This morning at 9.30 am (like every other day, except Saturday and Sunday) I get out of bed, then sit down to a hearty breakfast consisting of the family 26 piece bucket of KFC.
I then read The Australian and The Age online, paraphrase some stories, then post them onto Vexnews which I then claim as "exclusives".
I then weigh myself, and find that after all this activity I lose 0.00001 kgs. To make up for the lost weight, I then eat another family 26 piece bucket of KFC.
(Patriots may wish to finish the diary entry for the rest of the day)
146 Truth On Comments:
This diary is forged! There is nothing in it about the five stiff drinks fat boy needs from the catering cask each morning to give him courage to face the day.
I reckon this is forged too. Landeryou eats eight or ten tubs of KFC for his breakfast.
Landerfat dresses as a woman to try to escape the law!
Thank you for the compliment. The cat looks lovely. I wish I looked so good.
It's a lovely compliment Cait. I never thought Slanderyou would ever pay you a compliment. Perhaps Slanderyou has a new enemy now. Jenny. After all she is the daughter of Pauline.
That's true catter. Slanderyou hates me because of my mother, who is a lovely lady. I encourage her to stand for the Senate next time. If she can replicate her vote in Beaudesert she'll get elected.
The quota at a normal Senate poll is a little over 14 per cent. Mum got over 22 per cent yesterday. If Fielding and Xenophon cause a trigger for a double dissolution the quota will be 7.7 per cent. Mum will easily make that quota even if the dirty Labor party put her last on their ticket.
Remember. Slanderyou is the blog of filth. The Labor party is the party of filth.
You know a lot about the mathematics of Senate elections Jenny. You should go back to Queensland and help your mother. Then she might get elected.
Slanderyou has threatened me Cait. He accuses me of being a bum buddy of Andrew Landeryou and that's totally false. Slanderyou told me he'll put out some vile about me if I go back to Queensland and he'll uses his influence with the woman I call Bligh the Bitch to make sure no one in Queensland will employ me.
I will go back to Queensland if I can get a job but it is true, unfortunately, that no one will employ me. I have a job as a receptionist here in Melbourne at a gentleman's club. If I go to Queensland I'll be unemployed.
The cacophony of fake comments to this Blog by Landeryou is relentless, Their contributions to this blog are meaningless and are designed to divert and mislead contributors to this Blog. Sort of like his Kororoit Creek Election coverage.
Slowly but surely, Justice is coming to a place near you!
11 am - Andrew wakes up horny snd tries to find me in all the rolls of fat.
11.04 am - Andrew gives up in frustration. He cusses me for being too tiny to find.
11.10 am - Andrew chugs down seven litres of cheap wine. He starts snoring in a stupor that lasts till mid afternoon. When he awakes, he searches for me again. "Where are you. you f*ckin useless little prick"! he yells.
And so forth and so on during the remainder of the day.
little Andrew, I know where you're coming from little buddy!
I'm laughably small too! But, I'm coming up in court again soon for some frolics years ago.
I would put myself up anytime in a dick measuring contest with Brumby, Hulls, Thwaites and Kosky!
I'm salivating boys!
You sound like nice guys. But those small pricks could be a BIG turnoff in here.
Us Rodders are into hot action. We want non-stop orgies and no namby-pamby weak-kneed pissants.
I may be a fake Landeryou commenter but I don't have any sort of dick. I'm part of Landeryou's warm, gorgeous, sexy feminine side.
Cait Catt 3.20 is a fake Cait Catt. About the only positive is that the fake me increases my lead on the Slanderyou lead table, in which I am currently in the lead. This is the only time I have ever been in the lead at anything. At school I was always last and my mummy and daddly couldn't afford to send me to a posh private school, unlike Slanderyou. I went to Glenroy Tech with the Theophanous brothers, who are also defeamed on the Slanderyou blog.
The fake me has some strange links. One is to a Frederick Toben from the think tank named after the city of churches called the Adelaide Institute.
Frederick Toben is most famous as a denier of the holocaust. He says Adolf Hitler is a lovely man and he didn't set out to murder Jews. Other links point to David Irving and David Duke.
You keep strange company Slanderyou. Only you give me a bad name in the process if people are not alert enough.
No Mr Slanderyou. I don't know about you but I don't associate with the likes of Toben, Irving or Duke.
Below is the latest news about my mother. I think Cait should sue the bastards too for the things they have been saying about her.
Pauline, I'm sorry: 'Conned' paper apologises to Hanson
March 23, 2009 - 5:49AM
Brisbane Times on the web.
Finger pointing, accusations and legal retribution swirl around an apology to Pauline Hanson over nude photos News Limited now admits are not of her.
Hanson made another bid at political life in Saturday's Queensland election as an independent candidate for the seat of Beaudesert but lost to the Liberal National Party's Aidan McLindon.
Just one week prior, censored photographs, published in News Limited newspapers last Sunday and broadcast on the Nine and Seven networks, claimed to show a 19-year-old Ms Hanson posing naked in the 1970s for photographer and then boyfriend Jack Johnson.
He reportedly struck a deal for $15,000 with News Limited.
Ms Hanson vehemently denied she was the woman in the photos and pointed to a number of inconsistencies in Mr Johnson's recollections.
He further weakened his claims by later admitting on the Seven Network's Today Tonight that his memory was hazy as a result of treatment he receives to battle bone cancer.
Yesterday, News Limited printed a story and an editorial that contained apologies to Ms Hanson.
"I have said all week I'd be the first person in Australia to apologise to Pauline Hanson if it were proven the photographs were not of her," Sunday Telegraph editor Neil Breen said.
"We've proven it ourselves so Pauline, I'm sorry."
But in the same story, News Limited launched an attack on Mr Johnson, calling him a "conman" and stating "he wanted our money to pay outstanding (medical) bills".
The story also attacked paparazzi agent Jamie Fawcett, stating he was first approached with the photos and knew Mr Johnson alleged to have photos of another prominent woman posing with the Sultan of Brunei.
"That claim is plainly ridiculous and exposes Johnson as a fraud," News Limited reports.
Mr Fawcett confirmed he assisted in the deal between Mr Johnson and News Limited but denied he was involved in any hoax.
"I have never made any claims concerning the authenticity of the story or the pictures provided by Mr Johnson to The Sunday Telegraph," Mr Fawcett said in a statement.
"In fact, the records of my dealings in this matter reflect I exercised a great deal of caution with both Mr Johnson and The Sunday Telegraph."
Mr Fawcett also said Mr Johnson was still seeking payment from him and News Limited but to his knowledge no payment has been made.
The Sunday Telegraph's story in its first edition did not include an apology and did not label Mr Johnson a conman.
Rather, it focused on a majority view of facial recognition experts that the photos were not of Ms Hanson.
Mr Breen did not respond to requests for comment on the two versions of the story.
A spokesman for Ms Hanson said she did not want to comment on the matter for legal reasons.
Last week she served legal papers on News Limited, the Seven Network and the Nine Network over publication of the photos.
Public relations consultant Max Markson has consulted Ms Hanson in the past but told AAP today he was not involved in this legal battle.
Nine and Seven did not return phone calls on Sunday.
So... fatso got this part wrong:
"Public relations consultant Max Markson has consulted Ms Hanson in the past but told AAP today he was not involved in this legal battle."
