Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"The online shit-sheet"
Vexnews has been described (defined?) as an " shit-sheet" by independent blog, Slackbastard.The blog continues stating: "Andrew Landeryou (is) Famous for his legal battles with businessman Solomon Lew and involvement in the scandal which destroyed the Melbourne University Student Union, Landeryou comes from pedigree Labor stock — Daddy was a Victorian State Government Minister — and uses his blog to attack factional rivals in the ALP."
It's a significant demotion for Vexnews, having previously been described as a "cesspit".
The criticism is not to be confused with Vexnews' involvement in a Stormfront related "shitstorm".
Patriots, TS will be taking a short break, and will return on 20 July.
It's a significant demotion for Vexnews, having previously been described as a "cesspit".
The criticism is not to be confused with Vexnews' involvement in a Stormfront related "shitstorm".
Patriots, TS will be taking a short break, and will return on 20 July.
Links to similar stories
Shit sheet,
Solomon Lew,
140 Truth On Comments:
What credibility has the blog cited in this posting got? I believe none. This posting is typical Slanderyou filth.
This blog of filth tried to entice me to the Melbourne Town Hall this morning, where I faced sexual assault from the Brutus Beefcake gang. Slanderyou has also sought to besmirch me by revealing that my sister works at an establishment in Elsternwick good Catholic girls like myself would never frequent.
To describe Vexnews, Australia's greatest blog, as a shitsheet is merely jealousy. The OC won a Walkley. Slanderyou never will. Vexnews would except that Slanderyou has political influence with the current Walkley judges and will prevent that from happening.
Landeryou needs a shit sheet because of his massive laxative abuse.
A diet of nothing but KFC causes terrible constipation.
Vexnews is and remains Australia's greatest news source and Slanderyou should accept that fact.
ASIO and the CIA certainly think so, and that is a supreme compliment.
"The consumer watchdog ACCC has warned about Advanced Hair after a mentally ill man was duped over a hair transplant..."
Landeryou is mad and bald and really, really bad managing money. Could it be him?
The Federal Parliament's handling of Utegate has been so fundementally tawdry and abysmal that THEY SHOULD ALL RESIGN!
For weeks it's been like watching a TV version of vexnews... smear, counter smear, and counter-counter smear. And, like vexnews, there have been lies, lies and more lies. And, like vexnews, plenty of fake comments...
Now, now, now Andrew, Cait, Ben Mohammed or whatever false name you are going by until your blood alcohol level rises another few points.
You know you didn't win a Walkley Award. You know you couldn't win a Walkley Award. And why? Because the Walkley Awards are for journalists and you are not a journalist.
You are nothing a deranged and deluded thief, fraud and failure filling in the hours before the police smash down your door and take you away by spewing bile and lies on the internet.
I was in the crowd awaiting your appearance at the Melbourne Town Hall at 11 am today, with an autograph book in hand.
Your pathetic earlier excuse--that you feared sexual assault--was silly. You, as a middle-aged man in drag, with a crim background which includes fraud and asset-stripping, would have been almost invisable among all the other corporate crims in the CBD that have stolen a quarter of my Super.
Fat Andrew Landeryou wets his pants when he gets drunk.
Sometimes he poos them too.
Just because the Turnbull Chieftainship is tottering had nothing to do with my lacklustre appearance on Lateline tonight. I am not jockeying myself as alternative opposition leader. I just had to shove Tony Abbott out of the queue, and have given Julie Bishop a hefty kick up the Kyber in case she gets any ideas.
Tony Jones's questioning was a bit nasty, especially the one asking if the opposition had committed any offences in all of this. Viewers will have noticed that I eventually said 'No'. How clear was that!
While I am in denial, I also want everyone to understand I never visit vexnews online. Neither has the opposition ever asked Mr Landeryou for advice about faking emails or comments. But I say this with due deference to Mr Landeryou's superior accomplishments in this area of cyber-crime.
We are still learning.
In a world swirling with corporate crime, advertisements that lie, and politicians grovelling over a fake email, thank God for a 'Laugh-in' style website like vexnews where ludicrous statements abound and the most dreadful libels are rolled out day after day. What a breath of putrid, stale air!
It now seems likely Federal Parliament will be decimated by Utegate, and I am offering myself and my acolytes as an alternative dictatorship government.
I, of course, will be Prime Minister and Grand Poobah.
* Cait Catt, Womens' Affairs
* H. Ross, Infrastructure
* B. Mahommed, Ethnic Affairs
* Catter8, Agriculure
* Byron Wahroonga, Interstate rels
* Anonski, Foreign Affairs
- and nearly 200 'Anonymouses' as parliamentary secretaries, govt dept heads, senior treasury officials, dirty tricks departmental staff, fake commenters, etc., etc.
I want to know more about Andrew's secret blog to devoted to his life of drag.
