Last Friday, The Geelong Advertiser, a real news source, unlike failing and insolvent, featured Andrew Landeryou describing him as a firestarter.
Patriot Kevin noticed the article and provided The Advertiser with some editorial assistance.
(Thank you to Patriot Kevin)
50 Truth On Comments:
This is news? The fat freak makes up crap then claims another exclusive? The dismal Poxnews is of appallingly low standard. The bankrupt crook Landeryou has a history of looting Union funds. Not a source to be taken seriously.
This is a story that cannot be believed. It is professionally written by the bully boys of Australia's most sick left-wing union.
In the past we'd tell these bullies to go back to Moscow. Of course they wouldn't because life is too good in Australia.
Vexnews is Australia's best and greatest news site. It is the news site of choice by both ASIO and the CIA. Can't say the same about Slanderyou. The CIA and ASIO are unlikely to use printouts of the Slanderyou blog for you know what. They find Slanderyou so filthy they don't even look at it.
Dr Phil must have written it. He wrote dirt about me and said Landeryou posts as me because he wants to see me with more hits than Dr Phil.
Dr Phil is as dirty as Slanderyou and Liberty Larry. Go back to America Dr Phil.
Bonehead libeller and firestarter Landeryou bites the dust again - "To tell you the honest truth, I've been there every day but I wouldn't know one bloke who's a bikie."
You silly, mindless, criminal oaf - F*ck off and stop causing trouble!
You know you should be in jail!
One useless crook - and hundreds of enemies who have been cruelly libelled and demeaned.
I wouldn't swap places with him for all the millions in (former Macqaurie Bank CEO) Alan Moss's bank account.
At the end of the day, the sword can cut the pen short...
Landeryou is heading for a very big pasting soon.
Landeryou is a dead man waddling!
It's untrue, it's malicious, it's irrelevant -- or it's all three! It's Poxnews!
The CFMEU is not a reliable source of news and information, but drunken, deranged and deluded cross-dressing perjurers with a long list of dishonesty offences to their names are far, far worse.
"Cait Catt" (aka Andrew Landeryou in drag) claims Vexnews is "Auatralia's best and greatest news site". What a laugh. Any reliable Web rating site ranks Poxnews very low on visitors. Andrew doesn't dare put up a reliable external Web meter counting hits because he doesn't want the terrible truth revealed. There are tens of thousands of Australian Blogs with far higher rankings than Landeryou's hate site.
What's Vexnews / Poxnews? We are only interested in Andrew for his innovative use of offshore tax havens. Andrews turned down the CWA Auxiliary Committee's generous invitation for a seminar on "Setting up Effective Offshore Nominee Companies, Looting & Shifting Funds and Not Getting Caught". We offered him free scones and a gratuity. He cashed the cheque but didn't turn up. We are quite disappointed.
Andrew has chosen just one of his cross-gender identities to slag off Dr Phil. The repulsive "Jenny Jensen-Hansen" identity is the most disgusting of all Landeryou's fake identities.
He uses "Jenny" to vent hate and express his real feelings for the Labor Party and the labour movement. He also uses this identity to express his admiration for Pauline Hansen, a failed minor politician from Queensland.
Andrew needs to deal with his own insecurities, mental illness and to take resposibility for his own actions. Treatment will be long and painful.
Hi Madge
We stopped in Benalla last week. It is very pretty. The kids loved the playground by the lake.
We had no idea the town is attempting to become a new offshore banking haven now that the G20 has leaned so heavily on Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Liechtenstein et al.
You certainly have an enterprising CWA!
Things are not easy up here. With the drought, low prices and everything else we are looking for financial alternatives that are a bit unorthodox.
We hope it's not too late to get into the offshore tax haven racket. Andrew has more than 20 years of experience in the area. We had hoped to learn from him.
He is quite selfish in not sharing his extensive experience.
I'd say Landeryou is selfish!
Madge and her CWA ladies are lucky he didn't go to Benalla. He would have stolen their stuff off their clotheslines.
Anyone seen Andy today - mid afternoon and nothing on Vexnews?
Ps. Thanks Slanders - happy to help.
Fatso is drunk yet again.
I didn't know Landeryou stole the women's clothes he wears off clotheslines. That is sick and low.
Andrew is a grossly obese alcoholic cross-dresser who has been running all kinds of dodgy scams since he was in his teens.
When they came crashing round him in the earlier part of the decade he turned instead to online defamation; first as Crikey's "Delia Delegate" back in 2002, then after a short stretch in remand with his own Blog of Sleaze, and when that failed, Poxnews.
Issues? I'd say he has issues.
Where is the sick freak today?