What have Frederick Toben and Paline Hanson got to do with this blog???!!!???
More tiresome time-wasting babble from Loon Landeryou!
Patriots on this site often speculate why Poxnews is updated so infrequently.
Landeryou's gross intemperance and ever more frequent psychotic episodes get the blame.
But what if Landeryou lavishes all his love on another blog?
Click the link above and you find yourself on a site devoted to fattening food. It must be Landeryou's.
2.22 asks
What have Frederick Toben and Paline Hanson got to do with this blog???!!!???
More tiresome time-wasting babble from Loon Landeryou!
Monday, March 23, 2009 2:22:00 PM
The fact is a link from the fake Cait Catt went to a site with references to Frederick Toben, a well known holocaust denier who has served time in Germany for doing just that.
Slanderyou makes frequent references to Landeryou's Jenny, which she aint, and by implication to her famous mother.
What you reap you sow. The references are to real subjects who have been referred to on this blog. As such they are worthy of refutation.
2.22 is trying to deflect criticism from those who don't see eye to eye with him. There are a lot of idiotic comments on this blog. Cait, catter, Jenny, Henderson and the Arabic man, and myself, are doing our best to refute all the dirty, filthy, nasty and contemptible comments on this, the blog of filth.
That fattening food site has El Gordo's KFC grease fingerprints all over it
Looks like after Conroy is through, only Vexnews will be left!
The Federal Government will begin trawling blog sites as part of a new media monitoring strategy, with official documents singling out a website critical of the Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy.
Tender documents issued by the Department of Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy reveal it is looking for a "monitoring service for print and electronic media". The department later attached a clarification confirming this included "blogs such as Whirlpool".
Whirlpool has strongly criticised Senator Conroy's plan to filter internet content and his handling of the Government's $15 billion national broadband network. It is a community-run forum devoted to discussing broadband internet access.
Senator Conroy's spokesman said: "Whirlpool … covers a wide range of topics across the telecommunications sector. It and other web sites provide valuable insight into the industries in which we work."
Opposition communications spokesman Nick Minchin claimed it was "extreme" to expand media monitoring activities to blogs.
"Blogs such as Whirlpool provide an open forum … and do play an important role in our democracy. Moves to monitor this space seem an unacceptable use of taxpayers' money," he said.
That fattening food site must be like pornography for Landeryou.
Landeryou spends most of his time on THIS Blog annoying us. The paranoid wacko can't bear the truth about his frauds and scams becoming public. Over the weekend, after one such disclosure on his company directorships (openly available information from ASIC), the freak went into a frenzy of 22 consecutive postings to this website.
So much he doesn't want the public to know.
One day he will want to "pump and dump" the shares of some worthless asset such as Poxnews. While he might use proxy Directors and other vehicles to hide his controlling interest, Slanderyou and other patriots will be on hand to warn ASIC and unsuspecting investors of his questionable background.
Sophisticated investors are already aware. No-one will touch anything he is associated with.
I had a techie in doing some work on our home office network over the weekend and asked about Landeryou's malicious cookies on Vexnews. He said there is only one safe way of reading sites like that ... on a computer in a public library.
That site at "Andrew loves calories" is a ripper!!
Diane Anderson is always of interest to many Slanderyou readers. Vexnews has just published more information about the lady Jeff Kennett planned to make his campaign manager when he was running for Lord Mayor of Melbourne. It was commentators on several blogs who forced Jeff to change his mind.
Thank you Slanderyou for alerting me to the fact that Vexnews has a real scoop about Dear Diane. For the benefit of Slanderyou readers too frightened to visit the Vexnews blog hear is the story below. Read on:
MORE ON THE MADDY: Diane Anderson’s brother lifts the lid on her life of crime
By VEXNEWS ⋅ March 23, 2009
dianeandersonfraud VEXNEWS Investigators have uncovered another stunning new chapter in the Diane Anderson elder abuse scandal.
Her brother has stepped forward, making sensational claims about Diane, once an operative in the ALP who enjoyed the support of its Socialist Left faction, former Premiers John Cain, Joan Kirner and then Senator Barney Cooney.
David Carl Anderson’s website was largely intended to rebut claims made on Diane’s website, that includes first person claimed testimony from a cat that appears to have been written by Diane in a fit of rage.
Diane Anderson stands accused by her brother, an eminent lawyer and judicial candidate, of:
■ Having “untreated mental health issues” and a “pathological hatred” of her brother, a respected member of the community and his sister, a Michigan judge;
■ Committing acts of burglary and illegal entry that were reported to local Police, see Police reports here [pdf] and here [pdf].;
■ Regularly and blatantly perjuring herself in court;
■ Defrauding her mother of her retirement savings through misappropriation of many tens of thousands of dollars and systematically draining her mother of money to support her over twenty years for funds to purchase “clothing and books”;
■ Allowing her frail and vulnerable mum to be injured while she was “blogging with her Labor comrades” in Australia when her mum was meant to be under her supervision;
■ Being a student radical including with the militant and violent sect Students for a Democratic Society;
■ Being “heavily involved with the drug culture” while at University in the late 1960s (LSD has much to answer for);
■ Being “chronically unemployable”;
■ Having a fraught personal life, upon which we’d rather not elaborate on here, as a responsible and high-minded publisher;
■ Being a “pariah in Australian society”; and
■ Being sent to jail for contempt of court and being sanctioned with thousands of dollars in penalties for filing vexatious and harassing law suits in the United States.
The cat we wrote about last week was also not spared in Diane’s brother’s catalogue of accusations. The eminent lawyer explained the much-quoted cat “Toupee” was almost as vicious as Diane herself:
viciouscat On at least two (2) different occasions, Diane Anderson allowed Jewell Anderson’s cat to bite her, causing significant lacerations to Jewell Anderson’s legs. During the second biting of Jewell Anderson by her cat, Jewell Anderson had a serious infection of her wound, which Diane Anderson allowed to go untreated and resulted in a need for medical intervention and significant doses of antibiotics.
The cat has been silent about these claims on Diane’s website, possibly on the advice of counsel.
It gets worse though, and this shocking story certainly explains why Diane’s distressed siblings were so worried:
Again while Diane Anderson was down in the basement using Jewell Anderson’s computer, she allowed Jewell Anderson to take a bath, unattended, and when Jewell Anderson attempted to exit the bathtub, Jewell Anderson lost her balance and fell between the bathtub and the toilet commode, and was wedged in this area for a two (2) hour period, while Diane Anderson ignored her pleas for help. When questioned regarding how she could have allowed these injury events to occur while being with Jewell Anderson twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, Diane Anderson simply shrugged her shoulders and said, “Old people get hurt.”
The voice of compassion didn’t seem to have much at all. And her brother - who knows the “con artist” well - explains her philosophy that many Victorian ALP members saw in action over a decade or so:
Since being a little girl until the present, Diane Anderson has been a person who demands to get things her way, or else she ridicules, disparages, and hurts anyone that stands in the way of her objective.
While living in Australia, Diane Anderson violated the precepts of the Melbourne Unitarian Church. In addition to violating the tenants of the Melbourne Unitarian Church, Diane Anderson also treated her fellow church members in a totally disrespectful fashion, and attempted to get her way regarding disputed issues between she and the church members by using the same bullying, disparaging, and hurtful tactics she has used in her false elder abuse campaign against David Anderson and Martha Anderson.