Landy loves enema play
Landeryou makes Sergeant Sasha give him enemas. It is rumoured that what comes out goes straight into the deep fryer then back into Landeryou.
4.58 the fake Landeryou wants to make me Minister for Womens Affairs. Stop insulting me. That's a portfolio for useless women.
I want to be Treasurer. Nothing less.
So, Cait Andy or whoever you are today, you obviously thrive on the description of Vexnews being a well deserved shit sheet?
So, Cait Andy or whoever you are today, you obviously thrive on the description of Vexnews being a well deserved shit sheet?
I have said it before: something went very badly wrong with Landeryou's toilet training.
Landy loves shit. He eats shits, drinks shit, looks like shit, writes shit, is a shit.... and so it goes.
Fat Cunt was also:
* a shit student politician
* a shit businessman
Fat Cunt is shit all the way
When Landeryou comes to join us here at Barwon I will give it to him right up the shitter
Is Landeryou aware of this announcement today (our emphasis added)?
Attorney-General, Robert McClelland, today introduced legislation into the Parliament which will implement reforms to Commonwealth laws as part of a comprehensive national response to combat serious and organised crime.
“The increasingly sophisticated and aggressive nature of organised crime requires a tough response. It is important that we have strong, tailored and effective laws in place to combat serious organised crime,” Mr McClelland said.
The reforms focus on confiscating the proceeds of crime while strengthening national law enforcement coordination and capability. The strategy is two pronged, to remove the profitability of criminal activity, and increase the likelihood of criminals being caught.
Specifically, the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Serious and Organised Crime) Bill 2009 implements measures agreed to by State and Territory Attorneys-General and will:
· strengthen criminal asset confiscation regimes;
· introduce unexplained wealth provisions that require individuals to demonstrate their wealth was legally acquired;
· enhance police powers to investigate organised crime by implementing laws for controlled operations that allow law enforcement agencies to infiltrate criminal organisations and provide protection for undercover officers;
· extend criminal liability to all individuals who jointly commit an offence; and
· broaden the list of criminal offences for which appropriate telecommunications interception powers will be available.
“These measures will target the perpetrators and profits of organised crime and will provide our law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to combat the increasingly sophisticated methods used by organised crime syndicates.”
This Bill delivers on the commitment made in the Prime Minister’s National Security Statement last year to address organised crime as a priority concern.
Media Contact: Adam Siddique 0407 --- ---
The AG's release is just more bad news for Fat Andy. Barwon Jail and the tender embrace of Brutus, Bubba and Hot Rod boys must be looking better and better.
The patriots above forgot yet another association between Landeryou and shit.
Landeryou is in the shit.
Bio-Hazard and mock journalist Landeryou can't even get his headlines right:
"WANNON WARS: 104 Exhibition Street candidate Daniel Tehan to make move for Club Feb"
Did he mean 'Club Med'?
What a complete goose!
Its very rare for a real news source to make mistakes in headlines...
Landeryou appears not to have updated the "Asides" section of his hate blog for days. Too drunk?
I am willing to proofread vexnews for litterals and other mistakes.
Too busy trying to squeeze into a frock! I am Henderson Ross.
Are you looking forward to jail, Andrew?
I saw what I saw!
Woops, wrong blog...
Repeated violent anal rape can cause incontinence. Not that Landeryou cares.
Has anyone ever eaten one of Andrew's chicken halal sausages?
My Andrew's chicken halal sausage tasted of pork. The fool is determined to start WW III.
Yeah, I reckon Andy's blog of sleaze is utter carpet, as they say my way. When you're the former WWE champion, you don't tolerate fools.
There are no Landeryou halal sausages around to eat as he scoffed the lot on the production line.
I will stick my big sausage down Landeryou's throat until he gags
I will stick my big beef sausage up Landeryou's arse
We are going to give Landeryou a sausage feast!
I fear Landeryou will die from a surfeit of sausages.
Brutus Beefcake should be in solitary. Not only in solitary but he should never be released. He is a menace to all decent members of society. As one who felt threatened with sexual assault yesterday by ex inmates of Brutus Beefcake I have even considered supporting the reintroduction of capital punishment. Brutus Beefcake should be the recipient of that punishment. He would not last long in Singapore. They are not as weak with their justice there as we are.
You could have told us all that on the steps of the Melbourne Town Hall earlier this week. Instead of proving you are not a Landeryou persona by showing yourself, you chose not to attend - leaving everyone with the lasting impression you are a tiresome, fake commenter.
While watching Utegate unfold, I have been struck by how little our federal politicians actually represent us all. Greg Combet, a former senior union official, doesn't represent all. Nither do millionaires like Kevin or Mal Turnbull and several others.
My son just found a job after three-and-a-half months unemployment thanks to the world financial crash. Centrelink and Matchworks treated him like shit. Since a mouse couldn't survive on the dole, my family's Super has been financially buggered by both the financial crash helping our son to survive unemployment.
