Eric Dearricott has let rip at the ALP about branch stacking.
His recent report is here.
Recent independent commentary is here.
His comments in 2005 are here about Gellibrand.
What's interesting is there is no reference to Landeryou, the 'elephant in the room'. And no mention of any of this on Vexnews. Why is that Andy? Don't need the extra attention?
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1 week ago
40 Truth On Comments:
Stephen Newnham and all the MPs, staff and officeholders who have aided and abetted Landeryou should do a Joel Fitzgibbon.
Eventually it will come out who provides Landeryou with all the destructive gossip, scandal and plain out and out nastiness.
Its just a matter of time.
The truth about Newnham and the 50 grand for El Gordo will be interesting.
Don't discount the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, which should be investigating Andy for the level of spamming that is going on at the moment, such as the Commonwealth bank Spam.
I visited Vexnews only once, and my email inbox has since been drowned in spam.
Enough Andy.
Why does Andy landeryou remind me of Joel Fitzgibbon? Or is it the other way around?
The comments are not true. There is no corruption in Brimbank.
Joel Fitzgibbon doesn't look anything like El Greco. Joel has only one chin and a full head of hair.
Cait Catt, acting as the Fat Man's Comical Ali, says "There is no corruption in Brimbank."
That might technically be true, but what there is is impropriety and a massive perception problem for the ALP. But just like his bent old man, Andrew doesn't give a toss about the Labor Party. He only cares about himself.
This has to be the most boring blog.
Thank God for Vexnews, who had the exclusive on the Carlo Carli resignation - or was he sacked?, and the ensuing bloodbath that the Left will have in Moreland.I am Henderson Ross.
Well said Henderson. Moreland will have to be placed in lockdown over the next few months as the Left sort out their preselection.
What lockdown? Moreland is an Islamic republic, there is no place for secular police.
This blog reminds me of the Chaser - not very funny, or relevant. I am Henderson Ross.
This blog reminds me of the Chaser - not very funny, or relevant. I am Henderson Ross.
You are 100% right Henderson. Vexnews would never have published or broadcast such filth, unlike this blog of filth.
Chaser wouldn't dare make any jokes at Islam's expense.
Another cacophony of cant from Landeryou's fake commenters Henderson Ross (and his yapping poodle 'Anonymous') snd his latest concoction Ben the Arab.
If I were Stephen Newnham I would sue Slanderyou for defamation. Stephen and my mother have both suffered at the hands of the evil Fairfaxista media.
What a lovely breath of clean, fresh air - parliamentary accountability at long last!!
Too bad for Joel - but a massive wake up call to Labor politicians representing the three tiers of government in Australia.
Kennett didn't know what it was. Ali Baba Howard knew, but didn't like the concept when applied to his band of 40 thieves. Bracks and Brumby lost the plot. The ALP today is right of Genghis Khan.
Thank heaven that Landeryou never entered mainstream politics. He has absolutely no idea about accountability. Landeryou, on 5 May 2005, told the ABC "The arrest warrant ... is a death warrant for my political and commercial career. It's over".
I look up to the night sky tonight, sigh, and say 'Thanks God, whoever you are'!
I was thinking tonight about the Fitzgibbons, Landeryou and the Brimbank Council. It reminded me of the adage that Labor people have their hands in the till - and that Libs often have their hands up young ladies' skirts or are shirt-lifters.
Since the parties doctrinally are now indistinguishable, maybe we should chop off the hands of all politicians.
I would go a lot further.
I would chop off all their heads!
Big Mal Turnbull and Kev keep talking about the 'economic downturn' when they mean the present total financial crash.
This great disaster was brought to us by politicians who turned to macro economic reform even though it has not worked for three hundred years.
Thanks for nothing, all you fatheads!
Dumb Henderson Ross (Landeryou) doesn't find this blog funny [June 05, 2009 1:27:00 AM]
Strangely, commenters on Vexnews are finding some of the recent blogs there unfunny, tiresome or old hat.
I think there are some gifted, and very funny commenters here. Sometimes I burst into guffaws of mirth when Landeryou's silliness is exposed. Keep up the great work!
Landeryou is lavishing lukewarm praise on you on his blog today with plenty of fake comments too. What a souffle!