The informed and strong people of Australia finally could not put up anymore with Diane Anderson’s above-said tactics, and she was excommunicated from the Melbourne Unitarian Church and ostracized from the Australian community. Thoroughly chastised by the Australian citizenry, Diane Anderson returned to the United States an extremely bitter person with no friends to her name.
Excellent Socialist Lefistas Joan Kirner, John Cain, Rolf Sorensen and the cackling Margot Carroll might still count Diane Anderson as a friend, but in light of the above, it seems not unreasonable for them to question any previous political association. The Socialist Left - and people like Dean Mighell - were willing to take Anderson’s vote at ALP State Conferences as late as 2006, as she would repeatedly accuse every Labor leader and every Labor government of selling out, being Liberal stooges or whatever madness spewed out of her mouth at the time. Perhaps they have evolved to the point where they will be a little more discerning in future.
Landeryou is clearly drunk, deranged and deluded. Why else would he think that anyone - anyone - is interested in the behaviour of Diane Anderson.
She is a mere rank and file member of the ALP in a safe Liberal seat.
It would be much more interesting to know why Landeryou hates her so much. How did she offend him or his old man and their interests so much?
John Cain, the Premier from 1982 onwards for about a decade, said that Diane Anderson is a very important person in the Victorian ALP
John Brumby, the current Premier, once told Diane, interjecting while he was talking at an ALP Conference, that the ALP would be better off if she left it.
Diane was once a member of the Victorian ALP Administrative Committee for 2 years representing the Transport Workers Union, which for a short time was controlled by the Pledge group of ultra left unions. After the Pledge lost control of the TWU Diane lost her position on the Administrative Committee. In the Unitarian Church Diane criticised the Pledge and said they were trying to take the Church's money, so she must have fallen out with them.
Paul Austin in The Age once quoted Diane Anderson, ALP branch member, getting stuck into Steve Bracks at an ALP Conference and it made the front page.
Geoff Leigh, Liberal MLA for Mordialloc until his defeat by Janice Munt (remember the slogan Vote for Janice Munt because the other bloke's a c..t) attacked the Unitarian Church in Parliament using material that had obviously been supplied to him by Diane Anderson.
Diane Anderson used to publish Higgins News, an publication that was produced in Peter Costello's electorate, that had a wide circulation and has been quoted in the academic literature.
An article in the refereed academic journal People and Place published at Monash University quoted extensively from Ms Anderson about branch stacking.
Diane Anderson is the first person ever to be expelled for heresy by the Unitarian Church.
Why does Landeryou publish about her? I hope the above answers that question.
I'm in the happy position of knowing absolutely nothing about Diane Anderson. From the little I've seen here, I want to keep it that way.
Diane Andersen is an irrelvant ratbag. No wonder that fat, drunken failure and criminal so loves writing about her.
Andrew Landeryou is a great news source. Tonight he has a Victorian scoop. First before any other news souece with news of the Liberal preselection for Kooyong.
Andrew Landeryou is too drunk to even type the word "source". "Souece" my arse. What a fucking loser.
I type quickly and I obviously didn't proof read very well. It is source that I should have typed. Apologies.
BTW I am not Andrew Landeryou.
You ARE Landeryou. You're just wasting your time and our's pretending otherwise. Landeryou with his comments leaves a trail of elephant's spoor that even a blind Hottentot tracker could follow. You insult us. You are a time-waster. You are a bore. You are Landeryou.
P l e a s e go away!
I'm wondering if I am going to be called in the forthcoming Theo Case. Me and my identical twin brother Τεςτικλες are, er, um, attached to little Theo. He got chockers while we had to remain outside. But that doesn't mean we didn't see anything. Victoria Police have never questioned us (or little Theo, for that matter). Obviously, we were involved - if the story is true - and should be patiently interviewed.
I've sold the rights to my diaries of a decade ago to Channel Nine's 'A Current Affair'. For some mad reason I trust them with shocking details that will gobsmack premier Brumby.
My current dairy I can share here:
Sunday: Theo got revved up while reading the Sunday Age and wanted to bonk Rita. I got a very severe whack from a cold spoon straight from the fridge.
Monday: Observed Rita putting bromide into Theo's wake up coffee. Theo tried to have a wank in the shower but couldn't get me up.
Monday Evening: Theo took Rita to the local pub tonight and plied her with Ouzo. He gave me a nudge and said 'We're on tonite buddy'!
Guess what? I got another cold spoon whack when we all got home.
Little Theo you sound like a poor man's version of big Theo.
Now now. little theo is not a fit comment for childrewn to read.
Oh Dear, Rita Randles! You put your bony foot right in it!
The lady involved was unemployed. Maybe she was the poor man's version of an ideal victim.
She was a good root though!
Andrew has commentators all the time who refer to Choo Choo. He has another commentator who refers to GTM or the Great Terry Mulder.
The Herald Sun today has an editorial supporting a leader to replace the leader the great man calls Red Ted.
Choo Choo and GTM want Terry. Will the voters want a Liberal Party led by a cocky named Terry?
Since you have so much to say on this blog why don't you tell us where you live and what you do for a living?
And tell us about the companies you have been a director or shareholder of:
- Institutional Services
- Marbain
- National Retail Investments
- Zoes Emporium
- Multicenter Australia
- Synergy Metals
- Global Tertiary Solutions
- Century Bet
- IQ Corporation
- IQ First
- IQ Interactive
- IQ Services
- IQ Sports
- Message IQ
Cat got your tongue? Or Catt?
Fat cunt criminal has too much food in his mouth to talk and his fingers are too greasy with KFC fat to type. Either that or he has passed out drunk before midday yet again.
The dot points in this post [Monday, March 23, 2009 8:12:00 PM] for some reason reminded me of Landeryou. He seems to hate people for things he hates about himself.
■ He has sent his ex-wife and Dad broke.
■ Having “untreated mental health issues” and a “pathological hatred” of ordinary Aussies like Les Twentyman, Robert Doyle, Red Ted, unionists, clowncillors, etc;
■ Regularly and blatantly sufering from amnesia in court;
■ Defrauding MUSU, Sol Lew et al and IQ Corp;
■ Being “chronically unemployable”;
■ Having a fraught personal life.
■ Being a “pariah in Australian society”; and
■ Being in the remand centre on his return from Costa Rica.
Where is the fat boy? Not that we're missing him, but Landeryou is strangely absent from this site today.
Here are some possibilities. Patriots might like to add their own.
a) Drunk
b) In custody
c) Having a psychotic episode
d) Too fat to get out of bed
Sorry to say this patriots but Buddha Boy seems to be alive and conducting business as usual on his hate blog. He stole a story from yesterday's Crikey about the Sydney Morning Herald being given away for free with a breakfast purchase at the Australia Square Food Hall and published it without any attribution this morning as his own work.
How does vexnews do it?
Below is a story that appeared in a UK newspaper (and for the interest of Slanderyou readers it is presently 5 degrees Celsius in London) about what a wife in Russia did to her cheating husband. Read on:
Cheated wife chews off man's manhood
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mouth Tooth and justice
From metro.co.uk
A wronged wife has taken revenge on her cheating husband by biting off his private parts.