For the past week, the 'leaders' of the nation discarded national business and have been focusing on a fake email in Canberra. In the end, they respresent no-one except themselves.
Thank God Landeryou gave up his dream of being a politician after his days in the Melbourne custody centre...
Prof that Vexnews has no financial future.
Pricing out of the market
Posted: 23 Jun 2009 03:14 PM PDT
A few years back, The Economist offered a three option subscriber plan (i) an web only subscription for $59; (ii) a print only subscription for $125 and (iii) a web and print subscription for $125. Dan Ariely points out that this makes consumers more likely to pay $125 for both as it seems like a good deal.
A Rhode Island newspaper, the Newport Daily News is trying something new:
The Daily News will now charge $145 annually to a newspaper subscriber, $245 if a subscriber wants the paper and access to the paper’s web site—and, here’s the key figure, $345 if the subscriber only wants the web site. Yes, you’re reading correctly; this means someone has to pay an extra $100 not to get the newspaper.
This is not some sort of behavioural economics experiment as The Economist blog conjectures. Instead, it is the Daily News deciding that ads don’t work on the Internet even if it costs them nothing to put content up and so they are only offering the options to subscribers. No one will pay for the Internet-only option because if you want that you can get both and throw the paper out (or send it to someone who wants it, etc). The Australian Financial Review essentially practices the same strategy. The point: it hates the web.
I meant PROOF - sorry
I haven't ever seen a hungry-looking pollie or public servant.
News feeds on SBS show that there are growing legions of pudgy politicians and public servants right around the world.
Suckling on the public purse is becoming a national and international phenomenon for the lucky and the well-connected.
Landeryou looks rather paunchy and well fed these days.
Maybe he is on the State payroll thanks to his dodgy mate Newnham?
Cossie come back! You are as un-electable as disgraced Mal Turnbull.
Loathesome privileged oafs Joe Hockey and Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott are snuffling unashamedly around Turnbull's political corpse.
You are a bully boy. An ex inmate friend of Brutus Beefcake.
I have learnt nothing on this site. Only that the slackbastard blog (to which both the great man and I have contributed) is not a blog of any great influence or value. Like Slanderyou.
Go back to Barwon 2.50.
If you ever come near my cattery 2.50 our cats will claw you and eat you. You would be safer in Barwon, where the screws are tough and won't stand nonsense from violent prisoners, like Brutus Beefcake and his vile associates.
Mal Turnbull is taking the Landeryou fifth amendment of 'privilege' on Utegate:
"(There) are whole issues of parliamentary privilege here," Mr Turnbull said.
Eff off you uselss silvertail drongo!
I'm still banned from commenting on Vexnews, while fake commenters 'Cait Catt', 'Catter8' and others are allowed to post rubbish and nonsense here freely.
Landeryou has blocked my comments, innocuous as they were, for nearly a year. It's flattering in a way, but demonstrates that vewnews is not a blog that welcomes a democratic interchange of views.
Vexnews is a closed shop of libels, lies, deceits and journalistic and image thefts.
No wonder Landeryou doesn't want this pointed out to his dwindling readership of grubby morons who are not internet savvy or democratically-minded.
Vexnews has a dwindling readership of One--Landeryou--and his army of moronic fake commenters.
Some of them, unfortunately, appear here regularly.
Sheer terror at what Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and the boys of the Hot Rod gang may have in store for him is causing the already deranged "Fat (He's Fat!)" Andrew Landeryou to behave in even more erratic ways.
Landeryou now wets himself when he hears the word "pork". He vomits at the sight of sausages, hot dogs, frankfurters, saveloys, devon, metwurst etc. Some sources say he is going off all meat.
There is mounting speculation that if he realises the prison slang connotations of "chicken" he may well starve to death.
Patriots may have noticed that criminal fugitive Andrew Landeryou is now promoting a fax number on his hate site Poxnews.
The prefix is 8456, which means the line the fax is attached to is in Melbourne's north-east.
Any further details patriots can provide may well be useful in tracking down Landeryou to his Fat Cave or identifying possible criminal associates.
Well spotted, Crimebusters.
That fax number could also be Port Melbourne, South Melbourne, Richmond and Abbotsford, as well as the CBD.
Vexnews - Australia's 4,145th most-popular website and slipping, according to Alexa. Not exactly a thriving small business; just another Landeryou misadventure.
8456 isn't Brunswick but that is where cunty would like us to think he hides out. More landeryou lies!!!!
What's the full fax number? I won't visit Poxnews as I don't want Landeryou breaking into my computer.
The Fax of Sleaze is 03 8456 6426
In other Poxnews news, Landeryou has changed his "We speak truth to power" slogan to read "We speak your truth to their power."
Landeryou is known of course for his extremely subjective interpretation of the word "truth".
Be careful with that fax number.
Don't forget that your fax number, unless the function is disabled, will show up on the printout for Landeryou to peruse.
