman et al!
The leftards and jihadists on this blog will all be lining up with their grubby little hands for the $950 hush money. Shame. I am Henderson Ross.
Well said Henderson. Anyone earning less than $100K is lazy.
As a Jihadist, I am looking forward to my infidel $950.
I wonder if Theo will be taking the Sergeant Schultz defence - "I know nothing"!
It works all the time for Landeryou.
But, of course, there are feral barristers out there who would love to see Landeryou spilling his guts. When that happens, and it will, many heads will roll!
Eraserhead talks of "Landeryou spilling his guts."
No thanks. One Mr Creosote is enough.
Landeryou may well explode, but I don't want the taxpayers of Melbourne to pay for the clean up.
Cait Catt, the principal contributor to this blog, disagrees and has said repeatedly that Mr Landeryou is an honest and ethical person.
Is Cait Catt honest and ethical? If not, what should they do with her at the unnamed cattery?
"Henderson Ross", "Al haji Abdullah", "Rita Randles", "catter8" - too many Landeryous - an avalanche of puke...
February 06, 2009 2:03:00 AM,
Don't freakin' confuse me. I'm having enough trouble managing my stable of fake commenters, without having to account for who said what, when! I'm running my own blog and adding fake comments there. And I'm commenting here under several fake names. You want me to lose the plot altogether. But I am far too smart for that youse idiots!
Andy has modelled vexnews on News Corp - or so he claims. But NEWS Corporation has reported a first half net loss of $US5.9 billion ($9.19 billion) due to writedowns on assets and the economic downturn.
I'd hate to read Andy's financial accounts.
I find it amusing Cait Landeryou has been consistently getting less credits on the persistent contributor section of this blog.
Does that mean the Slanderyou Investigations Unit has proof in certain cases that Landeryou is posting under the feline name, and deducts credits accordingly?
Not all the commenters on Poxnews are Landeryou. This just in from the Hate Blog:
As Cheryl said, put your name on the story you gutless piece of SHIT. As a journalist, you have pointed out the importance of truth….did you check your facts?? NO!! He is not a convicted criminal….you pathetic moron, he still has to go to court. As for the rest of your so called story……….great fairy tale!
You would have to be the lowest piece of
rhinocerous pizzle I have ever had the misfortune to read. Get a fucking life and find a job that suits……dumb fuck!!!
Posted by Fastoola Bubcuss | February 6, 2009, 20:17
Landy is no journo!
He is just a fraud who writes libels.
Come to think of it, Landeryou hasn't been convicted yet either.
OPP must still be on holiday.
Why is it the top four contributors to this blog are Landeryou sock puppets?
Cait catt, catter 8, henderson ross and rita randles go away to your own blog and let Poxnews readers read your bile.
You might then be in the running for a fake unicef award, which is as fake as the Walkleys you talk about Cait.
Vexnews is crap. Andrew Landeryou's imaginary friends are not welcome contributors to this block. Slanderyou, please block the fat thug's IP address. While I generally don't approve of such measures, it is really necessary in the case of this lying fat bankrupt thief.
A sensible idea. Poxnews censors all the time.
The only drawback is the amusement cait and others provide readers of this blog.
I really laughed when cait claimed Slanderyou won a fake award. The most amusing part is that cait actually credited this blog with winning something!
Those black balloons TV Ads have got me puzzled. They each "represent" 50 grams of greenhouse gas - yet they float to the ceilings in the Ads.
Three KFC fillet burgers contain 46.8g of fat which if packaged for the above Ads would result in "lead balloons".
Landeryou has had to call MFB Rescue twice already this month. There were so many black balloons that he was pinned to the toilet bowl on one occasion. Breathing Apparatus was needed, and the rescuers had to be hosed down by the HAZMAT unit afterwards. *It was like reading Poxnews", one rescuer said later, "We were up to our ears in shit".
Landeryou is going to have several loud involuntary bowel movements when he gets the MFB bills!
The Lord Mayor of Melbourne (butt of many Landeryou libels on Poxnews) has requested that Landeryou should be evacuated from the Fat Cave by Sky Crane 'Elvis'.
