We are sorry Andy for your failed MUSU presidency.
We are sorry for your contribution to the collapse of MUSU.
We are sorry your involvement in the failure of IQ Corp.
We are sorry for your personal bankruptcy.
We are sorry for your insolvent blog.
We are sorry for your KFC addiction.
We are sorry for your obesity.
35 Truth On Comments:
Add me to this.
"Men occasionally stumble on the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened." - Winston Churchill
Beautifully put. 100% agree.
I am sorry Slanderyou is the Blog of Filth
Please remember Landeryou's many Victims.
So many of them, who can't answer back.
Remember the victims.
Landeryou is sorry for cluttering up this informative, honest and humourous blog with malicious comments under a variety of false names.
I am sorry that Landeryou has had to spend all his time with cockroaches and lizard lounging.
Anon writes “Clearly, you people dont know how bankruptsy works!”
"dont" and "bankruptsy". Clearly someone doesn't know how to spell
the stolen generation - MSU students in the 90's who had their money stolen by Landeryou
(with apologies to the original inhabitants of this land)
Filth. Filth. Filth.
I am sorry I have to write all about Slanderyou in these terms.
The Slanderyou blog is FILTH
I wholeheartedly concur.
You speak the truth catter8.
Why does Slanderyou print nothing but filth in his blog, the filthiest blog on the net.
Slanderyou might be a she.
And most likely she hasn't bathed for weeks.
RITA RANDLES, 40, of Roopville died Saturday. Funeral, 2 p.m. today, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church; Martin & Hightower Heritage Chapel. (The Atlanta Constitution, June 7, 1999)
Rita Randles - a voice from beyond the grave. Or another of Landeryou's multiple personalities.
You decide.
I am sorry for the people who live immediately below Landeryou in the Fat Cave. Sure it is only a matter of time before he comes crashing down on them.
I feel sorry for all the people in apartments around the Fat Cave. People who live in luxury accommodation on the corner of Little Collins and Russell Streets don't expect to have to put up with a constant smell of fat from deep frying wafting through the air and Mr Creosote's belches and farts.
Then there's the disturbance caused by all those process servers knocking on the Fat Man's door.
I am sorry for the people who work 24/7 at the KFC outlet in Bourke St that are forced to feed Landeryou. No wonder landeryou was all for AWAs and Work Choices.
When Cait gets dressed in the morning, does Landeryou have to leave the room? Think about it.
I am sorry that Mr Creosote deserted his wife and left her to be bankrupted and publicly humiliated.
I am sorry Mr Creosote's dodgy old man Big Bent Bill Landeryou disgraced the high office he held through his unethical conduct and betrayed the trust placed in him by his parliamentary leader, the ALP preselectors and the people of Victoria.
i am sorry andrew landershonk is facing a long period of imprisonment at considerable cost to the taxpayer
We are sorry that your protege Darren Ray has been sent to prison.
"When Cait gets dressed in the morning, does Landeryou have to leave the room?"
No. It's the closest thing Landeryou has had to sex since he was sodomised in the remand centre.
Where does Landeryou get his information from? Richard Marles leaks to him about Gavan O'Connor in Corio. No names are mentioned except O'Connor's head honcho Rosemary Nugent. Marles knows when to stop leaking.
The Liberals have no such compunctions. The OC is full of leaks tonight about the preselection contest in Higgins. Landeryou is the son of a former ALP Cabinet Minister under John Cain yet the Libs leak to him like a sieve.
Most journalists on the daily newspapers would love his leaks. How does he do it? Is he helping the Libs to stay in opposition, even if he doesn't want to?
Perhaps Cait Catt, Catter8, Rita Randles, Delia Delegate or Freedom Freddy can help us in our search for the answer.
It been well covered here and elsewhere amongst Slanderyou commentators that Landeryou has been writing for and behalf of certain factions in the Liberal Party.
It's no surprise really.
Leaking to Landeryou works like this:
If you are a serious player with something serious to say than can be substantiated, you give it to a serious media outlet like The Australian, The Age or the Herald Sun.
If you are only some Young Liberal wannabe with only low level or malicious scuttlebut, you give it to a low level malicious blog like Mr Creosote's Blog of Filth.
12.30 insults me with his comment about "Mr Creosote's Blog of Filth."
I invented the term blog of filth and I only apply it to Slanderyou.
I object that my ideas have been plagiarised.
It's the same as my good name.
Slanderyou rarely gives me credit for my original content.
A Liberal organiser from 104 Exhibition Street, and a Baillieu supporter, wrote this on the Landeryou blog:
We welcome all dissension in the party of the pro-communist left. The ALP is a socialist party, and the enemy of free enterprise.
Gavin O'Connor did bad work for us in Corio. He wrecked the efficency of the pro-communist left. Without him we had a chance of winning Corio. Now we have to look at the 2010 when our Geelong results will help make Ted Premier. We'll win every state seat in Geelong now that the pro-communists are again running the party of union bosses and whorehouse clients.
If that's the sort of people the Liberal Party recruit to work at their head office it's no wonder the Liberal Party is in decline everywhere.
Why print that crap on Landeryou? Save it for the party faithful at Liberal Party branch meetings. But cut out the comment about whorehouse clients. It offends Liberal Party members as well.
Either Landeryou is making it all up (a fair amount is) or the far right of the Liberals are leaking like a sieve in Landeryou's direction and making fools of themselves - especially when it becomes public.
This is a great blog by the way.
My mistake, Mr Creosote. I meant to say Blog of Sleaze. By the way, when are you next in court?
Yeah, when are you next in court Landeryou. You've gone very quiet on this issue, what's up with that? Have the prosecution found something out on you that you want hushed.
hey Laanderyou, why is it that you won't say sorry?
Your history of failure suggests that it can't all be due to one big conspiracy to get you.
Surely you must be responsible and accountable for something?
I am sorry to............for Landeryou.
I am sorry to............for Landeryou.
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