That's why he only gives out a mobile number and a fax number. In normal circumstances, YOU are traceable if you use either.
He should of course (and is legally required to do so) publish an address since he claims he is providing a news service.
He might be an idiot, but he's not a chump! If he published his address, there would be a long queue of people outside waiting their turn to box his ears.
The Homicide Squad would have over 4000 suspects if he was ever found done away with! It would also be a Hazmat crime scene with toxic fat, bile and venom running everywhere.
When we find out where the Fat Cave is some recently released Hot Rodders will visit Landeryou to rape him up the arse.
It is better for him that he gets used to brutal anal rape sooner rather than later.
Thanks for the comments about Andrew's chicken halal sausages.
But how does one market, or get away with the fact, that the chicken was infact pork? Aren't there laws against that?
With all due respect, Mrs Idris, when did Landeryou ever obey the law? He simply believes that because his old man held minor positions of power in a provincial parliament a quarter of a century ago he is above that sort of thing.
We will try different positions with Andrew
Thank you Barwon. But I think there are definite public health and trade practices issues here.
Also, I have heard, but cannot confirm, that since the revelation about the pork/chicken substitution racket, the quality of the pork may have been suspect. I have heard that the pork consistently mostly of pork anuses. Could anyone confirm this?
$50 k from Newnham and now the suggestion of MORE money from the ALP for Landeryou:
"FAT people could be paid to lose weight under a radical plan to combat the nation's obesity crisis commissioned by the Rudd Government..."
Landy is a poo-poo man
Interesting about that fax number the loopy crim now has.
He scorns the latte belt yet lives in its very heart.
Does fatso's bent, bankrupt and disgraced old man still have his luxury latte belt house on Rathdowne Street? How?
Are a certain father and son involved?
"THE Italian mafia is targeting Melbourne as a destination for the illegal profits of organised crime as part of its global money-laundering operations, a Liberal MP says.
"Victorian member Jason Wood, a former police detective, told Federal Parliament today "every agency'' he spoke with on a recent trip to Italy said the mafia was transferring money to Melbourne..
What nonsense about money laundering. My sister told me some of her clients had earlier in the same evening been to the Mahogany Room at Crown Casino. They told her that they had a lot of money obtained illegally and they use the high rollers room to launder it and the money from Crown then becomes gambling winnings. There is no Italian mafia in Victoria because they don't have any need to launder money here. Fatt will tell you what her clients have told her about how they do it.
Terry Mulder for Premier
As a posting on Vexnews tonight says
Choo Choo Go GTM Express
Endless fake and mischievious postings by Landeryou on vexnews and The OC (and now here) have recommended the derelict and moribund Terry Mulder as a future opposition leader a premier in Victoria is laughable tomfoolery.
Poor old Terry is well past his use-by date. He betrayed the public transport users of Melbourne by sitting on his hands while the whole system self-destructed. Labor and the Libs dispensed with public ownership of public transport. The cattle-wagons bound for Auschwitz were less crowded.
The Bracks and Brumby governments let it all happen. Terry Mulder sat on his hands.
Thanks for nothing you useless twats. None of you could run a good Teddy Bears Picnic.
Oh, by the way, Connex in Stockholm runs on time, interconnects to bus services directly and is 1000% better than Connex did here.
Utegate (and the previous post) demonstrate the woeful performance of ALL our politicians over a protracted period. I'm Labor by instinct, but the State ALP has shown itself to be riven by laziness, lack of imagination and a general inability to solve the burgeoning problems Victoria faces.
A Patriot here some time ago alerted this blog to the bully-boy tactics of former NZ citizen, and now Tasmanian Liberal Neanderthal Man Senator Eric Abetz. He is a nasty piece of work who reminds me of the seething porridge of hatred Landeryou.
Mark my words, Abetz and Turnbull will be remembered for the 2009 total implosion of the federal liberal party.
Oh God, so what are we left with?
Labor at federal and state levels aren't coping. Liberals at federal level and here in victoria are at war with themselves.
I wish they would all go away!
The best news source with which to analyse the dimensions of this catastrophe, so Landeryou's fake commenters tell us, is vexnews.
Landeryou, you are a slacko, sicko and a general waste of valuable space.
Senator Eric Abetz is well in the Utegate frame. His questioning of gnome Godwin Grech laid the traps that Opposition Leader Mal Turnbull fell into. It was all too clever by far. But there were too many loose ends.
Mal is getting skewered from all sides. Basically, he's buggered.
So is Senator Abetz!
Forget about dead Nazi uncles. What about Andrew Landeryou's well document links with neo-Nazis?
The Fed Gov'ts guidelines on internet and email fraud is interesting reading!!!!!
Tragic news today: tragic news with particular resonance for patriotic folk.
Patriotic males of a certain age will be particularly sad at the death of Farrah Fawcett from anal cancer.
Some patriots expect Andrew Landeryou to also die of an anal ailment, anal haemorrhaging, on the floor of a prison cell after one of his encounters with Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and the other Hot Rodders when he goes to prison.