A pathetic piece today on Poxnews on the UN Conference and a spirited defence of Israel.
Of course, Solly Lew and other Melbourne Jewish businesspeople want nothing to do with the thieving Landeryou.
Solly just wants his money back.
I hear rumours that some of Landeryou's creditors will be applying for a maximum 7 year extention of his bankruptcy.
Good luck to them.
Landeryou's so-called 'defence of Israel' is hypocrisy at its worst.
Dr Phil insults and defames me. I am not a cross dresser and I am not a lesbian, nor is my surname Landeryou. As Dr Phil should know
I have in fact been critical of Mr Landeryou for saying naughty things about my mother Pauline. When my mother is elected to the Senate next time I'll ask her to seek to have you deported back to America. You are one of those bad Yanks that came to this country and sought to sponge off us.
Go back Dr Phil before you are deported.
Pauline Hansen does not have a daughter named Jenny.
Andrew, grow up. Get out of drag. Heal thyself. Then face the consequences of your crimes.
Your current blame the world but not yourself attitude is impending your recovery. Using fake identities to describe yourself as a "Great Man" is just plain sad.
You are a failure. Bankrupt, friendless, 40... the list could go on...
Vexnews in the Geelong Addie! Eeek!
Vexnews needs to be completely ignored, and maybe it will go away.
Landeryou is a sickening libeller, faker of news, muckraker, publisher of his own illegal stalking activities, provocateur, hoaxer, propagandist, disinformationist, and vile crim now posing as a news source.
Victoria, despite its short European civilisation, has a very rich legal history. Untimately, Landeryou's contribution to it as a cyber libeller will form part of that legal hisory - although an ignominious and ignoble part!
Poxnews is as legit as a rubber cheque that can bounce fifty metres in the air!
What makes it vaguely interesting is the fact that Landeryou has a long distant and disgraced ALP pedigree (although this has not translated to insightful modern reports. Landy seems far more au fait with the calamitous Libs). As a Norwegian poster said here recently, the Poxnews Blog is also of interest as a rare Blog by a Crim.
But seeing it is Landeryou, I just shrug and yawn.
Poxnews is just dull. At this CWA Auxialiary Committee this morning, which Andrew failed to attend, we used our NetBooks to scan the site. No news extending beyond Geelong. Most of relevance to Zone 1 Metcard holders.
We are more interested in Andrew's successes an an internet gaming spiv, asset stripper, tax haven veteran and corporate crook.
The resources available here on 'how to' do all of that fun & exciting stuff are a bit thin on the ground in Benalla.
If we invite Sophie Mirabella to cohost the seminar will Andrew come? He has always had a thing for her.
Landeryou is OPIUM - a slow working DOPE!
While the world gets faster and faster. Poxnews gets progressively slower. Its like watching paint dry.
Its indolent, slack Editor-in-Chief is a captain skulking in his cabin and not on the bridge looking for icebergs!
Captain Landeryou is re-arranging the deckchairs. Cait Catt, Henderson Ross and Rita Randles are singing 'Abide with me'.
Poxnews just has that awful sinking feeling!
7 more years of Bankruptcy for the criminal Landeryou! The creditors are talking to the Trustee...
Has anyone seen the dreadful Henderson Ross lately? Like Rita Randles, may he too be dead? Andrew's feminine side has been dominating lately with the "Jenny" and "Cait" show duo in play.
Vile criminal Landeryou was constantly warned on The OC about the long-running Croatian war criminals now living among us in Australia since the sixties. This is a 50 year horror story. These bestial peasant killers should never have been allowed into Australia. My flesh crawls thinking about these rootless, ruthless terrorists living here.
Check The Age today for the latest episode.
The Department of Immigration and other government agencies allowed these disgraceful war criminals into Australia. It is a farcical abomination.
I HATE sharing this country of mine with disgusting swine like them! They belong in the Middle Ages.
Thank God the Croatian Club in Footscray took down the photos of the pro-Nazi generals that used to decorate its walls. Researchers into this subject will be sickened to find how the RC Church in Croatia in WWII contributed to the senseless slauugher of countless Muslims and others. Per capita, this extermination was far worse than the jewish efforts of Nazi Germany.
These lovely Croatian people live here now.
It's untrue, it's malicious, it's irrelevant -- or it's all three! It's Poxnews!
Andrew is a complete failure. Bankrupt, friendless, divorced, childless and disowned by his own family.
The man bankrupt his ex-wife and his own father.
What a disgrace!
Forget the Croations, who let the Landeryou's in? Generation after generation of parasites. We need a Royal Commission.
