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Vote Liberal. Read our media releases:
Author : Terry Mulder MLA
While Steve Bracks boasts about Victoria's budgetary surplus, he is working behind the scenes with Roads and Ports Minister Tim Pallas to delay at least $67.7 million in previously announced road construction projects so that Labor can find the spare cash Steve Bracks said on 12 December 2006 it would for the remaining, unbudgeted $62.5 million cost of the Geelong Ring Road Stage 4 (Anglesea Road overpass.)
Shadow Minister for Roads, Terry Mulder, today called upon Minister Pallas to explain why VicRoads had failed to call tenders for the George St overpass in Dandenong, further Barwon Heads Bridge works and duplication of the Bass Highway near Bass in south Gippsland.
"The Anglesea Road works for which the 2007/08 Budget provided $25 million in 2007/08 and $37.5 million in 2008/09 are unlikely to be tendered before December 2007, yet Tim Pallas is ensuring that some Victorian road contractors and their staff have little or no work in the pipeline while he quietly puts at least $67.7 million of other Victorian road projects on the 'never-never.'"
Mr Mulder said that the 'Revitalising central Dandenong' brochure issued by VicUrban and the City of Greater Dandenong had an 'indicative project timeline' of between mid-2006 and mid-2007 for construction of the George St, Dandenong bridge over the railway line to link Dandenong's CBD with the former saleyards area to the south, but tenders had still not been called.
"The brochure has an unsmiling Steve Bracks saying that 'everyone knows that without ongoing investment even the best cities begin to suffer.'
"The then Minister for Major Projects, John Lenders, announced this $17.5 million Dandenong road overpass on 26 September 2005, almost two years ago. Minister Lender's successor Theo Theophanous has failed to convince Tim Pallas and VicRoads to seek tenders.
"Without this bridge, Melbourne's second largest bus company, Grenda Corporation, will find it difficult to relocate to its new Dandenong premises that will be to the south of the railway line."
Mr Mulder said that on 30 May 2006, former Minister for Transport Peter Batchelor announced $21.1 million for funding of the Barwon Heads Bridge through the 2006-07 State Budget's Regional Roads Package.
"The State Budget papers said that this funding would come from the Better Roads Victoria Trust Fund. More than a year later, VicRoads has yet to call tenders.
Mr Mulder said that on 25 August 2006, Minister Batchelor announced $29.1 million in funding for duplication of the Bass Highway between King and Woolmers Road in south Gippsland.
"Minister Batchelor said that 10,000 vehicles a day use this section of the Bass Highway and that it provided 'essential access' to what he called 'the State's premier tourist attractions' such as the Phillip Island Penguin Parade.
"In Minister Batchelor's words, it is 'essential' that Steve Bracks calls tenders now for all these deferred roads projects without further delays to the Anglesea Road project", Mr Mulder said.
Contact: Terry Mulder 0408 377 316/ 9651 8394
landeryou apparently hates Canadians on 457 visas!
so add Canadians, to the list consisting of muslims, palestinians, people who are into progressive politics, the ALP, the jewsih business community, anyone who is successful
have i left anyone off the list?
eventually Andy will have a chip on his shoulder against everyone, for even the smallest reasons - before even turning in himself
He'll start penning rabid diatribes denouncing his obese fixation with KFC...
I hear that The Australian is tired of Andy stealing their stories, passing them of as his own, then relinking back to the Australian as some sort of confirmation!
Andrea Coote is getting wonderful publicity on the Slanderyou blog. Congratulations 104. You are much smarter than Delia or Cait.
you can also add Chinese to the Landeryou's hate list
Andy has written a BS story accusing the Melbourne City Council of age discriminiation for 'sacking' a 15yo model.
What is Andy's problem - does he really like them young?
Anon Wednesday, July 18, 2007 12:45:00 PM, Landeryou's arguement appears to be that 15 year olds should be put to work!
Obviously he supports child labour!
Slanderyou should do an expose on on how Landeryou supports child labour, if not slavery!
It's rather amazing that landeryou. who promotes himself as a liberatarian, is in fact a promoter of contravening child labour, and international conventions on the rights of children
Landeryou is like the AWB - a sanction buster!
Where is the inquiry into Landeryou's promotion of wantingly breaking child labour laws?
at first i was sceptical, but i have come around to Slanderyou's findings that Landeryou is indeed a blogger for the Liberal party.
How else do you explain his writings yesterday about the Liberal and the Greens trading perferences. he wouldn't have known that unless he was linked in hard into the Liberals!
Here's a headline that I found amusing.
'THE MAESTRO: Theo Theophanous Has Lunch With The Age Editor Andrew Jaspan'
More importantly, there wasn't a single hint of a suggestion inthe article that Jaspan was on his last legs, or even on his way out.
It seems Theophanous doesn't seem to think it's a waste of time breaking bread with an editor 'who's living on borrowed time'.
In fact, there's been very little mention of Jaspan's 'impending demise'of late. Funny how he goes quiet when he's proven wrong. Or someone hits a little too close to home...
Anon Thursday, July 19, 2007 4:59:00 PM
thoroughly agree wiht you
Looks like Theo has f*&ked Landeryou good and proper
It's rather amazing that landeryou. who promotes himself as a liberatarian, is in fact a promoter of contravening child labour, and international conventions on the rights of children
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