Katya Kharitovonova has been jailed for two years for the attack on husband Mikhail after waking up to find him and her best friend half-naked.
She also lashed out at Lisa Dmitriyeva, smashing her over the head with a floor lamp.
Liza, 33, had earlier been invited to a meal at the couple's home in Russia, before they all sat down to watch The War Of The Worlds.
Katya, 36, fell asleep, allowing 40-year-old Mikhail and Liza to fall into each other's arms.
Mikhail told a court near Moscow: "Liza started stroking my hair and legs, and then it went further."
Liza revealed: "I kissed Mikhail's lips. He didn't resist, and then I kissed him more."
When Katya awoke to discover oral sex going on, she furiously hit her love rival than bit her husband - though did then call an ambulance to take him to hospital.
Mikhail said: "I saw the blood spurting out of Liza's mouth and then felt a sharp pain. I don't remember what happened next, I was unconscious."
Doctors were eventually able to stitch him back together.
Will Big Bent Bill be in court when fatty goes to prison?
Former MP's son jailed for drug trafficking
By Alison McRae
The son of former federal minister De-Anne Kelly has been sentenced to three years in jail for trafficking ecstasy.
Ian Terrence Kelly, 21, pleaded guilty to one count of trafficking in a dangerous drug in the Supreme Court in Mackay in north Queensland this morning.
Justice Duncan McMeekin said Kelly had been involved in selling ecstasy tablets in the north Queensland city for about 10 months during 2007-2008.
His defence solicitor Paul Smith asked for Kelly to be released on parole because of his good references and rehabilitation efforts.
But Justice McMeekin said the need to remind the community that drug trafficking is a serious crime meant custody was appropriate.
He was sentenced to three years in jail and will be eligible for parole in July.
Both his mother, former Nationals federal minister De-Anne Kelly, and father Rodger, were in court to support him.
I have it on good authority, the identity of Mr Slanderyou. The coward hides behind anonymity. The schemer. I am Henderson Ross.
Great stuff Henderson, I hope he is revealed very soon.
I hope you don't reveal the identity of my jihadist brother on Australia's most popular news source and portal, Vexnews.
I'm quite open about my name. I am a real person. Slanderyou is not. He is too frightened to reveal his real name lest the great man and I sue him.
He should be sued too. His outing of your sister Fatt who works at the Daily Planet is beyond the pale. I hope when Slanderyou visits that establishment he gets a big smack from Madam Lash. Slanderyou is also guilty of using lies lies lies from Cait's Aunt Kitty Catt. Kitty says Cait is mad. It is kitty who is mad. Anyone who criticises Cait should be locked up. Cait is a lovely human being.
The investigative noose about Slanderyou's neck is tightening. I am Henderson Ross.
Well done Henderson
Hanging is allowed in Islam!
Andrew is a genius. I like his story in Vexnews this afternoon about Red Ted Baillieu. In it he speculates about the possibility of John Brumby being run over by a bus, and even names a possible driver, one Diane Anderson from Michigan.
Andrew is not only a genius. He also has psychic ability. He is spot on about dear Diane. As John Cain once said she is a very important person in the Victorian ALP. Paul Austin considers her so newsworthy that she was approvingly and prominently cited by him on the front page of The Age. Ms Anderson when she was in Australia was also a television celebrity on the ABC1 news, and as well she was frequently interviewed by Jon Faine on ABC local radio 774. For the full story go to vexnews.com but a little snippet below about Premier Brumby. Read on:
Their party’s leadership can no longer be kicked around as a factional football. Not even the Labor party does that these days. If Brumby falls under a bus (perhaps driven by Diane Anderson if she returns from Michigan), there’d be a number of candidates, Robinson, Holding and maybe former Essendon player Justin Madden. All of them from the Right, but there wouldn’t be a factionally binding vote, it would be a free-for-all.
Diane Anderson doesn't sound like she's a very nice person. No wonder John Brumby doesn't like her.
Nor did Steve Bracks. Landeryou is right. Slanderyou is wrong. About the only people who defend her are Joan Kirner, Barney Cooney and Slanderyou.
Didn't she want Lyle to marry her?
Lyle is not that stupid, whatever you think of him.
Methinks Landeryou (in his personas of Cait Catt, Henderson Ross, etc) is playing with the truth again. They pretend not to know who is the blogger here. I've seen Andrew swapping insults on The OC with the Blogger here using his name. What to make of it all? Has Andy's Memory been destroyed by alcohol? Is he mad?
Googling brought up the name instantly. Vexnews itself is virtually anonymous. There is no warning about Landeryou's chequered past; his stalking behaviours; and his hate blogs about ordinary, normal Aussies. Surfers would not linger there long if they knew. Then there's the malware tracking cookie...
The unhindered usage of this blog by Landeryou to spread his vile libels and disinformation poses certain obvious dangers.
Poxnews - unlike this Blog - blocks, bans and edits comments Landeryou doesn't want or like. So much for "Freedom".
Vexnews has nowhere near this level of content!!!
The Mayne Report
Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 4:27pm
Will the Chinese Communists save Sir Rod?
Dear Mayne Reporters,
Today I've contributed a long 1400-word opinion piece to Fairfax's www.businessday.com.au website arguing that Sir Rod Eddington might just get turfed out by Rio Tinto shareholders next month - unless the Chinese Government votes its key 9% stake in favour to save his bacon.
It's a comprehensive assessment of Sir Rod's record as a non-executive director and has been rating well on The Age and SMH websites today.
Australia needs to take a strong stand on removing poorly performed directors so it was important to crank up what will be an important 4-week debate about Rio board accountability to as wide an audience as possible. To this end, Fairfax's www.businessday.com.au was an excellent outlet because it has been the unsung success story of business web publishing in Australia with a remarkable 1.9 million unique visits in February - well ahead of all other rivals. By way of comparison, our little corporate governance journal only managed 21,703 unique visitors and 43,375 page views last month.
Meanwhile, I was up in bushfire territory past Marysville this morning speaking to almost 50 delegates from the Finance Sector Union about the the global financial crisis and Australia's gouging bank cartel.
These poor sods get caught between various offshoring pushes and consumer anger from Australians fed up with the world's most expensive banking system. It's not an easy time for anyone in banking, but at least the value of our Big Four banks is back up to $180 million, so I told the delegates there was no need for a Ruddbank or one of the world's most generous bank bond guarantee offerings.
In terms of squandering the surplus on cash hand-outs, it is interesting to look back at some of the comments made on Difference of Opinion in September 2007. We've packaged up our six minutes into this video which is a useful retrospective exercise given it was two months before the market reached its record high.
Finally, if you missed the latest subscriber edition which was sent out early on Sunday morning, here are the headlines:
1. Anna Bligh's poisoned chalice as Kev borrows $1.8 billion in three days
2. Kohler's unfair attacks on Allan Fels
3. What doesn't Centro recognise about a shareholder mandate?
4. John B Fairfax's missed opportunity
5. Flights booked for Babcock & Brown creditors meeting
6. Westfield's blazes the trail for high rise apartments on Doncaster Hill
7. At last, the media directly links Woolies with the scourge of pokies
8. Profitable capital raisings on the rise
9. The Mayne Report Rich List
10. Podcasts, videos and a revamped press room
11. Radio this week
Latest commentator on Vexnews is Doris van der Hagen, the famous American free-market economist. Doris even has something to say about Diane Anderson's cat. That woman is famous in America too. Read on:
FREEDOM WORKS: Current problems don’t change fundamental truths
By Doris van der Hagen ⋅ March 24, 2009
savefreemarket The global financial crisis, which was really about thFREEDOM WORKS: Current problems don’t change fundamental truths
By Doris van der Hagen ⋅ March 24, 2009
savefreemarket The global financial crisis, which was really about the destabilisation of many US banks from their over-zealous lending in housing in particular, will be temporary and the recession it brings won’t last either. It seems we have avoided a Great Depression and must now deal with the inflationary consequences of the policy responses to the GFC. That won’t be easy.