"Yes, I know it's dangerous to fly five tonnes of blubber and 20 tonnes of methane gas over the CBD", Lord Mayor Doyle says, "But to do nothing might render the world's most liveable city uninhabitable for many months".
Natural gas or Methane is lighter than air. If Landeryou contains 20 tonnes of it, Doyle could just launch him off the balcony of the Fat Cave.
If he floats away never to be seen again, who cares? It could be rather spectacular as Landeryou could provide his own gas propulsion.
I don't want to see LANDER-BLIMP hovering over Melbourne everyday.
It would lead to eclipses of the sun, mass public depression, and a lot of panic in the streets.
Eventually, he would have to be shot down! Aaarrgh! Another Landeryou mess to be cleaned up.
Trivia Question:
How and why did Landeryou provide the creative idea behind the title for the TV comedy Two and a Half Men?
If Landeryou's mate Sasha Uzunov is a One Man Media Army, Landy has gotta be worth two and a half men at least.
Did I win? Huh? Did I win!
Landeryou eats as much as five people - so that can't be the answer...
It's obvious!
Landeryou weighs as much as two and a half men. How easy was that!!!
Landeryou is a fully-functioning libel factory. He can churn out libels faster than KFC can service its customers!. Not that KFC customer service is fast or practical. But it eventually gets around the holdups.
The Family Court Chief Justice Diana Bryant yesterday refused to confirm that personal items and a briefcase containing papers were stolen from her car on Thursday night.
OMG, these were the Darcey papers. The kid thrown off the West Gate suicide attraction. This is the place that failed Crown Casino patrons love to end their lives. It's all so preventable, loathesome and abominable. It all so much the Kennett Years. Repulsive Labor Grim Reapers, Stop profiting from the blood dollars.
Judge Diana Bryant says of the Darcey Affair: "And, when something tragic happens … everybody naturally wants to say, 'Well, what was the last involvement?'
"And if the last involvement was an order of the court, then people naturally want to say, 'Well, it must be the court's fault.' "
Justice Bryant said the Family Court system was based on a European model that was child-focused. "And what we really do try to do is stop people focusing on the disputes, their own disputes, and focus on the needs of the children," she said.
Hmnn. Good guess, Chief. Courts impact on people's live endlessly, and perhaps, in this case, terminally. A European model such as you suggest for family law, is rather like the importation of rabbits and foxes. You people are a hopeless bunch of idiots selling aussies right down the drain.
WE DON'T WAN'T A FREAKING EURO Model. We want an Australian model that actually works. There are millions of reasons this should be so.
Did you know that Betty Bryant, the mother of Diana Bryant, holds the Australian record for a defalcation from her law firm when she was a solicitor. Something like twenty million dollars or so.
Didn't stop her daughter from becoming Chief Federal Magistrate and boss of the Family Court.
Of course we cannot pin the sins of the mother on the daughter, and Diana may not be the crook her mother was, but her ancestry is interesting to say the least.
Speaking of ancestry, as in the case of Diana Bryant, Andrew Landeryou is often mentioned on this blog as the son of Bill. Bill Landeryou was sacked by John Cain after some malpractice in the NUW, where he used to work. Andrew is now a blogger, and I think his blog is called Poxnews.
Newhnham (and Landeryou) found by the Electoral Commission to have misled voters.
But the soft cocks won't prosecute.
ALP Scum
I still see scope for a prosecution of the Fat Man:
Labor pamphlet misled voters
The Age
Melissa Fyfe
February 8, 2009
THE Victorian Labor Party misled voters in last year's bitterly fought Kororoit byelection, but will escape prosecution because of loopholes in the way the courts treat the state's electoral laws.
The Victorian Electoral Commission's review of the election has pointed the finger at ALP state secretary Stephen Newnham for authorising a pamphlet that said: "A vote for Les Twentyman is a vote for the Liberals."
The commission said its lawyers had concluded the pamphlet was misleading but Mr Newnham could not be prosecuted because of the narrow way such breaches are interpreted by the Victorian courts.
The commission has called on Parliament to consider amending the law to deter political parties from making "confusing statements".
Mr Twentyman, a well-known western suburbs youth worker, gave Labor a fright when he decided to stand in its safe seat of Kororoit.
The June byelection, sparked by the retirement of former minister Andre Haermeyer, was won by Labor's Marlene Kairouz.
