We should of course remind readers that we first exposed Landeryou as claiming to be a member of the AWU as far back as 1999.
As Andrew Landeryou’s unofficial but accurate biographer, Team Slanderyou continually finds reoccurring themes in AL’s story.
One is his ability to break commitments and pledges.
A prominent example of this was his persistent breaching of the AJA Code of Ethics, when he was a member of that proud union.
Another occurred when he was a member of the ALP.
As part of the annual membership (renewal) pledge, the member must comply that: “If I employ labour, I will actively encourage trade union membership”. Advice we received is that, the now Liberal Party blogger, but then employer at IQ Corp didn’t always comply with this pledge.
Is Andrew commitment phobic?
Ps: happy weekend.
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1 week ago
13 Truth On Comments:
As usual Slanderyou's venality matched only in intensity by those masters of slime from the Aged, Carbone and Money. Who exposed the Melbourne City Clowncil? Landeryou. Who exposed the overpaid and underworked Council officers? Landeryou.
Read the full text of the expose, straight from the best blog on the net:
Bloated: Melbourne City Council Sharpens The Axe But Won't Have The Courage To Swing
Melbourne Council's smiling assassin John So might be finally about to wield the knife on possibly the most bloated bureaucracy outside India.
He has commissioned a report from Ernst Young, overpriced consultants observing everything and alienating everyone, who have reported *shock horror* that there is an excess of management positions at the Clowncil. The OC is happy to provide such reports for nothing, it should be noted. Most amusingly of all the consultants noted that the Council was too reliant on consultants, gold-plated ass-covering for folk who never want to actually recommend anything in case someone realises how stupido they are.
The report cost a fortune but might save enough to buy all the tea in China or Tianjin as the case may be, with identified savings of $5 million per annum.
Hopefully the consensus style Mayor and the no-name Councillors will fire up and scorch a few of the pampered ones in Council House. But it will take the co-operation of the CEO who appears to be guilty of hiring a good number of the $100K+ managers himself.
We suspect - as ever - that not much will change in there.
Game on.
How does Landeryou manage to write so well? His sources are incredible.
"Is Andrew commitment phobic?"
Obviously, YES.
Well done Slanders, another great expose of Landeryou.
Just shows that Landeryou can't keep to his word.
Is it true that Dean Sherriff recently joined the AMWU Metals Division? That could only spell trouble...
His previous membership of the Vehicle Division may mean he sides with the Jones crew.
Is it true that Dean Sherriff recently joined the AMWU Mentals Division? That could only spell trouble...
His previous membership of the Vehicle Division may mean he sides with the Jones crew.
Why do people post such drivel on this blog. Slanderyou is not a person of great integrity, as his false criticisms of the great man and Walkley Blog Award winner Andrew Landeryou demonstrate.
Cait Catt = Andrew Landeryou writing about himself. How pathetic. How sad. Andrew has been a member of a number of unions and looted them all. Remember MUSU. Sent bankrupt by Andrew & his minions. This crook needs to be in jail.
7.59 is pathetic. The attacks on the great man on this blog are despicable. Only George Seitz has probably been the subject of more abuse in the Aged newspaper. George is one of our best MPs. Read all about him below in a story first published on the Landeryou blog today. Read first published. The Aged will certainly copy it and attack it. Read on:
CUNNING LINGUIST: George Seitz Freedom Fighter Hailed In Northern Badlands
"If you're going to try to bury me, make sure you nail the coffin shut."
If the OC was ever going to pony up for a tattoo (admittedly a highly unlikely prospect), it would contain those words of freedom.
Equally, it is true of the Honourable patriot George Seitz MLA for Keilor.
Last night, the all-conquering hero of the west was greeted thunderously in Melbourne's northern suburbs at the inaugural meeting of the Thomastown West branch of the ALP.
George Seitz was the life of the party as he surprised the Macedonian language speakers in the crowd by giving an oration in their native tongue. We understand that George speaks several languages, a valuable weapon in the war against socialism in the suburbs.
As part of the ALP State Conference backed plan for promoting Party membership in areas with lacklustre representation, many people came along to express their support.
A cross-factional gathering, chaired by the NUW faction's Lisa Carey and supported by the Minister for Victorian Communities and How To Vote Cards Socialist Leftista Peter Batchelor, there was a very positive vibe at the prosperous and crowded Brookwood Receptions in Thomastown indeed with many patriots expressing support for the rotten boroughs of membership being opened up to the community in this way.
Earl Setches, the secretary of the plumbers union, spoke up in support of the branch too, representing the mighty coalition of the Union and Community Alliance, he has been working closely with the community to increase the number of plumbing apprenticeships to help the patriots climb of ladder of opportunity.
Batchelor of the Socialist Left told the local Macedonian community that he was delighted they had formed an ALP branch and that they could count on his support. Although one observer noted that the grey ghost minister himself looked like he was on life support.
Game on.
sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.
Andrew resorts to posting here under a pseudonym in order to make himself heard.
2.29 is not only sad and pathetic. He is also defamatory. I am not Andrew Landeryou and I am not a lesbian.
Well said Cait. Me too. I am neither Andrew Landeryou nor am I a lesbian lover of Cait. I keep my promise. I'll sue if anyone else says I am.
I've made my point before about only people with real identities being able to sue
sue on!
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