Paedophile Michael Jackson has died of a heart attack.
Other patriots believe political paedophile Andrew Landeryou (he likes them young and has an unnatural obsession with student politicians and Young Liberals for a 40 year old man) will succumb to a coronary as soon as he goes to Barwon and realises what Brutus Beefcake, Bubba and the other Hot Rodders have planned for him.
I won't be eating sausages anymore, thanks Andrew.
Landeryou is advertising "Memorial Michael Jackson Halal Pork Sausages" over at Poxnews.
Interesting observation about Landeryou advertising "Memorial Michael Jackson Halal Pork Sausages" over at Poxnews.
Wasn't Jackson a Jehovah Witness? Don't they also abstain from pork?
Typical Landeryou! Insulting the dead AND trying to profit from their demise.
Michael Jackson had a heart attack and escaped punishment despite the serious allegations levelled against him. The Fat Man eats five cubic metres of KFC a day washed down with 10 litres of fortified wine. Suicide by eating to avoid jail. Landeryou is seriously weird.
Many readers of Slanderyou are skeptical of my claim, based on inside sources, that ASIO and the CIA regard Vexnews as their Australian news site of choice. The fact is that our spooks are not very good and they need an alternative avenue of information. That comes from Vexnews. If readers of this blog are still skeptical read the scoop below just published on Vexnews. A brilliant leak about one of our enemies. ASIO will be very interested in this, and that's why they regularly read Vexnews, and that is a supreme compliment to Australia's greatest news site. Read on for today's scoop:
FIFTH COLUMNIST: Extreme left ALP candidate promotes rival party
By VEXNEWS ⋅ June 26, 2009
fifthcolumnist Colleen Gibbs who is running against diminutive but highly regarded Socialist Lefty Liz Beattie for ALP preselection for the state seat of Yuroke has been caught promoting a rival political party, the Socialist Alliance party and is believed to be a secret member of that virulently leftist and anti-semitic organisation.
Left insiders suspect she is a member of the Socialist Alliance Party’s Geelong branch. We understand this branch is connected with local bikie groups and others involved in crimes of violence at workplaces and elsewhere.
The Socialist Alliance party constantly and hatefully attacks Israel as an “apartheid” state, an offensive and absurd attempt to undermine Israel’s self-defence from terrorism by equating it with the former South African hate regime. Far from being an apartheid state, Israel is in fact one of the most cosmpolitan nations on earth, with people of all backgrounds in the Knessett for example, including a large number of Israeli Arabs.
VEXNEWS has obtained a copy of an email sent by Gibbs, an official at the AMWU to her comrades at the union, imploring them to attend this weekend’s Socialist Alliance Party State Conference which is even held on her union’s premises free of charge. I'll post the email later as I've exceeded the word limit.
With friends like Colleen Gibbs hoping to claim a safe seat on the backbench of his government, John Brumby must sometimes think he doesn’t need enemies.
Below is the Colleen Gibbs email and some comment about it, courtesy of Australia's greatest news site, Vexnews. Read on:
From: Colleen Gibbs
Sent: Thursday, 25 June 2009 8:26 AM
To: AMWU- VIC Officials; Frank Fairley; Georgie Kimmel
Subject: FW: IMPORTANT - Graham Brown speaking in Melbourne
Hi All,
Anyone interested in going along to this to listen to Graham are quite welcome to attend.
socialistalliance Comrade Coll enclosed a copy of the Socialist Alliance Party’s flyer with the email alongside hagiographical details of one of its lunatic left-wing speakers.
The Socialist Alliance party explains that it is an electoral coalition of several ultra-left militant groups. Its website and other propaganda frequently denounces the Labor Party and it usually preferences against Labor candidates in the inner-city in favour of their ultra-leftist Greens party cousins.
Its current site labels Labor’s Queensland Premier Anna Bligh a “thief”, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd a “racist” and a “polluter and celebrates the Greens political party’s victory over Labor in the Fremantle by-election.
Prior to the last state election, their angry rhetoric denounced the state Labor government on every conceivable issue saying “The Bracks ALP government talks out of both sides of its mouth.”
And while one of its members and promoters Colleen Gibbs wants to serve in John Brumby’s government, her party doesn’t miss him either labelling him:
■ a hypocrite who didn’t seriously oppose the Workchoices and whose decisions “demonstrate once again that the Labor Party is capable of being just as anti-worker and pro-business as the Coalition parties when it is in government”
■ a liar who misrepresented Victoria’s bushfires when the disputed his assessment of the fire risk and extent of the fires: “Far from being a “one-in-a-thousand-years event” claimed by Victorian premier John Brumby, bushfires like those in Victoria have been multiplying as average temperatures rise across eastern Australia.”
Andrew Landeryou robbed the grave of Rita Randles and stole her identity.
