Monday, March 03, 2008

Run, Fat Boy Run Movie & Egypt

Today we bring you two stories for the price of one.

Run, Fat Boy Run, the Movie

A cinematic docu-drama has been released on Andrew Landeryou titled appropriately Run, Fat Boy Run.

However, the London based biopic falls short not exploring Landeryou’s clandestine visit to Costa Rica.

The movie nonetheless much like Landeryou’s life (MUSU, IQ Corp, personal bankruptcy, his insolvent blog, and his failed online gaining spivery attempts) will undoubtedly fail at the box office replicating Landeryou’s near 100% strike rate of failure.

Landeryou is of course no stranger to ‘Hollywood fantasy’, though rumours that Landeryou played the lead character in the film Greedy Old Fat Man proved to be untrue. Landeryou was not old!

"De Nile" is a river in Egypt Andy!

Landeryou has been caught out twice by vigilant patriots.

The first was Landeryou talking to himself on his Blog of Sleaze. With a collapsing readership Landeryou is forced to regularly comment on his blog, offering the illusion that someone is interested.

The second, as illustrated by photographic evidence, is that while Landeryou may not have taken money from Saddam, he nonetheless has a habit of taking money ($3million) and not giving it back.

Is this ironic? Or rather is this a case of desperate denial!

22 Truth On Comments:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lay Off, Landeryou may be in mourning.

"RIP advertising guru Paul Tilley. The man who came up
with the McDonald's “I'm Lovin' It” slogan commited
suicide. Obviously wasn't loving it enough, sadly."

Anonymous said...

Is Landeryou a Lenny Kravitz fan?

Lenny Kravitz this week felt the need to let his bass player go. It seems he was too fat.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir/Madam,

We have nabbed a syndicate of fraudsters who specializes in document forgery, impersonation and using of fictitious offices and clandestine phone, fax and emails to defraud innocent people. On interrogation, we promised these syndicate that if they confess their evil acts, that we will help them reduce their jail terms. Based on this promise we made to them, they provided your email address as one of their victims. We don’t know if their confession that they defrauded you is correct. If indeed you lost any money to these fraudsters in the time past, please notify us with immediate effect. We have recovered enormous amount in their accounts. We have also seized and sold all their houses, companies, expensive cars, stocks and shares they bought with their ill gotten wealth for the purpose of paying their victims what they lost. Our concern now is that their victims as they enlisted are so many that all the money we realized from the sale of their belongings including the money recovered in their account will n

Reverend Barrister Willy Bayo
Centre for Cyber / Electronic Crime Control.

Cait Catt said...


Slanderyou is the BLOG of FILTH.

The term BLOG of FILTH is copyright and should not be used to describe any other blog.

As for the Rev Barrister Willy Bayo. He's a sock puppet of Slanderyou. Not only that. He's worse than a Nigerian scammer.

The OC Blog is the best blog on the net bar none. That's why it won a Walkley Blog Award.

The cats at my cattery all like the OC blogs. They all think the Slanderyou blog is the pits. A stinky dishonest blog that is full of FILTH and is vile.

Anonymous said...

And that goes from me too. Slanderyou is filthy, vile and evil.

Anonymous said...

Catter8 you are so boring. You've taken that prize off Cait Catt.

At least Cait says something original in her comments very early this morning. Her usual drivel is there about the nonsensical blog award, but he entertains us this morning with her accusation that Slanderyou has a sock puppet.

That, Cait, is really the oven calling the kettle black.

Anonymous said...

Also the blog of filth copyright.

I'd love to see an action by Cait for breach of copyright.

Don't think I'll ever see it though. It is as fatuous as catter8's claims eons ago that "I'll sue" after someone called her a lesbian.

No, there will be no legal action. That would mean both Cait and the catter revealing their true identities!

Anonymous said...

I am somewhat surprised that Landeryou hasn't censored his blog of the overwhelming criticism of his story on "Erik Ford'.

Has landeryou changed or just is being lazy?

Cait Catt said...

Rev Bayo is a SHONK.

Only SHONKS write DIRT on the BLOG of FILTH (copyright)

And a warning to Slanderyou's dirty readers. DON'T PLAGIARIZE my copyrighted phrase BLOG OF FILTH.

Slanderyou is the BLOG of FILTH and I've got copyright to prove it.

Anonymous said...

That's good advice Cait.

I've never read such foul vile lies as I read on the blog of filth, the Slanderyou Blog.

That's why Slanderyou never won a Walkley's Blog Award. Not even the kudos of Money, Carbone, Wood and Lew could do that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Catter8 homie!

Wassup! Been watching thos Disney movies and body building again?

What's a 17 y.o. Georgia home-boy doing blogging here?

Cait Catt said...

Slanderyou has plagiarised the name catter8 and put it in myspace so as to defame her.

I object to my cats being defamed. I'll leave it up to catter8 to take appropriate action but remember she's litigious and she went to see a solicitor after some evil person on this blog called her a lesbian last year.

Anonymous said...

I agree Cait. Someone has used my namesake to suggest I'm dead. I'm perfectly alive and ready to fight evil in the form of the Slanderyou filthy blog.

Anonymous said...

How dare you Cait for besmerching my reputation. I will pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Rita, the only evidence that you ever existed is that you died almost nine years ago.

The Atlanta Constitution (June 7, 1999)
RITA RANDLES, 40, of Roopville died Saturday. Funeral, 2 p.m. today, Pleasant Grove Baptist Church; Martin & Hightower Heritage Chapel.

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