The mentally unstable git Landeryou imagines intelligence services read his suburban Website Poxnews. Laughable! He, Cait Catt, the loathsome Henderson Ross, Jenny Jensen Hansen, Catter8 and the pseudo Arab guy (and all his other imaginary friends) are only of interest to the ATO for the millions stashed offshore. No-one else is interested.
Landeryou and Poxnews... unloved and unread.
Landeryou drunk & unconscious again? A very poor performance recently from the fat slug.
Going by his postings here the only times Landeryou is conscious yet has enough alcohol in his system to hold the DTs away so he can type is around midnight.
He is a wreck of a man!
Here at the clinic we are worried that Andrew has stopped taking his meds again. This is a frequent occurence that results in further tiresome multipersonality outbursts. We could forsee days of rants from the cast of characters that make up Landeryou Inc.
Dreading the next "my mummy is Pauline Hansen" rave from the Jenny entity.
Worse than Landeryou's multiple cross gender identities are the nominee offshore compansies, corporate front companies with Directors who didn't even know they had been appointed, fake company addresses of accountants who denied any dealing with Landeryou's rackets. ASIC records list wave after wave of these companies shut down for failing to files legally required documents.
Just a few of Landeryou's scams listed below. The records of far more sophisticated offshore rackets yet to be revealed.
• Multicentre Australia
• Global Tertiary Solutions
• Century Bet
• IQ Corporation Pty Ltd
• IQ First Pty Ltd
• IQ Interactive Pty Ltd
• IQ Services Pty Ltd
• IQ Sports Pty Ltd
• Message IQ Pty Ltd
• Marbain Pty Ltd
• Lush Bar Australia Pty Ltd
• Sunrock Ltd (Hong Kong Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the $1 million from the Marbain scam)
• Institutional Services Pty Ltd (a company owned and operate by Landeryou that subcontracted cleaning and building services from MUSU using non-union labour. The contracts were illegally awarded to this company by MUSU).
• Arrowhead Media Sales Pty Ltd (Landeryou sent $100,000 from the Marbain swindle back from Cyprus to this company)
• Avonwood Ltd (Cyprus Nominee Company where Landeryou sent the Marbain swindle $1 million from HK Sunrock)
• Aussie Gourmet Bites Pty Ltd
• Zoe’s Emporium Pty Ltd
• Australian Halal Poultry Pty Ltd
• Optima Property Development Group Pty Ltd
• Training Events Pty Ltd
• National Retail Investments Pty Ltd
• Lan Capital
• BV Sachsen Group Australia Pty Ltd
• Pacific Insight Marketing Pty Ltd
• Turning Point Debt Solutions Pty Ltd
• Citizens Against Poverty Pty Ltd (a fake charity set up by Landeryou)
The schizophrenic female idsentities and frenzy of fake companies are linked don't you think Dr Phil?
There is no doubt that Landeryou has been falling apart for years... a broken, bitter and failed man. The link between his multiple online identies and his 'business life' where he operated the above host of companies is clear. Andrew believes he is "entitled" and "privileged". He thinks he can take what he pleases regardless of whether it is his. He is just conscious that this may be illegal, hence the fictitious identities both in his postings here and in his corporate life.
It will takes yeasr of treatment to restore Andrew to a normal state where he can distinguish between right and wrong, his property and others, even himself and "Jenny".
7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years! 7 more years!
Does 11:46:00 have any inside information to share with us?
As Slanderyou readers would be delighted if the bankruptcy was extended.
Bankruptcy is not healthy for Andrew. On the other hand, he should not be trusted with other people's money.
You are a creep Dr Phil. I have disagreed with Andrew many times. Andrew is not a supporter of my mother.
Go away Mr brothel owner.
Andrew, you are "Jenny".
For those discerning readers questioning this interchange look at the time lags between "Jennys" posts and other Landeryou fictional identities. 1-2 minutes.
Andrew, grow up, become a man again.
The "Jenny" character is bizarre and repulsive.
Andrew, you are not the daughter of Pauline Hansen. You may secretly share her politics and use the cover of "Jenny" to speak freely about your real views of the Labor party etc.
You are the son of "Big Bill" - even if he has disowned you.
Andrew, you are "Jenny".
For those discerning readers questioning this interchange look at the time lags between "Jennys" posts and other Landeryou fictional identities. 1-2 minutes.
Andrew, grow up, become a man again.
The "Jenny" character is bizarre and repulsive.
Andrew, you are not the daughter of Pauline Hansen. You may secretly share her politics and use the cover of "Jenny" to speak freely about your real views of the Labor party etc.
You are the son of "Big Bill" - even if he has disowned you.
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