Mr Twentyman made a complaint to the commission about the pamphlet, arguing that a vote for him was, in fact, a vote for him, not the Liberal Party. But under court interpretation of the law, the pamphlet must not only be misleading and deceptive, it must also actually direct the voter to cast his or her vote in a misleading way.
The commission's Sue Lang said that while people might think some election material was misleading, the narrow interpretation of the Electoral Act by the courts would not lead to a successful prosecution. Individuals who engaged in misleading conduct during elections could face fines of up to $6805.
Mr Twentyman said yesterday he was extremely disappointed the commission "did not have the balls" to prosecute Mr Newnham. He said it was clear from feedback at polling booths that the Labor Party's material had turned some voters against him.
"It affected my vote by 10 per cent and without (the material) I would have made it into parliament. It is fearmongering of the worst type."
Labor also released material during the campaign that said Mr Twentyman wanted to "build heroin injecting rooms in your suburb", which would place "your kids at risk".
Mr Twentyman's campaign manager, former federal independent Phil Cleary said: "The backroom boys will go away and gloat about the fact that this might have helped them win the election, but the public should be really angry. What do we make of the fact that the (commission) says it was a misleading pamphlet but nothing can be done?"
Mr Newnham said yesterday he had no comment.
Andrew won't claim the $950, nor does he deserve it. He withdraws that amount daily from his offshore bank accounts to cover rent and snacks.
"Man's character is his fate.": Heraclitus - (c.540-480 BC) Greek philosopher
"Lack of money is the root of all evil." -- George Bernard Shaw - (1856-1950) Irish comic dramatist
Andrew Landeryou loves money and will stop at nothing to get it. He is evil. Fortunately, I hear progress has been made in tracking the overseas loot. Watch this space.
Andrew, watch your back. The Lebanon accounts have been uncovered. Beware!
Landeryou Crime List
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
I still see scope for a prosecution of the Fat Man:
Labor pamphlet misled voters
The Age
Melissa Fyfe
February 8, 2009
THE Victorian Labor Party misled voters in last year's bitterly fought Kororoit byelection, but will escape prosecution because of loopholes in the way the courts treat the state's electoral laws.
The Victorian Electoral Commission's review of the election has pointed the finger at ALP state secretary Stephen Newnham for authorising a pamphlet that said: "A vote for Les Twentyman is a vote for the Liberals."
The commission said its lawyers had concluded the pamphlet was misleading but Mr Newnham could not be prosecuted because of the narrow way such breaches are interpreted by the Victorian courts.
The commission has called on Parliament to consider amending the law to deter political parties from making "confusing statements".
Mr Twentyman, a well-known western suburbs youth worker, gave Labor a fright when he decided to stand in its safe seat of Kororoit.
The June byelection, sparked by the retirement of former minister Andre Haermeyer, was won by Labor's Marlene Kairouz.
Mr Twentyman made a complaint to the commission about the pamphlet, arguing that a vote for him was, in fact, a vote for him, not the Liberal Party. But under court interpretation of the law, the pamphlet must not only be misleading and deceptive, it must also actually direct the voter to cast his or her vote in a misleading way.
The commission's Sue Lang said that while people might think some election material was misleading, the narrow interpretation of the Electoral Act by the courts would not lead to a successful prosecution. Individuals who engaged in misleading conduct during elections could face fines of up to $6805.
Mr Twentyman said yesterday he was extremely disappointed the commission "did not have the balls" to prosecute Mr Newnham. He said it was clear from feedback at polling booths that the Labor Party's material had turned some voters against him.
"It affected my vote by 10 per cent and without (the material) I would have made it into parliament. It is fearmongering of the worst type."
Labor also released material during the campaign that said Mr Twentyman wanted to "build heroin injecting rooms in your suburb", which would place "your kids at risk".
Mr Twentyman's campaign manager, former federal independent Phil Cleary said: "The backroom boys will go away and gloat about the fact that this might have helped them win the election, but the public should be really angry. What do we make of the fact that the (commission) says it was a misleading pamphlet but nothing can be done?"
Mr Newnham said yesterday he had no comment.
I suspect Catter8 is a Ladyboy too!
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