I suspect we will soon see deluded and deranged trolling on this site under the names of "Michael Jackson" and particularly, given Landeryou's fondness for cross-dressing, "Farrah Fawcett".
El Gordo, just because someone's server is in the US doesn't mean the reader is the CIA.
I await with interest Andy's comments as "Farrah Fawcett-Fatarse-Fraudster".
Farrah Fawcett-Fried-Fast-Food-Freak-Fatarse-Fraudster
I am now in hell where much to my surprise there is a very large area put aside with a sign that reads "Reserved for Andrew Landeryou."
Andrew is a kind, generous and God-fearing man. He will go to heaven.
The death of Michael Jackson, an outstanding performer we all love, has produced an outpouring of mourning on this blog and thoughts of the afterlife.
Let's worry about the present. Let's make our lives on this planet as comfortable as we can.
Wait until Choo Choo of the GTM Express becomes Premier.
Will the CIA have an interest in the coverage by this blog of the death of Michael Jackson?
There could be some truth in the suggestion that the CIA reads this blog. The following appeared on the blog slackbastard, the same blog that called "Australia's greatest news site" (according to Ms or Miss Catt) a shit-sheet:
Vexnews is Australia’s greatest news site. A relative of mine used to work for ASIO until a few weeks ago and he told me that Vexnews is the Australian news site of choice, not only for ASIO, but also for the CIA because Vexnews breaks stories before anyone else.
Andrew Landeryou is a genius, and the vile comments about him on certain blogs of filth are not only disgraceful, they are just professional jealousy.
Forget ASIO and the CIA. Mental health workers take a great interest in Vexnews and hold grave fears for Fat Andrew Landeryou. He is a menace to both himself and the community.
The late Rita said that Andrew will go to heaven. Presumably she knows. That is of course if she did go to heaven and that the devil didn't get her first.
Andrew Bolt was once the subject of a Rod Quantock satire - "will Andrew Bolt go to heaven?"
The performance was good fun. A lady from the CRAPOLA college (don't ask me what the acronym means but it was funny) explained the things we needed to get to heaven.
At the very end of the performance a Father Maguire from Broady told us none of us would go to heaven as there wasn't any more room. The last spaces were taken by two Andrews. One was named Bolt. The other was Landeryou.
God must be right wing.
Jacko has been dead for many years, but the media and his own family (who only visit to feast on his fortune) hadn't noticed. I've had many interesting 'pop' conversations with the King. He was the coolest, but disconcerted me by doing a moon-walk every so often.
Andrew Landeryou's personal reputation has been dead since he and his mates milked the Musu milch cow all those years ago.
Landeryou keeps my remains in a large Steggles Chicken box under his computer desk. I often hear him muttering strangely while he makes up comments with me as the signatory.
3.44 is not the dead acolyte who writes for this blog. 3.44 is another lady with the same name as the dead lady.
The 3.44 lady named Rita Randles did not go to heaven. Neither did she go to hell. She writes nothing like the dead one. All the dead Rita does is praise Andrew. Not many readers of this blog approve of that.
Terry, you lost me there somewhere!
The Devil's TV playground - Channel Nine - is becoming an bigtime online gaming promoter. There are connotations of illegality as usual. Remember Quizmania and The Mint, outstanding ripoffs, and all the porn after 11 pm. Channel Nine is becoming a 'free' to air version of vexnews. Slime, repeats, rubbish and 'news' that in the last couple of days has embarrassingly been devoted exclusively to Michael Jackson.
Cait Catt and other Landeryou fake commenters keep complaining about 'filth' on this blog, when comments on vexnews in recent days would make even the most hardened smut-peddlars blush.
Vexnews needs an 'R' rating. It is becoming a purveyor of sick, pornographic comments (many of them, regretably, faked by HRH Lord Fiftytonneguts 'Hah-Haw' Landeryou.
As usual, nothing on vexnews about the discredited new boss of Melbourne's crippled train services.
Even though Landeryou is a pariah, he still protects the sleepy, moribund Brumby government of duds.
The Age says:
THE chief executive of Melbourne's new train operator also headed a British rail company that went into administration at a huge cost to taxpayers.
Andrew Lezala, whose Metro Trains Melbourne will soon operate the city's trains, was chief executive of the British rail maintenance company Metronet from May 2005 until it went into administration in July 2007.
It collapsed with £1.7 billion ($A3.5 billion) in debt, forcing the British Government to bail it out.
A damning report on Metronet's failure, released just three weeks ago by Britain's National Audit Office, found the company's management had wasted millions of pounds of public money.
"The main cause of Metronet's failure was its poor corporate governance and leadership," the report said. "We estimate that the overall direct loss to the taxpayer arising from Metronet's administration is between £170 million and £410 million, in 2007 prices."
Apparently the staff of Connex which brought train travel in Melbourne to its knees will simply be transferred to Metro Trains Melbourne.