I've been thinking about the upcoming case. I want to remind you that Bill Landeryou said he had been "executed for a parking offence' when Cain sacked him!
Theo, Theo, don't you get it! That's exactly what happened to us ten years ago. You accidentally parked me in that whinging woman in your office. Now we're being portayed are perverts.
hey Andy, since you take the weekend off from blogging, I thought I would wish you a good weekend.
What do you do in your spare time?
Landeryou hates, plots, tells lies, spreads malice, gets drunk on cheap fortified wine, wears women clothes and eats fatty food in his spare time.
He is unemployed so all time is spare time to Fat Andrew.
Adam Shand is a consumate professional who has somehow landed up at Channel Nine's vile ACA. ACA is a TV version of Vexnews, where everything has become very badly blurred. Is ACA an advertising add-on to gluttinous Channel Nine? At ACA they love to promote dud women's cosmetics that we later find out don't work. They talk up and promote Real Estate interests right around Australia. Nowadays it promotes savings for 'the battlers' by highlighting particular products for which money probably changes hands too.
Some of ACA's reporters like Ben Fordham have come within a whisker of getting into serious trouble with the Law.
We've all ended up in places and jobs that were rather ordinary and presented a moral challenge. A few parts of Channel Nine's newsgathering operations are OK. I hope Adam ends up with them eventually...
ACA hostess Tracy Grimshaw says:
"I have had very significant relationships over the years I have been a public person that have lasted eight years, seven years, six years," she said.
"I have been on the verge of getting married several times."
I reckon Landeryou, having been dumped by Dimberley, has a big look-in with lipsticky Trace!
You deserve each other. Give her a call, Landy!
ACA have promoted Neil Jenman, who used to run a network of shonky real estate agents.
That's something ACA should be looking at. It has never been covered by Vexnews.
Eeeek! I don't like the thought of Tracy Grimshaw's relationships.
Too many paper bags!
As for a Grimshaw/Landeryou romance, it wouldn't work. Tracy has some journo credentials, Landeryou has none.
As well (although this has nothing to do with Tracy) Landeryou doesn't have a dick these days. His woman's clothing and many other weird antics would be a turnoff to any sane person.
Well, maybe, Landeryou and Ben Fordham then?!?
ACA are looking at Landeryou. Adam Shand is on the case.
He bankrupted his wife, bankrupted his dad, fled the country, crawled back in, got locked up, defamed hero Les Twentyman but was still given $50,000 by the state secretary of the Victorian ALP Stephen Newnham.
That's a great story for ACA. I can't wait to watch it!
I hear Buddha Boy forged Mat Mason's signature on those legal documents because he was angry that someone other than him was sleeping with his sister.
The corrupt and loathsome Landeryou clan is known for incest and not just of a political kind.
Big Bent Bill used to show young Andrew explicit porn when he was a preteen. That is how Andrew knew the nude Pauline Hanson pictures really came from a 1982 Danish porn magazine.
I see. That's where Landeryou's buttplug fetish comes from...
How good is Theo?
Brumby has been going on and on and on about how we don't need an ICAC because the Ombudsman is the man for the job and how the Ombudsman is independent and has all the necessary powers.
Theo comes out and attacks the big O and aligns himself with Hakki!!
Who needs enemies when Theo is around? Brumby can't shut him up because he isnt a Minister.
Too Funny!!!
Brumby has been going on and on and on about how we don't need an ICAC because the Ombudsman is the man for the job AND because he can ignore the ombudsman.
Meanwhile the state secretary of the ALP Stephen Newnham gives thief, fraud, stalker and libeller Landeryou $50,000.
Where does Landeryou's fascinating for cross-dressing come from?
5.23 suggests the source of the nude pics of my mother. I ask him or her please to tell my mother's lawyers as it will be good evidence when she sues the bastards at the Daily Telegraph who, together with Slanderyou, prevented my mother from winning and prevented Rosa from being re-elected in the Queensland state elections this year won by the bitch Anna.
Anna might be from the left Jenny but what you see is what you get. In a way she's Queensland's Dearicott.
Anna might be from the left Jenny but what you see is what you get. In a way she's Queensland's Dearicott.
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