Times are tough, particularly in the US and Britain, where so much of the financial services boom in recent years was centred.
But for all that, it’s helpful to consider the exponentially beneficial effects on the living standards of ordinary people of our system of private enterprise, respect for private property and a state that for the most part keeps out of the way.
Consider the items in the inflation “basket” in Britain used to help measure price increases. They tell quite a story about how technology and freedom is driving up the way we live. The mangles, prunes and dried mashed potato of the past have given way to laptops, free-range eggs and wine. With the exception of Diane Anderson’s vicious cat Toupee, cats are even doing well, transitioning from cans of cat snacks to the more refined pouches.
Money can’t buy you love but the increases delivered by largely free-markets with a safety-net have given the societies they’ve served exponentially improved lives and greater choice. We forget that at our peril.e destabilisation of many US banks from their over-zealous lending in housing in particular, will be temporary and the recession it brings won’t last either. It seems we have avoided a Great Depression and must now deal with the inflationary consequences of the policy responses to the GFC. That won’t be easy.
Times are tough, particularly in the US and Britain, where so much of the financial services boom in recent years was centred.
But for all that, it’s helpful to consider the exponentially beneficial effects on the living standards of ordinary people of our system of private enterprise, respect for private property and a state that for the most part keeps out of the way.
Consider the items in the inflation “basket” in Britain used to help measure price increases. They tell quite a story about how technology and freedom is driving up the way we live. The mangles, prunes and dried mashed potato of the past have given way to laptops, free-range eggs and wine. With the exception of Diane Anderson’s vicious cat Toupee, cats are even doing well, transitioning from cans of cat snacks to the more refined pouches.
Money can’t buy you love but the increases delivered by largely free-markets with a safety-net have given the societies they’ve served exponentially improved lives and greater choice. We forget that at our peril.
Diane Anderson's cat really is vicious. Lyle made the correct decision whent he madwoman proposed to him.
Why haven't the corporate crooks who have caused the world financial crisis been charged with fraud and other crimes, and their abominable millions grabbed as the proceedings of crime.
This was White Collar Crime gone utterly mad!
Landeryou was a pathfinder in this lather of fraud.
Hang them fat CEOs high, boys!
That black-hearted Crim Landeryou is pushing Terry Mulder as an alternative to Ted Bailleau on the toxic blog Vexnews. Landeryou is not a Lib, and his commentary about Ted Bailleau is bizarre and weird. I'm expecting another Stephen Newnham 'OK' on these latest dirty tricks from madman Landeryou.
I'm watching a rerun of the Four Corners Marcus Einfeld shocker. I don't want to equate Einfeld with Landeryou (because Landeryou never could have reached the heights that Einfeld achieved).
But both suffered eventually from repulsive criminality.
I doubt that Landeryou could ever face Four Corners with the dignity summoned by the former Judge.
Uh-oh! The longer I watch the Four Corners program, the more the Judge and Landeryou look sicker. Both seem completely mad.
Most judges don't have these problems. Nearly all Bloggers like Landeryou don't have these problems.
Only Vexnews understands the machinations of the Victorian Left. A superb story today about Zoe Edwards, toady of the Griffin sub-faction of the Socialist Left, and now on the corrupt Left controlled Melbourne University Student Union. Read on:
SOUFFLE RISES TWICE: Bad Zoe Edwards cannot let go of student politics
By VEXNEWS ⋅ March 25, 2009
badzoeback Socialist Lefty “Bad” Zoe Edwards, the disgraced former Monash Student Association president, has fled that campus after more corruption scandals than Imelda Marcos and has emerged on the governing body of the notoriously corrupt University of Melbourne Student Union under the control of Socialist Left forces.
Sources familiar with the matter say that despite pledging to her parents that she’d no longer be involved in the murky and time-consuming world of student politics after she left Monash to attend a highly expensive course at the Melbourne Uni Law School, she has been unable to resist the temptation. We understand the course will cost her effluent parents as much as $100,000 especially if she fails a few units, as is widely expected in the Law School.
zoeedwards2004 While the private school girl has always cashed in prodigiously from corrupting student unions with secret and unauthorised payouts used to buy silence from sacked managers, a series of overseas junkets, big salaries, sweetheart deals for mates and a close Zoe relative and missing office equipment, her parents might be concerned that they are not getting the same value for money.
Zoe planned on becoming NUS President until the full dimensions of her corrupt practices became known, this culminated in the final humiliation when patriot Ben Maxfield handily defeated her in a ballot for University Council. It was the first time in living memory that a non-SL candidate was elected to that post. At that point, insiders say, Bad Zoe decided she could stand Clayton no more.
VEXNEWS investigators operating behind enemy lines at the notoriously corrupt Melbourne Uni student union say that Bad Zoe has been recently appointed by the Stand Up (Socialist Left) ticket registrar Dom Ottobre as a member of the student council, the governing body of the union.
This has attracted the sniggers of unimpressed Melbourne Uni hacks who recognise a fellow political addict when they see one. One told VEXNEWS that:
The “I’m over student politics and just want to do my JD” line lasted a grand total of 4 weeks into Semester One- watch out Melbourne!
Another concerned operative explained:
“Ben Cousins has had a lot more luck beating his addictions after moving to Melbourne. We think an intervention is required. Is she missing the income stream that came from all those casual “jobs” at Monash? If the corrupt Stephen Luntz election rigging outfit “Above Quota” elections can keep their contract, Bad Zoe is probably trying to cut a sweet deal for herself. She has shopping to do.”
Zoe’s arrival and quick slotting onto the Student Council has put pudgy noses out of joint. The instability makes tensions with the Socialist dominated ALP Club even worse after after a horrific split in their outfit that saw the Secretary and Welfare Officer of the union and two bright, active younger members resign from “caucus” in disgust.
Onagh Bishop, the svengali of this fractious ALP Club, works for Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner in a junior capacity and is probably yet to realise the full extent of the patriotically right-wing Essendon supporter’s closet conservatism.
Also disturbing to Labor supporters at the campus is that there is believed to already be an election deal between the ALP Club and the anti-semitic terror supporters in Socialist Alternative, who have been using union resources to wage a propaganda war against the democratic State of Israel under the guise of a “collective” called Students for Gaza.
The appointment of Bad Zoe is seen as a further move by the Melb Uni Leftists away from the Carr sub-faction of the Left towards the Griffin Left who see Edwards and her some-time lover Matt Hilakari as their own.
You should mention Cait that Vexnews today also has a superb story on the preselection for Kooyong, in which the Baillieu forces are trying to stop Josh Frydenberg.