As Ted Bailleau, Victoria's incoming Premier, memorably said: "Same horse, different jockey".
What a joke! What a disaster! What a huge f*ck-up!
Andrew Landerahmadinejad is, like his Iranian namesake, a camel driver and madman.
Landeryou, as with President Ahmadinejad, is prepared to sacrifice everything for doctrine. And he supports George Seitz who, like many early Croatian immigrants infiltrated Australian politics, and the revolting Theophani et al, and many others.
Landeryou NEVER gets it! He is the dumbest blogger in the universe.
Vexnews is a suburban level blog that disappoints nearly everyone. Boring 'stories', a tiresome writing style and cretinous themes.
US authorities are demanding Bernard Madoff forfeit over $US170 billion in illegally obtained assets as they seek to keep the disgraced Wall Street mogul in prison for the rest of his life.
Andrew Landeryou has spent well over that amount on KFC. Every red cent of it has been looted funds.
A drunk, deluded and deranged man in a dress writes on his hate blog "Two local newspaper journalists have been accused of partly fabricating the news they publish."
Said drunk, deluded and deranged man in a dress fabricates ALL the stinking shite he publishes on his hate blog falsely labelled as "news".
Bio-Hazard and Misogynist Landeryou got a very minor fat* when he read this story in tomorrow's Age:
"Sydney Roosters hooker Jake Friend is being investigated by police for allegedly assaulting a woman at a Sydney nightclub in the early hours today".
Landeryou cheered-on the rapacious Cronulla Sharks after their Christchurch sex melee was unveiled.
But all that noisy rattling when he handles the Steggles Chicken box that contains Rita Randles remains [June 27, 2009 3:44:00 AM} is necromancy taken several steps too far.
* Blood pressure problems apparently.
Mr Landeryou is launching his new line 'Halal Sydney Roosters' in a fortnight.
Our PR people have contacted police about the constant rumours that his Halal Chicken products taste of pork. Mr Landeryou calls his product "basar lavan", which means 'white meat'. Chooks are white meat too. What's the problem?
Our R & D people are looking at shrimp and horse flavoured chook.
Honestly, this is absolute crap when pigs' tripe with pink dye is sold as seafood (posing as crab extenders) at Subway and hundreds of other outlets all over Melbourne. As usual, Mr Landeryou is being persecuted for his religious and personal beliefs.
Youse are all complete chicken shits!
Andrew's new 'Halal Crab Shticks' are both halal and kosher.
A quick Google of the interwebs revealed to Andrew that people are grossly ignorant about 'crab extenders' and 'crab sticks'. Some of them were deluded enough to imagine there is some seafood content. You idiots!
Since the scam is so widespread, Andrew took up the challenge of making Crap Sticks, sorry, I mean Crab Shticks, out of effluvium and certain other common waste products.
If anyone can turn sheep shit into strawberry jam, it is Andrew! He is a culinary genius.
Nothing new on vexnews again this weekend because the world's laziest blogger, fraud, corporate asset stripper, stalker and internet libeller has taken time off again.
Landeryou even missed the demise of Michael Jackson (although I definitely saw Jacko and Elvis in Myer this afternoon).
Landeryou isn't a real journalist's back passage...
Nothing new on Poxnews all weekend!
Some patriotic people understand Fat Andrew was incapably drunk by Friday lunchtime and still remains that way.
There was a further reason for the lack of updates.
Fat Andrew is now so fat that his arms got stuck in sleeves of his favourite dress. He was so drunk his efforts to extract himself only made things worse. He ended up in a tangled mess on the floor of the Fat Cave until Sergeant Sasha found a freed him this morning.
The ATO, Interpol, El Gordo's creditors and Victorian defamation lawyers have more possible interest in VexNews than ASIO and the CIA.
Non-entities on outer Melbourne councils are only of interest to throwaway weekly newspapers.
(And atleast those papers have more use - such as wrapping up garbage, lining budgie cages and catching drops of paint.)
Pls go away, Landeryou, and do something useful with your life. Redeem yourself. Middle age is a stone's throw away and the achievements of your youth are few and poorly rendered.
Run for local council if you think you can get elected. (Oh sorry, forgot bankrupt, torched alliances and too laughable as candidate.)
Andy seems to have eaten too many of his past used by date pork halal sausages!
Some curious news on Andy's transvestitism. Andy wants to live his life as woman both to help avoid the law and because of his own psycho-sexual complexities. But he chooses to wear dresses rather than, say, pantsuits, because they have practical benefits too. Andy's bizarre diet and gross intemperance mean his bowel and bladder movements are unpredictable in the extreme. He has discovered that dresses worn sans knickers minimise awkward accidents, or at least mean no soiled underwear.
Landeryou wears a dress with no knickers? That will make things easier.
I reckon!
Our bloody oath!
Brutus Beefcake is filthy.
Wearing no knickers is outrageous.
In America it's called going commando.
You seem to know a lot about that subject Cait.
My mother told me to always wear knickers in case I wet my pants.
My mother told me to always wear knickers in case I wet my pants.
The late Rita said that Andrew will go to heaven. Presumably she knows. That is of course if she did go to heaven and that the devil didn't get her first.
Andrew Bolt was once the subject of a Rod Quantock satire - "will Andrew Bolt go to heaven?"
The performance was good fun. A lady from the CRAPOLA college (don't ask me what the acronym means but it was funny) explained the things we needed to get to heaven.
At the very end of the performance a Father Maguire from Broady told us none of us would go to heaven as there wasn't any more room. The last spaces were taken by two Andrews. One was named Bolt. The other was Landeryou.
God must be right wing.
So is Senator Abetz!
Be careful with that fax number.
Don't forget that your fax number, unless the function is disabled, will show up on the printout for Landeryou to peruse.
Cossie come back! You are as un-electable as disgraced Mal Turnbull.
Loathesome privileged oafs Joe Hockey and Tony 'The Mad Monk' Abbott are snuffling unashamedly around Turnbull's political corpse.
I will stick my big sausage down Landeryou's throat until he gags
"The consumer watchdog ACCC has warned about Advanced Hair after a mentally ill man was duped over a hair transplant..."
Landeryou is mad and bald and really, really bad managing money. Could it be him?
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2020.06.05酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容前「5566」成員小刀(彭康育)近年來轉居幕後,擔任娛樂公司執行長,而他同時也是「台玻集團」的駙馬爺,怎料今(3)爆出他和一名正妹過從甚密,經過調查後,驚人發現這名正妹姓甘,是「我在酒店上班的日子酒店名花」花名Amber,不僅和小刀有曖昧,同時和某科技小開上演愛的親親,甚至時間點就在見完小刀之後的隔天。據《不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因》報導,小刀5月1日開始進出Amber的家中,5月19日就被直擊開著白色座車,停進正妹位在內湖區的豪宅停車場,約莫一個小時之後,才取車離開,結果酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金就在隔一天也就是5月20日,換成另一名小開送Amber回家,晚上11點Amber要下車時還捧著一大束的玫瑰花,接著小開拉下Amber的口罩,霸氣親了上去,但Amber不想直接被親嘴,最後小開只親到臉頰。報導指出酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?,這名小開是身價3、40億的科技少東,而Amber的同事則爆料,職場須知 【酒店PT 】Amber手腕相當高明,通常對象不會只有一個,還清一色都是多金男,不過Amber已經有半年時間沒到酒店上班,或許就是因為很多愛慕者都主動送金,才能住在豪宅裡,過著貴婦般的生活;報導提到,Amber所待的酒店,消費方式是以10分鐘為1節計算,1節155元上下,小框15節、大框50節,粗估一晚都要消費萬元以上。
Thank you
Tu vi hang ngay tuoi Canh Ty sinh nam 1960
Tu vi hang ngay tuoi Tan Suu sinh nam 1961
Tu vi hang ngay tuoi Nham Dan sinh nam 1962
Tu vi hang ngay tuoi Quy Mao sinh nam 1963
Tu vi hang ngay tuoi Giap Thin sinh nam 1964
Tu vi hang ngay tuoi At Ty sinh nam 1965
Tu vi hang ngay tuoi Dinh Mui sinh nam 1967
我在酒店上班的日子這行業所面對就只是"人" 你把人性搞定了 其他就簡單了很多人離開這行時會覺得應對進退的能力變好了。
因此人際關係-酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?真的是非常的重要 在這行就是大家常說的【手腕】。
手腕不只是對客人 對其它人【姐妹們 業績幹部 店家行政和少爺】酒店小姐去酒店上班都一定要出場接s嗎?也是非常重要!
1. 酒店小姐上班通常會取什麼名字?和其它姐妹的互動關係要好:姐妹們在上檯時可以互相幫忙!
今天你幫她 下次換她幫你 和客人不會天天碰面,但她們可是天天見面的人若在同包廂時 同事彼此默契良好 氣氛很熱絡 客人自然開心 姊妹們賺起錢來也開心不是嗎?
2.和幹部關係也要好:因為店裡客人都是幹部們努力帶進來的 ,一家店的生意量絕對是靠大家的努力,所以要有幹部緣 當幹部喜歡你 她帶客人來消費時 就會特別說你的好話 讓客人選擇妳 增加上檯機會。
3.和行政關係要好:他們可都是很辛苦的呢!一個月薪水又沒有我們多 每天要做這麼長的時間 且他們腦裡有很多寶等我們去挖掘呢!若他們給妳工作上的方便 是好處多多(如遲到不扣錢)(甚至請假可以不用補班)
4.和少爺關係要好:千萬不要覺得他們只是服務生 想想自已喝醉時 少爺是會適時的保護你 貼心的送杯熱茶 和他們好最簡單的方式就是~幫他們跳小費!
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