There's also a story about Evan Thornley on Vexnews today. David Davis said he was doing deals on behalf of his new employer while a parliamentary secretary. Where does Andrew get his information from? The man is a genius.
Evan Thornley never supported my mother Pauline so I'm going to expose him and reveal all. Below is the full Vexnews article:
BUSTED: Liberals expose Thornley’s lies over Better Place
By VEXNEWS ⋅ March 25, 2009
thornleybusted Secret government document released to Liberal upper house leader David Davis and his sleuth-meister FOI expert have proven beyond doubt that Evan Thornley not only lied about the extent of his meetings with Better Place but also show just how he used his government role to leverage himself into a $700,000 per annum role at that company.
There has probably been no corruption scandal like it in Victorian politics since allegations of sleazy land deals in the 1970s.
After Thornley abruptly quit Parliament to take up the Better Place Australia CEO job, he strongly denied that he’d represented the government in discussions with government. Most people took that at face value.
But the Opposition’s FOI results show that Thornley met with the company as early as September 4 2008, at the time the company was looking around for financial assistance from the state government.
Thornley’s defence seems to be that he was only meeting the company in a “personal capacity” not as a Parliamentary Secretary despite the fact that minutes of the meeting indicate otherwise.
In any event, it is an explanation that would have made a 1980s Queensland Nationals minister blush at the conflict of interest implications.
Thornley appears to be saying he could wear two hats separately. One as a government official evaluating how much taxpayer loot would be given to the company. Two as a job-seeker and investor trying to charm the Better Place CEO to give out some of the US$200 million they’d raised to Thornley to bolster his sub-prime crisis depleted fortune. He eventually negotiated a $700,000 per annum package.
This is more than Thornley selling his knowledge of government processes to the highest bidder.
It’s more a case of Thornley selling favourable outcomes with the state government to the highest bidder. Outcomes he’d helped deliver.
And that is not so much a conflict of interest and breach of ethics, it’s corruption of the most old fashioned and insidious kind. It would only have been more blatant had they filled the boot of his BMW with used $50 notes from one of Tony Mokbel’s underground cash stashes.
It seems almost inconceivable that Thornley, already worth tens of millions of dollars, would risk jail in order to get a job even with a high salary.
We suspected with most that he wouldn’t have been so stupid.
The documents released yesterday show that he may well have been. He’s been desperately trying to cover his tracks.
They reveal he lied about when he’d met the company and lied about the capacity in which he took the meetings. The documents state the CEO of Better Place in Australia would be appointed soon, so the company was clearly actively searching for a person at that time.
It is now reasonably clear that they were discussing this matter with Thornley throughout last year.
Thornley’s suggestion that it was his reputation in Silicon Valley that led him to receive the job offer also strains credulity.
While Thornley had done well in selling stock in his company at the top of the market, it is widely understood in the Valley and elsewhere that Looksmart was the worst of breed in the search sector and was quickly valued accordingly after about six months where it was valued higher than Hilton Hotels. Despite pretending to be a master strategist, the company he built had grown nearly totally dependent on one source of revenue, Microsoft and nearly died after Microsoft withdrew its handouts.
Thornley was booted as CEO shortly after that debacle and later prompted half the board to quit when he refused to leave its board of directors. They left, he stayed, although only for another year or so with his tail between his legs and doing everything he could to distance himself from the company then clearly in a terminal state.
The company is still in an agonisingly slow death-crawl, like a howling wildebeest in the jungle, hoping to be soon put out of its misery.
That’s the reality of his reputation in Silicon Valley. The Australian press always went pretty easy on him about it, partly because few had done as financially well from the dot com craze as he had, personally. The fact that he’d cost many local investors billions of dollars while doing so seemed to pass most of them by. We don’t really care how people made their money in Australia, a thought that will no doubt give Solomon Lew comfort too.
David Davis has done well to reveal that Thornley was attempting to cover up the full extent of his discussions with Better Place. It is now clear that no state government funds can possibly now be paid to that company while Thornley is there. The legitimate public expectation is that the government will distance itself from any person’s attempt to sell influence with the government to enrich himself.
Thornley’s defence of this astonishingly smelly situation is woeful and would merit from him the most self-righteous and sanctimonious snorts of derisive laughter if he’d heard anyone else in government say they could meet with a private company that was seeking millions from government while also trying to negotiate a job and possibly a term-sheet for investing with them.
After a couple of bottles of his favourite red plonk, holding court at his increasingly thinly attended dinner parties, he’d gesticulate wildly while pompously condemning anyone acting in such a way as a corrupt hound-dog who should be incarcerated. And - for once - he’d be right.
David ‘Rodney’ Rood, “Thornley accused of lying over company link,” The Age
Our friend Stuart Rintoul, “Former MP Evan Thornley advised company before working for them,” The Australian
Stephen McMahon, “Thornley denies Opposition claims he lied,” Herald Sun
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4 comments for “BUSTED: Liberals expose Thornley’s lies over Better Place”
A thorn in the side of the Brumby Government.
Perhaps the electric car will be able to travel through the mannum mannum tunnel east link.
Brumby must explain why he allowed the tunnel to be tolled. Eastlink for charges $2.28 for a tunnel journey.
Brumby’s legacy for Victoria is 38 years of tolls on the tunnel
38 years @ 200,000 cars per day @$2.46 is $6,324,720,000.00
AND BRUMBY GETS $574,974,545in GST
Not Bad when the public paid for the tunnel. This is a big increase on the NO TOLLS.
Posted by hopeless | March 25, 2009, 7:16
There needs to be a Royal Commission into this
Posted by contemptible | March 25, 2009, 11:58
Thornley, like the ALP, is corrupt.
Posted by Anonski | March 25, 2009, 12:28
This sounds like a typical beat-up to me.
Just because he made a mistake over when he met with them doesn’t mean he gave them money in return for a job.
He should sue in defamation.
Posted by ahem | March 25, 2009, 13:21
I wouldn't like to cross you Jenny.
Another tsunami of shite from the fraudster and his army of fake commenters.
I hope Slanderyou is billing him for 'casting offensive matter in a public place'!
Obese drunken criminal Andrew Landeryou seems angry that former Victorian Police media director Stephen Linnell has escaped prison after pleading guilty to perjury. Given that Landeryou is expected to be charged with exactly the same offence in the not too distant future it was thought he would be rejoicing at the precedent of the light sentence handed out to Linnell.
Elsewhere on Poxnews the obese drunken criminal talks about an alleged “corruption scandal” in Victorian politics on a scale unseen since the 1970s.
Presumably this is Andrew Landeryou’s way of saying no-one, but no-one could even be as corrupt as his father Big Bent Bill Landeryou.
Vexnews, the free speech media icon, is in fine form today. Heaps of content. Long live free speech and Vexnews. I am Henderson Ross.
Henderson, there is so much fresh and incisive information to digest on Vexnews today.
For an infidel news portal, and so widely read throughout the Asia Pacific Rim, even I am amazed at Vexnews' success. I of course hate it.
Will shedding pounds made you colder?
Category: Healthcare
Name: Russ Lane
Email: russ@secondhelpingonline.com
Title: Creator
Media Outlet/Publication: Second Helping
Anonymous? No
Specific Geographic Region? No
Deadline: 5:00 PM CENTRAL - March 25
"I need an expert on thermoregulation to explain whether losing
large amounts of pounds(be it traditionally, gastric bypass,
whatever) can result in making people more cold-natured post-weight.
The standard colloquialism is "you've got less insulation," but I
was hoping for a more elaborate explanation. Thanks for any help!
It is just those comments by Al haji Abdullah that explain the interest of ASIO and the CIA in Vexnews.
Vexnews is the news site of choice by both the Australian and United States security organisations, ASIO and the CIA. Vexnews is a source of real news. Its influence is far reaching.
Unlike Slanderyou I suspect neither the CIA nor ASIO are interested in your sister Fatt and her employer the Daily Planet in Elsternwick.
I would hope not Rita. As a good Catholic girl I would never go near that establishment. Slanderyou does. He even put its address on this blog, so he obviously knows where it is.
The owners of the Daily Planet probably give Slanderyou a commission for free advertising.
I'm more interested in Aunt Kitty Catt. Her criticism of you Cait is obnoxious. She's probably jealous that you are the top commentator on this blog.
I don't like Slanderyou. He campaigned against my mother and he said those nude pics were for real.
Down with Slanderyou. If he ever stands for parliament and my mother is a candidate her preference recommendations will put Slanderyou last.
Going by the comments thread Landeryou's liquor intake has reached record high levels today.
How long does it take for cirrhosis to set in and kill?
A link on Vexnews reveals this item from Reuters. Slanderyou take notice.
Japanese astronaut tests stink-free underwear
By Irene Klotz Irene Klotz – Mon Mar 23, 3:39 pm ET
HOUSTON (Reuters) – Teen-age boys, are you tired of embarrassing questions about when you last changed underwear? Japan's space scientists may have just the answer -- a line of odour-free underwear and casual clothing.
Koichi Wakata, the first Japanese astronaut to live on the International Space Station, is testing the clothes, called J-ware and created by textile experts at Japan Women's University in Tokyo.
"He can wear his trunks (underwear) more than a week," said Koji Yanagawa, an official with the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency.
Wakata's clothes, developed by researcher Yoshiko Taya, are designed to kill bacteria, absorb water, insulate the body and dry quickly. They also are flame-resistant and anti-static, not to mention comfortable and stylish.
Japanese astronaut Takao Doi gave the clothes a trial run during a shuttle mission last year. Even after a vigorous workout, Doi's clothes stayed dry.
"The other astronauts become very sweaty, but he doesn't have any sweat. He didn't need to hang his clothes to dry," Yanagawa said.
J-ware should reduce the amount of clothing that needs to be sent to the space station, which has no laundry facilities. Toting cargo into orbit is expensive, so having clothes that stay fresh for weeks at a time should result in significant savings.
The Japanese space agency plans to make the clothes available to NASA and its other space station partners once development is complete. A commercial line also is in the offing.
Taya also is working with clothing manufacturers Toray Industries and Goldwin. on clothes that have a microscopically thin chemical layer in the materials.
Wakata, who arrived at the station last week for a three-month stay, said on Sunday that the clothes appear to be working.
"Nobody has complained, so I think it's so far, so good," Wakata said.
(Editing by Jane Sutton and Cynthia Osterman)
It looks like a garbage truck unloaded on this blog today, judging by the stinking claptrap and piffle left by Landeryou's time-wasting, evil fake commenters everywhere here. Why isn't Centrelink giving his big lardarse a kick. He should be repaying creditors and not wasting our time here all day and all night.
Cait can assure Slanderyou she is not Landeryou.
I agree that the previous comment by Jenny is a little off, but not as off as some of the items on this blog that have
1. accused me of working at the same establishment as my sister.
2. produced comment from my aunt claiming that I should be locked up in a mental asylum.
Surely the contributions claiming I have a sister Fatt and an aunt Kitty are an admission by at least some contributors to this blog I am not Landeryou.
As well as not being Landeryou I am also not Diane Anderson.
I am not Landeryou either and I have every right to post on this blog.
Nor am I. I think some of the things some contributors have called Cait are totally obnoxious.
Perhaps Slanderyou is Diane Anderson!?
Horrid Oaf Landeryou hasn't publicly apologised to his erstwhile victim Les Twentyman OAM, Victorian of the Year, all-round good guy, etc., etc., who is finally recovering from an induced coma / infection.
Readers of this blog know of Landeryou's dirty tricks against Twentyman during last year's Kororoit election. Landeryou stalked the Twentyman family, spread malicious lies about him, and actively misled and deceived voters throughout the campaign.
This dirty tricks campaign was supported by ALP Boss Stephen Newnham and Premier Brumby.
I've been lovingly combing your pubic hair all day long, in case you have to do a 'down trou' in court tomorrow. Is the alleged victim in town yet? Or is tomorrow just part of the endless preliminaries?
Dang, Theo! Your political mates said they would protect us from all this shit. Looks like they sold you a pup! You've been left out to dry, Pal! I've got a feeling Brutus Beefcake is going to fug us good and proper!
Thank god Landeryou hasn't been 'helping' us again on his much-ridiculed Blog called Vexnews. Why hasn't his Blog been declared a criminal precinct?
Unfortunately, I am Cait Catt's Uncle. She is a very, very sad mental case I'm afraid. She has been locked up for many years in a Melbourne giggle-palace in a urine-resistant canvas body restraint. Somehow, she still manages to tap out mad messages and comments with her nose. We get most of these here which much distresses Aunt Kitty Catt.
Our other neices Fatt and Pussy Catt are revolting tarts. Feral Catt, wild as she has always been, is the only neice doing well - although working in the bowels of ALP Boss Stephen Newnham's Dirty Tricks Department.
I wish none of the girls had ever known Landeryou who I regard as a complete waste of space. Landeryou, I'm afraid, is a complete asshole. I'd love to shove a giant cork up him!
I'm sorry, but you are going to need a much, much bigger cork!
Cheshire Cat is a disgrace. As much of a disgrace as certain parliamentary relatives of a certain Whitehorse ex clowncillor exposed in Vexnews.
I think Sam Spayed Catt should watch his language. This blog is not Diane Anderson's Higgins News, featuring comments from brothel industry head honcho Bill Albon. I would like to be able to read Slanderyou in front of my children but now, with Sam Spayed Catt on the prowl, I just can't.
Who are the parliamentary relatives?
I am utterly ashamed of our Australian connections. We have known about Cait's mental problems for some years, but Fatt Catt and Pussy Catt have disgraced all us Catts. Feral Catt, despite being a political dirty tricks guru these days has the same wild outlook as her other mad sisters.
Their parents were quite normal, and so are we. That's why I think the Landeryou connection caused the rotten outcome I have sketched above.
I'm not going to name them here lest they sue me.
More filth on the blog of filth.
I earn a living in a legal profession. A very old profession if the truth be known. I resent the dirty comments made on this blog. Some dirty comments even come from my clients.
Would that client be Slanderyou?
Andrew Landeryou, the sad crook, spent three quarters of day on this Blog. The other quarter was spent cutting and pasting articles from other media sources on to Poxnews, then claiming them as "Exclusives". What a failure! What a parody of a journalist. The mad unemployed and bankrupt git is now obsessed with Slanderyou and spends far too much time here. The freak thinks that if he spams this Blog with his tedious drivel, it will drive patriots away. They won't be able to find the many relevations about Andrew Landeryou and his crimes.
Hey fat boy, we won't go away!
Andrew was devastated by Pauline Hansen's loss. The weird freak used to fetishize Sophie Panopolous / Mirabella. Now it's Pauline. He thinks he is her daughter. Gross!
Utterly vile!
Nutcase! Sicko!
Treatment won't help!
Going by the comments here one can only conclude Landeryou not only has the most terrible diarrhoea but is also taking methamphetamines
The Hot Rodder boys and me have a cure for Andy's insanity. We're going to give him shock treatment!
Call me callous but I find the idea of Andrew Landeryou getting bashed and raped in prison very funny indeed.
Andrew Landeryou has sought to hurt and humiliate other people for many many years. He will know what it is like to be on the receiving end when he finds himself lying on a cell floor covered in blood, shit and cum.
This filthy blog is again peddling filth. The filth about my parliamentary relatives and the claim below that I am mentally ill is a Slanderyou fiction. Read on:
I am utterly ashamed of our Australian connections. We have known about Cait's mental problems for some years, but Fatt Catt and Pussy Catt have disgraced all us Catts. Feral Catt, despite being a political dirty tricks guru these days has the same wild outlook as her other mad sisters.
Their parents were quite normal, and so are we. That's why I think the Landeryou connection caused the rotten outcome I have sketched above.
Andrew Landeryou has been involved as a Director, shareholder or through fake identities with the companies below:
- Multicenter Australia
- Synergy Metals
- Global Tertiary Solutions
- Century Bet
- IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
- IQ First Pty Ltd
- IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
- IQ Services Pty Ltd
- IQ Sports Pty Ltd
- Message IQ Pty Ltd
- Marbain Pty Ltd
- Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
- Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
- Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
- Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million after first moving it to Hong Kong)
- Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
- Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
- Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
- Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
- Training Events Pty Ltd
- National Retail Investments Pty -Ltd
- Lan Capital
- BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
- Pacific Insight
The scams are endless. No doubt, his computer holds records of dozens of other offshore entities created in contempt of Australian taxation and corporate law. These entities were used by Landeryou to move money out of and then back into Australia.
Besides spending time on his crap Blog Poxnews and spamming Slanderyou, Landeryou spends his days at his computer "managing" his overseas loot stash and devising ways to move the ill gotten proceeds back into Australia. His favourite mechanism is via overseas credit and debit cards issued under the names of his offshore entities. Simple but effective. He can be frequently seen outside city ATMs withdrawing cash.
Andrew Landeryou has been involved as a Director, shareholder or through fake identities with the companies below:
- Multicenter Australia
- Synergy Metals
- Global Tertiary Solutions
- Century Bet
- IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
- IQ First Pty Ltd
- IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
- IQ Services Pty Ltd
- IQ Sports Pty Ltd
- Message IQ Pty Ltd
- Marbain Pty Ltd
- Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
- Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
- Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
- Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million after first moving it to Hong Kong)
- Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
- Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
- Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
- Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
- Training Events Pty Ltd
- National Retail Investments Pty -Ltd
- Lan Capital
- BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
- Pacific Insight
The scams are endless. No doubt, his computer holds records of dozens of other offshore entities created in contempt of Australian taxation and corporate law. These entities were used by Landeryou to move money out of and then back into Australia.
Besides spending time on his crap Blog Poxnews and spamming Slanderyou, Landeryou spends his days at his computer "managing" his overseas loot stash and devising ways to move the ill gotten proceeds back into Australia. His favourite mechanism is via overseas credit and debit cards issued under the names of his offshore entities. Simple but effective. He can be frequently seen outside city ATMs withdrawing cash.
There's also a story about Evan Thornley on Vexnews today. David Davis said he was doing deals on behalf of his new employer while a parliamentary secretary. Where does Andrew get his information from? The man is a genius.
Latest commentator on Vexnews is Doris van der Hagen, the famous American free-market economist. Doris even has something to say about Diane Anderson's cat. That woman is famous in America too. Read on:
FREEDOM WORKS: Current problems don’t change fundamental truths
By Doris van der Hagen ⋅ March 24, 2009
savefreemarket The global financial crisis, which was really about thFREEDOM WORKS: Current problems don’t change fundamental truths
By Doris van der Hagen ⋅ March 24, 2009
savefreemarket The global financial crisis, which was really about the destabilisation of many US banks from their over-zealous lending in housing in particular, will be temporary and the recession it brings won’t last either. It seems we have avoided a Great Depression and must now deal with the inflationary consequences of the policy responses to the GFC. That won’t be easy.
Times are tough, particularly in the US and Britain, where so much of the financial services boom in recent years was centred.
But for all that, it’s helpful to consider the exponentially beneficial effects on the living standards of ordinary people of our system of private enterprise, respect for private property and a state that for the most part keeps out of the way.
Consider the items in the inflation “basket” in Britain used to help measure price increases. They tell quite a story about how technology and freedom is driving up the way we live. The mangles, prunes and dried mashed potato of the past have given way to laptops, free-range eggs and wine. With the exception of Diane Anderson’s vicious cat Toupee, cats are even doing well, transitioning from cans of cat snacks to the more refined pouches.
Money can’t buy you love but the increases delivered by largely free-markets with a safety-net have given the societies they’ve served exponentially improved lives and greater choice. We forget that at our peril.e destabilisation of many US banks from their over-zealous lending in housing in particular, will be temporary and the recession it brings won’t last either. It seems we have avoided a Great Depression and must now deal with the inflationary consequences of the policy responses to the GFC. That won’t be easy.
Times are tough, particularly in the US and Britain, where so much of the financial services boom in recent years was centred.
But for all that, it’s helpful to consider the exponentially beneficial effects on the living standards of ordinary people of our system of private enterprise, respect for private property and a state that for the most part keeps out of the way.
Consider the items in the inflation “basket” in Britain used to help measure price increases. They tell quite a story about how technology and freedom is driving up the way we live. The mangles, prunes and dried mashed potato of the past have given way to laptops, free-range eggs and wine. With the exception of Diane Anderson’s vicious cat Toupee, cats are even doing well, transitioning from cans of cat snacks to the more refined pouches.
Money can’t buy you love but the increases delivered by largely free-markets with a safety-net have given the societies they’ve served exponentially improved lives and greater choice. We forget that at our peril.
I have it on good authority, the identity of Mr Slanderyou. The coward hides behind anonymity. The schemer. I am Henderson Ross.
Little Theo you sound like a poor man's version of big Theo.
Landeryou spends most of his time on THIS Blog annoying us. The paranoid wacko can't bear the truth about his frauds and scams becoming public. Over the weekend, after one such disclosure on his company directorships (openly available information from ASIC), the freak went into a frenzy of 22 consecutive postings to this website.
So much he doesn't want the public to know.
One day he will want to "pump and dump" the shares of some worthless asset such as Poxnews. While he might use proxy Directors and other vehicles to hide his controlling interest, Slanderyou and other patriots will be on hand to warn ASIC and unsuspecting investors of his questionable background.
Sophisticated investors are already aware. No-one will touch anything he is associated with.
I'm salivating boys!
You sound like nice guys. But those small pricks could be a BIG turnoff in here.
Us Rodders are into hot action. We want non-stop orgies and no namby-pamby weak-kneed pissants.
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